Man pages for stnava/patchMatchR
Local patch matching with flexible transformation models in n-dimensional images

convertPatchCoordsToSpatialPointsconvert coordinates of deep feature patches to image-based...
coordinateImagesmake a coordinate image
deepFeaturesextract deep features from 2D or 3D image
deepLandmarkRegressionWithHeatmapsDeep heatmap-based landmark regression stage
deepLocalPatchMatchlocally constrained deep feature patch matching
deepPatchMatchdeepPatchMatch patch match two images with deep features
deepPatchMatchMultiStartdeepPatchMatch with multiple starting points
featureDistanceMapFeature distance map
fitTransformToPairedPointsFit transform to points
fitTransformToPairedPointsTFFit transform to points with tensorflow
matchedLandmarksConvert match output to landmarks in physical space
matchedPatchesextract matched patches between two images
MSEMean square error of a single image or between two images.
patchMatchpatch match two images
patchMatchR-packageLocal patch matching with flexible transformation models in...
polarDecompositionpolar decomposition with reflection control
PSNRPeak signal-to-noise ratio between two images.
randomAffineImagetransform an image by a random matrix
randomANTsTransformationrandom transformation matrix
RANSACRandom sample consensus (RANSAC)
RANSACAltAlternative random sample consensus (\)
SSIMStructural similarity index (SSI) between two images.
stnava/patchMatchR documentation built on March 23, 2022, 6:47 a.m.