
## read in the data from experiment 2 from the pre-unpak days
insert.smartfarm <- function(con,csvfile,insert_accession=FALSE,commit=FALSE)

  required.cols <- c("Accession", "Institution" , "Location", "Expt.type", "Expt.ID", "Plant.ID", "Tray", "Row", "Column","Parent1", "Parent2","comment" )
  if (is.null(csvfile))
    stop("must specify a csv file name")
  sf <- read.csv(file=csvfile,header=T,na.strings=c(".","NA","0 n/a"))

  if (("location"%in%names(sf))) { sf$Location <- as.character(sf$location) } else { sf$Location <- as.character(sf$facility)}
  #name sf cols
  sf$Accession <- toupper(as.character(sf$accession))
  sf$Institution <- as.character(sf$institution)
  sf$Expt.type <- as.character(sf$expt_type)
  if ("expt_ID" %in% names(sf)) {sf$Expt.ID <- sf$expt_ID} else {sf$Expt.ID <- sf$expt_id}
  sf$Plant.ID <- sf$plant_id
  sf$Tray <- sf$tray
  sf$Row <- sf$row
  sf$Column <- sf$column
if ("parent_plant_id" %in% names(sf)) { sf$Parent1 <- as.character(sf$parent_plant_id)} else { sf$Parent1 <- as.character(sf$parent_id)}
  sf$Parent1[sf$Parent1==""] <- NA
  sf$Parent2 <-   sf$Parent1

  sf$Location <- ifelse(sf$Location=="NGH","NGH-COFC",sf$Location)
  sf$comment <- as.character(sf$comments)
  errcode <- 0
######## is the input spreadsheet
######## in the correct format
  if (prod(required.cols %in% names(sf))==0)
      errcode <- 1
      print("The following column names are expected for each smartfarm upload")
      print ("In this case the following cols are missing from the input:")
      print(required.cols[!(required.cols %in% names(sf))])
    } else {
      sf <- sf[,which(names(sf)%in%required.cols)]

### Is the database ready to accept the smartfarm

### Test to see if the accessions are present in DB
  if (errcode==0)
      ac <- which.match(con,table="Accession","idAccession",match=sf$Accession)
      if (length(ac)!=length(sf$Accession))
          if (insert_accession==T)
              ins <- unique(data.frame(idAccession=as.character(sf$Accession[-ac])))
              sqlquery <- paste("INSERT INTO Accession ",column2values(ins))
              print("new accessions inserted (see list below).  rerun function to insert the actual data")
            } else {
              print("These accessions are not loaded in the DB.  If they should be loaded")
              print("set the insert_accession flag to TRUE in function call")

### now check to see if the experiment is in the db
if (errcode==0)
      expname <- paste(sf$Institution,sf$Expt.type,sf$Expt.ID,sep="-")
      ex <- which.match(con,table="Experiment","name",match=expname)
      if (length(ex)!=length(expname))
          errcode = 12
          print("Experiment(s) listed below need to be inserted into the db before inserting this spreadsheet")

### now check to see if the facility is in the db
if (errcode==0)
    facility <- paste(sf$Location)
    fa <- which.match(con,table="Facility","name",match=facility)
      if (length(fa)!=length(facility))
          errcode = 13
          print("Facilities(s) listed below need to be inserted into the db before inserting this spreadsheet")

  ###check to see if the parents are in the Individual plant DB
  if (errcode==0)
          sf$Parent1 <- ifelse($Parent1),"new_seeds",sf$Parent1)
          p1 <- which.match(con,table="IndividualPlant","plantnum_experiment",match=sf$Parent1)
          if (length(p1)!=dim(sf)[1])
                  errcode = 14
                  print("Parents listed below need to be inserted into the db before inserting this spreadsheet")
                  if (length(p1)>0)
                      } else
          sf$Parent2 <- sf$Parent1
          p2 <- which.match(con,table="IndividualPlant","plantnum_experiment",match=sf$Parent1)
          if (length(p2)!=dim(sf)[1])
                  errcode = 15
                  print("Parents listed below need to be inserted into the db before inserting this spreadsheet")
                  if (length(p2)>0)
                      } else {print(sf$Parent2)}
  if (errcode==0) #Make parents fields that correspond to individual ids in the IndividualPlants table
          ip <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM IndividualPlant")
          sf <- merge(sf,ip[,c("idIndividualPlant","plantnum_experiment")],by.x="Parent1",by.y="plantnum_experiment")
          sf$Parent1.num <- sf$idIndividualPlant
          sf <- sf[,which(names(sf)!="idIndividualPlant")]
          sf <- merge(sf,ip[,c("idIndividualPlant","plantnum_experiment")],by.x="Parent2",by.y="plantnum_experiment")
          sf$Parent2.num <- sf$idIndividualPlant
          sf <- sf[,which(names(sf)!="idIndividualPlant")]

  if (errcode==0)
###    assign plant IDS
                                        # first find the highest plant number
          maxplantnum <- max(as.numeric(unlist(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT idIndividualPlant FROM IndividualPlant"))))
          newmin <- maxplantnum+1
          newmax <- maxplantnum+dim(sf)[1]
          sf$plantnum <- seq(newmin,newmax)

          ##now assign facility code
          fac <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Facility")
          facid <- merge(data.frame(name=facility),fac,all.x=T)$idFacility
###now assign experiment code
          expt <- dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Experiment")
          exptid <- merge(data.frame(name=expname),expt,all.x=T)$idExperiment
          df <- data.frame(idIndividualPlant=sf$plantnum,

          df$comment <- cleanMySQLstring(df$comment)
          if (commit)
                  if (is.null(dbGetQuery(con,paste("INSERT INTO IndividualPlant",table2values(df)))))
                          print(paste("inserted ",dim(sf)[1],"records into the individual plant database"))
                      } else stop("error on insert")
              } else {print(paste("successfully created a df with ",dim(df)[1],"rows. NOT INSERTED"))}
      } else {stop(errcode)}
stranda/unpakDB documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:55 p.m.