
#' HTML fragment formatter
#' Modification of \code{rmarkdown::html_fragment} in order to control \code{mathjax}
#' ceci a été corrigé quand j'ai posté l'issue, mais je ne me souviens pas de ce que c'est 
#' @importFrom rmarkdown html_document
#' @export
html_fragment <- function (number_sections = FALSE, fig_width = 7, fig_height = 5, 
          fig_retina = if (!fig_caption) 2, fig_caption = FALSE, dev = "png", 
          smart = TRUE, keep_md = FALSE, md_extensions = NULL, pandoc_args = NULL, 
  rmarkdown::html_document(number_sections = number_sections, fig_width = fig_width, 
                fig_height = fig_height, fig_retina = fig_retina, fig_caption = fig_caption, 
                dev = dev, smart = smart, keep_md = keep_md, md_extensions = md_extensions, 
                pandoc_args = pandoc_args, highlight = highlight, 
                theme = NULL, ..., template = rmarkdown:::rmarkdown_system_file("rmd/fragment/default.html"))

#' Convert a Rmd file to a html ready for stlapblog
#' @param local  ne résoud pas la problème avec gmp;  par ailleurs je ne sais pas à quoi il sert...
#' @param htmlfragment si ça ne marche pas avec \code{NULL}, lancer à la main \code{library(rmarkdown); render("posts/IntrinsicDistances.Rmd", output_format=html_fragment(mathjax=TRUE, self_contained=FALSE))} et mettre le fichier html
#' @param ... arguments passés à \code{html_fragment}
#' @param prettify use prettify js
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_split_fixed
#' @import data.table
#' @export
blogify <- function(Rmd, htmlfragment=NULL, highlight=NULL, date=NULL, outdir=NULL, local=TRUE, 
                    prettify=TRUE, ...){
  template <- ifelse(prettify, system.file("blogify/template01.html", package="myutils"), system.file("blogify/template_noprettify.html", package="myutils"))
  meta <- readLines(Rmd, n=5)
  if(is.null(outdir)) outdir <- dirname(Rmd)
    date <- meta[stringr::str_detect(meta, "date:")]
    date <- stringr::str_split_fixed(date, "date: ", 2)[1,2]
    date <- eval(parse(text=date))
  title <- meta[stringr::str_detect(meta, "title:")]
  title <- stringr::str_split_fixed(title, "title: ", 2)[1,2]
                   title <- eval(parse(text=title))
  lines <- readLines(template)
  whichlines <- which(stringr::str_detect(lines, "%s"))
  lines[whichlines[1]] <- sprintf(lines[whichlines[1]], title)
  lines[whichlines[2]] <- sprintf(lines[whichlines[2]], title)
  lines[whichlines[3]] <- sprintf(lines[whichlines[3]], date)
  lines[whichlines[4]] <- sprintf(lines[whichlines[4]], Rmd)
    if(local) {
      html <- local({ rmarkdown::render(Rmd, output_format=html_fragment(mathjax="default", self_contained=FALSE, highlight=highlight, ...), output_dir=outdir) })
    } else{
      html <- rmarkdown::render(Rmd, output_format=html_fragment(mathjax="default", self_contained=FALSE, highlight=highlight, ...), output_dir=outdir)
  } else {
    html <- htmlfragment
  lines[whichlines[5]] <- paste(readLines(html), collapse="\n")
    writeLines(lines, html)
    html <- paste0(knitr:::sans_ext(Rmd), ".html")
    writeLines(lines, html)
stla/myutils documentation built on May 30, 2019, 5:47 p.m.