opts_knit$set(root.dir="..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
# Connect to the database
con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")


Formatting data for users

Monthly data from the last 3 years are needed, people don’t like to work with flat files.

Data format: Declarant, partner, product codes, flow, with time columns

In the long term there should be a simple interface to search the SQL database.

File naming convention

CSV explort example

UK import from Indonesia

tbl(con, "vld_comext_reporter") %>% collect() %>% 
    filter(grepl("Kingdom", reporter))
# UK reportercode is 6
tbl(con, "vld_comext_partner") %>% collect() %>% 
# Indonesia partnercode is 700
# recent data
wpukind_r <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_monthly_201709") %>% 
    filter(reportercode == 6 & partnercode == 700) %>% 
    addproreppar2tbl(con, .) %>% 
    # show_query() %>% 

# archive data
wpukind_a <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_monthly_2016S1") %>% 
    filter(reportercode == 6 & partnercode == 700) %>% 
    addproreppar2tbl(con, .) %>% 

# bind archive and recent data, keep only imports
wpukind <- rbind(wpukind_a, wpukind_r) %>% 
    filter(flowcode == 1)

# keep only product 44
wpukind44 <- wpukind %>% filter(productcode == 44)
wpukind44182080 <- wpukind %>% filter(productcode == 44182080)

# Keep only furniture product 94
wpukind94 <- wpukind %>% filter(productcode == 94)
wpukind94036090 <- wpukind %>% filter(productcode == 94036090)

write.csv(wpukind44, "/tmp/comext/ukindonesia44.csv")
write.csv(wpukind94, "/tmp/comext/ukindonesia94.csv")
# 2 highest traded products at the 8 digit level

write.csv(wpukind44182080, "/tmp/comext/ukindonesia44182080.csv")
write.csv(wpukind94036090, "/tmp/comext/ukindonesia94036090.csv")

# keep only product with highest import in value over the period
# Calculate highest import value
wpukind %>% group_by(productcode) %>% 
    summarise(tradevalue = sum(tradevalue)) %>% 

# Wood products
       aes(x = as.factor(period), y = tradevalue)) +
    geom_point() + ylab("Trade value in 1000€")

List of VPA countries

Spread data along the period

In short: statregime should be included, otherwise there are duplications of the trade flows. Monthly data from the last 3 years are needed, Data format: Declarant, partner, product codes, flow, with time columns

Export csv based on raw data for a test

productanalysed <- "44071091"
# Load recent montly raw data for one product
dtfr <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_monthly_201709") %>%
    filter(productcode == productanalysed) %>%
    # Add quantity units
    eutradeflows::addunit2tbl(con, maintbl = .,
                              tableunit = "vld_comext_unit")  %>%
    # Add productdescription, reporter and partner
    addproreppar2tbl(con,.) %>% 

dtfr %>% 
    select(productcode, reportercode, partnercode, flowcode, unitcode,
           period, quantity,
           productdescription, reporter, partner, statregime) %>%
    group_by(period) %>%
    # Create a unique id (optional)
    # unite(id, reportercode, partnercode, productcode, flowcode, statregime,
          # remove = FALSE) %>% 
    spread(period, quantity) %>% 
    # Move description to the back
    select(-productdescription, productdescription) %>% 
    write.csv("/tmp/comext/raw.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Develop the function that will export validated data to csv

productanalysed <- "44071190" #"44071091"
periodstart <- (as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y")) - 3) * 100
tableread <- "vld_comext_monthly"

# Load recent montly raw data for one product
dtf <- tbl(con, tableread) %>%
    filter(productcode == productanalysed &
               period > periodstart) %>%
    # Add productdescription, reporter and partner
    addproreppar2tbl(con,.) %>% 
    collect() %>% 
    # Add flow information, import export, 
    # cannot be done in addproreppar2tbl because the little data frame
    # is not present in the database 
    left_join(data_frame(flow = c("import", "export"), flowcode = 1:2),
              by = "flowcode")  %>% 
    mutate(quantity = round(quantity),
           # Cut long partner description
           partner = substr(partner, 0, 40),
           # Replace empty partner by the partner code
           partner = ifelse(, partnercode, partner),
           # Rename Germany so that it's consistent with partner name
           reporter = if_else(grepl("Fr Germany",reporter),
                              "Germany", reporter)) 

csvfile <- "/tmp/comext/vld.csv"

