
unpakathon provides some functions to help detect outliers for any particular variable.

First load the package


then make a long-format dataframe containing the identities of fruitnum outliers. Outliers are defined here as the top and bottom 1% of observations.

tmp = findOutlier(phenolong,"fruitnum",q=0.01,z.score=F)

So the first 6 rows come from experiments cofc-1 and especially cofc-2 (the originals). There are a total of


individual measurements identified

adjusting for differences among chambers

The 'z.score' value in the findOutlier function converts the phenotypes into numbers scaled by the sd in each growth chamber and then mean-subtracted.

tmp = findOutlier(phenolong,"fruitnum",q=0.01,z.score=T)

In this case there are a lot of experiment 2 treatment A outliers that are appearing. There are a total of


individual measurements identified by this technique (this should not really have changed much because the data are the same as above and we are using quantiles).

Status of outliers and database.

I'm planning on taking all the outlier information that April sent to me and do one hand-edit of the current database. At this point, I think that will take a day, but I'd like to wait until I have all the experiment 2 data

The main thing that I note from the main unpak experiments plotted below is that there are almost no really weird outliers. Visual inspection of the raw data suggests that there are about 30 values that are ridiculous; For the rest, I'd be hard pressed to rule them actual problem data points. So that's about 30 out of 313923 data points or an error rate of about 1 per 10,000 phenotypic measurements. That's pretty good.

plotting the outliers with the rest of the data for a trait/experiment combination

The following million figures are all distributions of data so far with the findOutlier function and a cutoff of 0.1% point highlighted.

One more thing:

The number by each point is the plantID from the builtin phenolong and phenowide datasets. To look at a particular plantID, you can say (plantID 21935 has a --too-- extreme fruitnum):


to get the long form, or


to get the wide form.

A dataframe with just these outliers is available in the builtin R dataframe 'outliers' It's also in the 'dataclean' subdirectory of the unpackathon intall on your computer (look in the R library hierarchy). You could look at that dataframe like this:


ok here we go

for (pheno in unique(phenolong$variable))
  for (trt in unique(phenolong$treatment[phenolong$variable==pheno]))
#    pheno = "diameter.at.bolt"
#    trt="C"

    tmpdf = phenolong %>% filter(variable %in% pheno) %>% filter(treatment %in% trt) %>%
      filter(meta.experiment %in% c("1","2","3","phyt")) 
    if (!pheno%in%c("germinated","branch.basalbranch","seeds.sown"))
      if ((dim(tmpdf)[1]>5)&(var(tmpdf$value,na.rm=T)>0))
        if (z.score)
          tmpdf$value[!is.finite(tmpdf$value)] = NA
          tmpdf$value=tmpdf$value - mean(tmpdf$value,na.rm=T)
        if (dim(tmpout)[1]>1)
          outliers = rbind(outliers,tmpout)
          p = ggplot(tmpdf,aes(experiment,value)) + 
            geom_boxplot(outlier.size=0) +
            geom_point(data=tmpout,aes(colour=direction)) +
            geom_text_repel(data=tmpout,aes(label=plantID)) +
            ylab(paste0(pheno,ifelse(z.score==T," (scaled and centered)",""))) + 
            ggtitle(paste0("treatment -> ",trt,";   phenotype ->",pheno)) +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
outliers = arrange(outliers,plantID,variable)

stranda/unpakathon documentation built on Nov. 9, 2021, 7:48 a.m.