#' Jacobi zeta function
#' @description Evaluate the Jacobi zeta function.
#' @param phi amplitude, real or complex number/vector
#' @param m parameter, real or complex number/vector
#' @param minerror bound on relative error passed to \code{\link{elliptic_E}}
#' and \code{\link{elliptic_F}}
#' @return A complex number or vector, the value(s) of the Jacobi zeta function
#' \ifelse{html}{\out{Z(φ,m)}}{\eqn{Z(\phi,m)}{Z(phi,m)}}.
#' @export
elliptic_Z <- function(phi, m, minerror = 1e-15) {
phi <- as.complex(phi)
m <- as.complex(m)
if(length(phi) == 1L) {
phi <- rep(phi, length(m))
} else if(length(m) == 1L) {
m <- rep(m, length(phi))
} else if(length(phi) != length(m)) {
stop("Incompatible lengths of `phi` and `m`.")
ellZcpp(phi, m, minerror)
# if(is.infinite(Re(m)) && Im(m) == 0){
# NaN
# }else if(m == 1){
# if(abs(Re(phi)) <= pi/2){
# sin(as.complex(phi))
# }else if(Re(phi) > pi/2){
# k <- ceiling(Re(phi)/pi - 0.5)
# phi <- phi - k*pi
# sin(as.complex(phi))
# }else{
# k <- -floor(0.5 - Re(phi)/pi)
# phi <- phi - k*pi
# sin(as.complex(phi))
# }
# }else{
# elliptic_E(phi, m, minerror) -
# elliptic_E(pi/2, m, minerror)/elliptic_F(pi/2, m, minerror) *
# elliptic_F(phi, m, minerror)
# }
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