# Spread quantity data along the period and write to a csv file
dtf %>%
    # Keep only these columns
    select(productcode, flow, statregime, flag, reporter, partner,
           reportercode, partnercode, flowcode, unitcode,
           period, quantity,
           productdescription) %>%
    # Collapse flags present in the given line together
    group_by(productcode, flowcode, reportercode, partnercode, statregime) %>% 
    mutate(flag = paste(unique(flag), collapse = ", ")) %>% 
    spread(period, quantity) %>% 
    # Move description and code to the last columns
    select(-productdescription, -reportercode, -partnercode, -flowcode, -unitcode,
           productdescription, reportercode, partnercode, flowcode, unitcode) %>% 
    arrange(productcode, flowcode, reporter, partner) %>% 
    write.csv(csvfile, row.names = FALSE, na="")

Use the write2csv_spread and write2csv_long functions on one product

swdpine <- loadflows(con, productanalysed = "44071190", periodstart = 201700, 
                     tableread = "vld_comext_monthly") %>% 
# Write the wide format
write2csv_spread(swdpine, "/tmp/comext/swdpine_spread.csv")
readLines("/tmp/comext/swdpine_spread.csv", 5)
# Write the long format
write2csv_long(swdpine, "/tmp/comext/swdpine_long.csv")
readLines("/tmp/comext/swdpine_long.csv", 5)

Use the write2csv functions on many products

tableread <- "vld_comext_monthly"
vld <- tbl(con, tableread) %>%
    distinct(productcode) %>% collect()
       function(p) loadflows(con, p) %>% formatflows() %>% write2csv_spread(paste0("/tmp/",p,".csv")))

message("If there is no quantity, do not export the file")
message("Add cleanallcomextcodes(con) to the cleancomext function")

# On the server (make this into a function)
    con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")
    tableread <- "vld_comext_monthly"
    vld <- tbl(con, tableread) %>%
        distinct(productcode) %>% collect()
           function(p) loadflows(con, p) %>% formatflows() %>%  write2csv_spread(paste0("/mnt/sdb/data_raw/csv/8d/",p,".csv")))

Prepare aggregates and all products for codes at the higher level

6 digit level

All products under a given 6 digit level product

productanalysed <- 440712
periodstart <- (as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y")) - 3) * 100
tableread <- "vld_comext_monthly"

# Edit the pattern
productpattern <- paste0(productanalysed, "%")
dtf <- tbl(con, tableread) %>%
    filter(productcode %like% productpattern &
               period > periodstart) %>% 
    addproreppar2tbl(con,.) %>% 

Use the function

Aggregates at the 6 digit level

productanalysed <- 440712
periodstart <- 201600
tableread <- "vld_comext_monthly"

# Edit the pattern
productpattern <- paste0(productanalysed, "%")
dtf <- tbl(con, tableread) %>%
    filter(productcode %like% productpattern &
               period > periodstart) %>% 
    group_by(period, reportercode, partnercode, flowcode, unit, statregime) %>% 
    summarise_at(vars(tradevalue, weight, starts_with("quantity")), 
                 sum) %>%
    # Cannot use addproreppar2tbl() because of the error below
    # addproreppar2tbl(con, .) %>% 
    # Error: `by` can't contain join column `productcode` which is missing from LHS
    left_join(tbl(con, "vld_comext_reporter"),
              by = "reportercode") %>%
    left_join(tbl(con, "vld_comext_partner"),
              by = "partnercode") %>%
    collect() %>% 
    mutate(productcode = as.character(productanalysed)) %>% 
    left_join(collect(tbl(con, "vld_comext_product")),
              by = "productcode") 

Write aggregates to a csv file

Use the function

4 digit level

All products at the 4 digit level

Aggregates at the 4 digit level

# 4407

Aggregates at the 2 digit level

# 44


Issues when statregime is not included

productanalysed <- "44071091"
dtfr <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_monthly_201709") %>%
    filter(productcode == productanalysed) %>%

# Spread the data as-is (droping the statregime column) returns an error 
    dtfr %>% 
        select(ends_with("code"), period, quantity) %>% 
        spread(period, quantity)
# Error: Duplicate identifiers for rows (907, 908), (933, 934), (723, 724), (744, 745),
# There are indeed duplicated rows, except for the statregime which is different

# Creating an additional index as explained in StackOverflow answers
dtfr %>% 
    select(ends_with("code"), period, quantity) %>% 
    group_by(period) %>%
    mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
    spread(period, quantity)
# Leads to a lot of row duplication and a lot of empty column values
# In fact I needed to keep the statregime column as a variable before the spread

stix-global/eutradeflows documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 9:23 p.m.