# This vignette should be edited in the /vignettes folder
# Documentation on how to build vignettes in http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/vignettes.html
# To build this vignette run 
# Then rebuild the package CTRL+SHIFT+B so that the vignette is 
# integrated to the package documentation
# Do not evaluate code chunks below, only display code

Load data into MariaDB

Install a MariaDB database server and client

Install mariadb server and client on Debian

sudo apt installmariadb-server
sudo apt install libmariadbclient-dev

Make sure the tradeflows package is also installed. It contains the database configuration in inst/config/databaseconfig.R Note: this should probably be changed to environment variables.

Create a database

In bash enter the following commands:

sudo mariadb

Then at the MariaDB prompt:

CREATE USER 'R'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'localhost';
CREATE USER paul@localhost;
create database tradeflows;
connect tradeflows;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tradeflows. * TO R@localhost;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tradeflows. * TO paul@localhost;

Create a database structure

Recreating the empty database structure:

# create emtpty database structure for raw codes
eutradeflows::createdbstructure(sqlfile = 'raw_comext.sql', dbname = 'tradeflows')
# create empty database structure for validated codes
eutradeflows::createdbstructure(sqlfile = 'vld_comext.sql', dbname = 'tradeflows')

Load table dumps into the database structure

    path <- '/tmp/comext_sql_dump/'
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_monthly.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_monthly_template.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_partner.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_product.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_reporter.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_unit_description.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_unit.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_comext_yearly_template.sql.7z'))
    eutradeflows::loadtabledump('tradeflows', file.path(path,'raw_flow_yearly.sql.7z'))

harvest metadata

The issue was that the metadata was empty for the countries. There was metadata for products however.

    data_raw_path <- "/tmp/data_raw"
    # Connect to the database
    con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")
    eutradeflows::createdbstructure(sqlfile = 'raw_comext.sql', dbname = 'tradeflows') 
    tradeharveseter::harvestcomextmetadata(con, data_raw_path)

    # Issues with partner code lead me to load them separately not needed if everything works well
    # Write partner codes to the database
    # tradeharvester::writetxtcodes2db(con, "raw_comext_partner",
    #                                  file.path(data_raw_path, 
    #                                            "/comext/COMEXT_METADATA/CLASSIFICATIONS_AND_RELATIONS/ENGLISH/PARTNERS.txt"),
    #                                  columnnames = c("partnercode", "datestart", "dateend",
    #                                                  "partner", "datestart2", "dateend2"))
    # Disconnect from the database

Clean comext codes

    # Conect to the DB
    con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")
    # Extract unique match between each code and their most recent description
    # Note: the raw data contains repeated codes because the description changes over time. 
    # Check for the presence of codes 
    reporter <- tbl(con, "vld_comext_reporter") %>% collect()    
    partner <- tbl(con, 'vld_comext_partner') %>% collect()
    product <- tbl(con, 'vld_comext_product') %>% collect()
    unit <- tbl(con, 'vld_comext_unit') %>% collect()
    unit_description <- tbl(con, 'vld_comext_unit_description') %>% collect()
    # Disconnect from the DB 

Clean data

See the other vignette on the cleaning procedure.

Load data into MySQL (outdated)

These methods are outdated and only kept here for historical purposes

Load a dump

The following commands can be used to load mysql dump files: ```{bash eval=FALSE} 7zr e raw_comext_monthly_201708.sql.7z cat raw_comext_monthly_201708.sql | mysql tradeflows

