
Defines functions sparseDecom

Documented in sparseDecom

#' Convenience wrapper for eigenanatomy decomposition.
#' Decomposes a matrix into sparse eigenevectors to maximize explained
#' variance. Note: we do not scale the matrices internally.
#' We leave scaling choices to the user.
#' @param inmatrix n by p input images , subjects or time points by row ,
#' spatial variable lies along columns
#' @param inmask optional antsImage mask
#' @param sparseness lower values equal more sparse
#' @param nvecs number of vectors
#' @param its number of iterations
#' @param cthresh cluster threshold
#' @param statdir place on disk to save results
#' @param z u penalty, experimental
#' @param smooth smoothness eg 0.5
#' @param initializationList see initializeEigenanatomy
#' @param mycoption 0, 1 or 2 all produce different output 0 is combination
#'   of 1 (spatial orthogonality) and 2 (subject space orthogonality)
#' @param robust rank transform input data - good for data checking
#' @param ell1 the ell1 grad descent param
#' @param getSmall try to get smallest evecs (bool)
#' @param verbose activates verbose output
#' @param powerit alternative power iteration implementation, faster
#' @param priorWeight scalar weight typically in range zero to two
#' @param maxBased boolean that chooses max-based thresholding
#' @return outputs a decomposition of a population or time series matrix
#' @author Avants BB
#' @examples
#' mat <- replicate(100, rnorm(20))
#' mydecom <- sparseDecom(mat)
#' mat <- scale(mat)
#' mydecom2 <- sparseDecom(mat)
#' # params that lead to algorithm similar to NMF
#' mydecom3 <- sparseDecom(mat, z = 1, sparseness = 1)
#' \dontrun{
#' # for prediction
#' if (usePkg("randomForest") & usePkg("spls") & usePkg("BGLR")) {
#'   data(lymphoma) # from spls
#'   training <- sample(rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 31))
#'   sp <- 0.02
#'   myz <- 0
#'   ldd <- sparseDecom(lymphoma$x[training, ],
#'     nvecs = 5, sparseness = (sp),
#'     mycoption = 1, z = myz
#'   ) # NMF style
#'   traindf <- data.frame(
#'     lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[training]),
#'     eig = lymphoma$x[training, ] %*% as.matrix(ldd$eigenanatomyimages)
#'   )
#'   testdf <- data.frame(
#'     lclass = as.factor(lymphoma$y[!training]),
#'     eig = lymphoma$x[!training, ] %*% as.matrix(ldd$eigenanatomyimages)
#'   )
#'   myrf <- randomForest(lclass ~ ., data = traindf)
#'   predlymp <- predict(myrf, newdata = testdf)
#'   print(paste(
#'     "N-errors:", sum(abs(testdf$lclass != predlymp)),
#'     " non-zero ", sum(abs(ldd$eigenanatomyimages) > 0)
#'   ))
#'   # compare to http://arxiv.org/pdf/0707.0701v2.pdf
#'   # now SNPs
#'   data(mice)
#'   snps <- quantifySNPs(mice.X, shiftit = TRUE)
#'   numericalpheno <- as.matrix(mice.pheno[, c(4, 5, 13, 15)])
#'   nfolds <- 6
#'   train <- sample(rep(c(1:nfolds), 1800 / nfolds))
#'   train <- (train < 4)
#'   lrmat <- lowrankRowMatrix(as.matrix(snps[train, ]), 50)
#'   lrmat <- scale(lrmat)
#'   snpd <- sparseDecom(lrmat - min(lrmat), nvecs = 20, sparseness = (0.001), z = -1)
#'   projmat <- as.matrix(snpd$eig)
#'   snpse <- as.matrix(snps[train, ]) %*% projmat
#'   traindf <- data.frame(bmi = numericalpheno[train, 3], snpse = snpse)
#'   snpse <- as.matrix(snps[!train, ]) %*% projmat
#'   testdf <- data.frame(bmi = numericalpheno[!train, 3], snpse = snpse)
#'   myrf <- randomForest(bmi ~ ., data = traindf)
#'   preddf <- predict(myrf, newdata = testdf)
#'   cor.test(preddf, testdf$bmi)
#'   plot(preddf, testdf$bmi)
#' } # check for packages
#' # prior-based example
#' set.seed(123)
#' ref <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16"))
#' ref <- iMath(ref, "Normalize")
