# Generate this document from a R command line
opts_knit$set(root.dir="..") # file paths are relative to the root of the project directory
opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 10)

Connect to the database.

con <- RMariaDB::dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), dbname = "tradeflows")

Compare yearly and monthly conversion factor for sub products of 4407

products <- tbl(con, "vld_comext_product") %>% 
    filter(productcode %like% "4407%")  %>%
    # explain() %>% 

# Monthly archive 
wpm <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_monthly_2016S1") %>% 
    filter(productcode %in% products$productcode) %>% 
    # Add quantity units
    addunit2tbl(con, maintbl = ., tableunit = "vld_comext_unit")  %>%

# Yearly archive
wpy <- tbl(con, "raw_comext_yearly_2016S2") %>% 
    filter(productcode %in% products$productcode) %>% 
    # Add quantity units
    addunit2tbl(con, maintbl = ., tableunit = "vld_comext_unit")  %>%

# Add prices
wpm <- wpm %>% 
wpy <- wpy %>% 

# Bind the monthly and yearly dataframes together
# Specify monthly and yearly timeframe
wpm$timeframe <- "monthly"
wpy$timeframe <- "yearly"
wp <- rbind(wpm, wpy) %>% 
    mutate(year = substr(period, 1, 4))

cvf <- wpm %>% 
    mutate(year = substr(period, 1, 4)) %>% 
                                         grouping = c("productcode", "flowcode",
                                                      "year", "unit"))

Descriptive statistics (min, max, quartiles)

Number of rows and total trade value per products at the 4 and 8 digit level More details in the countrows.pdf and productcodes.pdf documents.

Descriptive statistics of tradevalue, quantity and weight for monthly and yearly data:

summary(wpm[c("tradevalue", "quantity", "weight")])
summary(wpy[c("tradevalue", "quantity", "weight")])

Descriptive statistics of prices and convertion factor for monthly and yearly data:

summary(wpm[c("price", "pricew", "conversion")])
summary(wpy[c("price", "pricew", "conversion")])


Correlation between weight and quantity for the various products

ggplot(wp, aes(x = quantity, y = weight, color = timeframe)) + 

Separate plots at the 6 digit level

The axis scales of each sub-plot are different. The slope of the dotted black line is alayws the same at 0.6, corresponding the the median conversion factor. The slope of the

wp$productcode6d <- substr(wp$productcode, 1,6)

ggplot(wp, aes(x = quantity, y = weight, color = timeframe)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0.6) + # median conversion factor
    facet_wrap(~productcode6d, scales = "free")

Only sub products of 440710

wp %>% 
    filter(productcode6d == 440710) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = quantity, y = weight, color = timeframe)) + 
    geom_point() +
    facet_wrap(~productcode, scale = "free")+
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0.6) # median conversion factor

Only sub products of 440729

wp %>% 
    filter(productcode6d == 440729) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = quantity, y = weight, color = timeframe)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0.6) + # median conversion factor
    geom_abline(data = intercept = 0, slope = 0.6)
    facet_wrap(~productcode, scale = "free")

Att the 8 digit level

Large plot available outside this document.

Disconnect from the database.


stix-global/eutradeflows documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 9:23 p.m.