## Create a dump
[how to compress a mysqldump with 7z via a pipe?](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/232006/how-to-compress-a-mysql-dump-using-7z-via-a-pipe)
First version needed to make sure the archive doesn't exist already 
other wise it would contain the SQL dump twice.
See Paul's question on stackexchange 
[How to overwrite content in a 7z archive created from a pipe?](https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/386913/how-to-overwrite-content-in-a-7z-archive-created-from-a-pipe)
The answer is to supply a name for the file generated from standard input, 
within the `-si` option, such as `-sifilename`.

```{bash eval=FALSE}
# prefer 7zr to 7z as this is the only one available on the server
cd _server_path_/sqldump

# Recent data
mysqldump tradeflows raw_comext_monthly_201708 | 7zr a -siraw_comext_monthly_201708.sql raw_comext_monthly_201708.sql.7z
mysqldump tradeflows raw_comext_monthly_201709 | 7zr a -siraw_comext_monthly_201709.sql raw_comext_monthly_201709.sql.7z

# Monthly archive
mysqldump tradeflows raw_comext_monthly_2016S1 | 7zr a -si raw_comext_monthly_2016S1.sql.7z

# Dump validated codes
mysqldump tradeflows vld_comext_product | 7zr a -si vld_comext_product.sql.7z
mysqldump tradeflows vld_comext_reporter | 7zr a -si vld_comext_reporter.sql.7z
mysqldump tradeflows vld_comext_partner | 7zr a -si vld_comext_partner.sql.7z

Create an R function that dumps a database table to a given folder location. If the archive exists already, do not recreate it, unless force=TRUE. If force=TRUE, delete the archive. If the archive doesn't exist, compress the output of mysqldump and store it in the given folder.

Create an R function that dumps all tables in the trade flows database, each table in a separate .sql.7z file.

Create an R function that dumps all tables containing a given pattern in their names, such as "monthly" or "yearly".

Load data into PostGres

Create a PostGres database

See my blog post on postgresql to see how to install PostgreSQL, create a user called "rdb" and a database called "tradeflows" for use with R.

Connect to the database

Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL

Install pgloader on Debian:

sudo apt install pgloader

Login as the postgres user and create a database

sudo su postgres
createdb -O paul tradeflows_migrated

Transfer data from the mysql database to postgresql

pgloader mysql://paul@localhost/tradeflows postgresql:///tradeflows_migrated

Pgloader log

$ pgloader mysql://paul@localhost/tradeflows postgresql:///tradeflows_migrated
2020-10-12T12:02:13.017000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.1"
2020-10-12T12:02:13.053000Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://paul@localhost:3306/tradeflows {1005D87DD3}>
2020-10-12T12:02:13.054000Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://paul@UNIX:5432/tradeflows_migrated {1005ED33C3}>
2020-10-12T12:48:20.720000Z LOG report summary reset
                             table name     errors       rows      bytes      total time
---------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                        fetch meta data          0         62                     0.085s
                         Create Schemas          0          0                     0.002s
                       Create SQL Types          0          0                     0.009s
                          Create tables          0         34                     0.062s
                         Set Table OIDs          0         17                     0.012s
---------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
          tradeflows.raw_comext_monthly          0   34549076     2.5 GB      12m43.856s
 tradeflows.raw_comext_monthly_template          0          0                     0.014s
          tradeflows.raw_comext_partner          0        338    20.5 kB          0.028s
         tradeflows.raw_comext_reporter          0         29     1.6 kB          0.033s
 tradeflows.raw_comext_unit_description          0         34     2.6 kB          0.054s
tradeflows.raw_comext_yearly_env_impact          0  122689986     8.8 GB      36m23.685s
          tradeflows.raw_comext_product          0      31215     5.6 MB          2.251s
             tradeflows.raw_comext_unit          0       5585   179.8 kB          1.148s
           tradeflows.raw_comext_yearly          0    8027695   589.5 MB        5m2.414s
  tradeflows.raw_comext_yearly_template          0          0                     0.038s
          tradeflows.vld_comext_partner          0        295     5.2 kB          0.043s
          tradeflows.vld_comext_product          0      29390     4.0 MB          1.185s
             tradeflows.vld_comext_unit          0       5585   136.2 kB          0.268s
 tradeflows.vld_comext_monthly_template          0          0                     0.002s
  tradeflows.vld_comext_priceconversion          0          0                     0.007s
         tradeflows.vld_comext_reporter          0         29     0.3 kB          0.004s