#' mi <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r27"))
#' mi2 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r30"))
#' mi3 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r62"))
#' mi4 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r64"))
#' mi5 <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r85"))
#' refmask <- getMask(ref)
#' refmask <- iMath(refmask, "ME", 2) # just to speed things up
#' ilist <- list(mi, mi2, mi3, mi4, mi5)
#' for (i in 1:length(ilist))
#' {
#'   ilist[[i]] <- iMath(ilist[[i]], "Normalize")
#'   mytx <- antsRegistration(
#'     fixed = ref, moving = ilist[[i]],
#'     typeofTransform = c("Affine")
#'   )
#'   mywarpedimage <- antsApplyTransforms(
#'     fixed = ref, moving = ilist[[i]],
#'     transformlist = mytx$fwdtransforms
#'   )
#'   ilist[[i]] <- mywarpedimage
#' }
#' mat <- imageListToMatrix(ilist, refmask)
#' kmseg <- kmeansSegmentation(ref, 3, refmask)
#' initlist <- list()
#' for (k in 1:3) {
#'   initlist[[k]] <-
#'     thresholdImage(kmseg$probabilityimages[[k]], 0.1, Inf) *
#'       kmseg$probabilityimages[[k]]
#' }
#' eanat <- sparseDecom(mat,
#'   inmask = refmask, ell1 = 0.1,
#'   sparseness = 0.0, smooth = 0.5, verbose = 1,
#'   initializationList = initlist, cthresh = 25,
#'   nvecs = 3, priorWeight = 0.5
#' )
#' ee <- matrixToImages(eanat$eigenanatomyimages, refmask)
#' eseg <- eigSeg(refmask, ee)
#' priormat <- imageListToMatrix(initlist, refmask)
#' cor(t(eanat$eigenanatomyimages), t(priormat))
#' plot(ref, eseg)
#' }
#' @export sparseDecom
sparseDecom <- function(inmatrix = NA, inmask = NULL,
                        sparseness = 0.1,
                        nvecs = 10,
                        its = 5, cthresh = 50,
                        statdir = NA, z = 0, smooth = 0, initializationList = list(),
                        mycoption = 0, robust = 0, ell1 = 1, getSmall = 0, verbose = FALSE,
                        powerit = 0, priorWeight = 0,
                        maxBased = FALSE) {
  numargs <- nargs()
  if (numargs < 1 | missing(inmatrix)) {
    cat(" sparseDecom( inmatrix=NA,  inmask=NULL , sparseness=0.01 , nvecs=50 , its=5 , cthresh=250 ) \n")
  idim <- 3
  if (!is.null(inmask)) {
    inmask <- check_ants(inmask)
    idim <- inmask@dimension
    if (sum(inmask >= 0.5) != ncol(inmatrix)) {
      stop("mask size not equal to matrix column count")
  } else {
    inmask <- new("antsImage", "float", idim)
  verbose <- as.numeric(verbose)
  time1 <- (Sys.time())
  if (robust > 0) {
    outval <- ANTsRCore::eigenanatomyCpp(
      inmask, sparseness, nvecs, its, cthresh, z, smooth,
      initializationList, mycoption, ell1, verbose, powerit,
      priorWeight, maxBased
  } else {
    outval <- ANTsRCore::eigenanatomyCpp(
      inmask, sparseness, nvecs, its, cthresh, z, smooth,
      initializationList, mycoption, ell1, verbose, powerit,
      priorWeight, maxBased
  time2 <- (Sys.time())
  outval <- lappend(outval, (time2 - time1))
  names(outval)[length(outval)] <- "computationtime"
  if (verbose) {
    temp <- lm(inmatrix ~ (inmatrix %*% t(outval$eigenanatomyimages)))
    reconmat <- predict(temp)
    reconerr <- 0
    for (i in 1:ncol(inmatrix))
      temp <- abs(cor(inmatrix[, i], reconmat[, i]))
      reconerr <- reconerr + temp
    reconerr <- reconerr / ncol(inmatrix)
    #  reconerr=mean( abs( inmatrix - reconmat ) )
    outval[length(outval) - 1] <- reconerr
    #  names(outval)[length(outval)-1]='meanReconstructionError'
    outval[[length(outval) + 1]] <- reconmat
    names(outval)[length(outval)] <- "Reconstruction"
  #  return(list(projections = mydecomp, eigenanatomyimages = fnl, umatrix = fnu,
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.