 tradeflows.vld_comext_unit_description          0         32     1.1 kB          0.006s
---------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                COPY Threads Completion          0          4                 36m23.734s
                         Create Indexes          0         45                1h2m22.680s
                 Index Build Completion          0         45                  9m43.159s
                        Reset Sequences          0          0                     0.061s
                           Primary Keys          0          0                     0.000s
                    Create Foreign Keys          0          0                     0.000s
                        Create Triggers          0          0                     0.000s
                        Set Search Path          0          1                     0.002s
                       Install Comments          0          0                     0.000s
---------------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                      Total import time165339289    11.8 GB    1h48m29.636s

Dump pg schema

Dump the PostgreSQL schema to a sql file:

pg_dump --schema-only tradeflows_migrated > /tmp/tradeflows_migrated.sql

I edited the file and saved it to two different files for reuse purposes:


Now I need to modify R/database_create.R so that it can use the psql files. Or simply make it to a bash file.

Create tables in PostgreSQL

Load the raw_comext_psql.sql database creation file, while connected as user rdb:

psql -d tradeflows -h localhost -U rdb -f ~/rp/eutradeflows/inst/config/raw_comext_psql.sql

Log into the DB as user rdb and check if the schema and databases were created:

psql -d tradeflows -h localhost -U rdb
\dt raw_comext.*;

Check that the tables are empty

select * from raw_comext.product;
select * from raw_comext.partner ;
select * from raw_comext.product ;
select * from raw_comext.reporter;
select * from raw_comext.unit;
select * from raw_comext.unit_description;
select * from raw_comext.yearly;
select * from raw_comext.yearly_template ;

Harvest metadata from Comext

Install the RPostgres package so R can communicate with PostGres.


The following is a decompoistion of the function call that harvests metadata:

harvestcomextmetadata(con, data_raw_path)

Which contains calls to the functions:

  1. downloadcomextmetadata
  2. transfertxtcodesfolder2db

We decompose transfertxtcodesfolder2db into its components.


    rawdatafolder <- "/tmp/data_raw"
    pause = 0
    # Download recent comext .txt codes files
    comextfilestxt <- downloadcomextmetadata(rawdatafolder,
                                             comextfolderpath = getOption("comext")["metadatafolder"],
                                             extension = ".txt",
                                             recentyears = recentyears,
                                             pause = pause)
    comextfoldertxt <- unique(comextfilestxt$folder)

    # Connect to the database
    # TODO replace this with a PostgreSQL connector
    con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")
    # Create the database structure
    # TODO replace this with the PostgreSQL structure
    createdbstructure(sqlfile = 'raw_comext.sql', dbname = 'tradeflows') 

    # Decompose the call to transfertxtcodesfolder2db
    rawdatacomextfolder = file.path(rawdatafolder,comextfoldertxt)
    rawdatacomextfolder <- normalizePath(rawdatacomextfolder)

    # Write product codes to the database
    # For information, writetxtcodes2db will only perform the transfer if the table is empty
    # TODO replace this with a PostgreSQL connector
    writetxtcodes2db(RMariaDBcon, "raw_comext_product", file.path(rawdatacomextfolder,"CN.txt"),
                     columnnames =  c("productcode", "datestart", "dateend", "liben_to_delete",
                                      "productdescription", "datestart2", "dateend2"))


Replace the R database package

Replace RMySQL with RMariaDB

The only function that has a different name is RMySQL::mysqlHasDefault(). It was renamed to RMariaDB::mariadbHasDefault(). All other functions have the same name. The package name used as a function prefix RMySQL:: can be replaced by RMariaDB::.

Bash command to replace all RMySQL:: function calls to RMariaDB::.

# Replace the special function
git grep -lz 'RMySQL::mysqlHasDefault'| xargs -0 perl -i'' -pE "s/RMySQL::mysqlHasDefault/RMariaDB::mariadbHasDefault/g"

# Replace all other functions
git grep -lz 'RMySQL::'| xargs -0 perl -i'' -pE "s/RMySQL::/RMariaDB::/g"

# Replace the mistaken dbconnect statement
# R> con <- RMySQL::dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "test")
# has now become
# R> con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MySQL(), dbname = "test")
# The driver should be RMariaDB::MariaDB()
git grep -lz '::MySQL'| xargs -0 perl -i'' -pE "s/::MySQL/::MariaDB/g"

# Replace the connection parameter
git grep -lz 'RMySQLcon'| xargs -0 perl -i'' -pE "s/RMySQLcon/RMariaDBcon/g"

stix-global/eutradeflows documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 9:23 p.m.