
# copy_model.R
#' make a copy of the named model/variant
#' @param model.name	name of model to copy
#' @param model.variant	name of model variant to copy
#' @param dest.path	destination folder to write copy of model, will be created if necessary, default is "Models" in current folder
#' @param user.path	path to users top level model folder if copying a user model
#' @export
copy_model <- function(model.name, model.variant, dest.path="Models", user.path="") {

	src.path <- get.variant.path(model.name, model.variant, user.path)	# path to model variant folder, either system or user folder

	dst.path <- makepath(dest.path, model.name, model.variant)
	if (dir.exists(dst.path)) {
		stop("destination folder '", dst.path, "' already exists !\n", sep="")

	# create top-level model folder:
	dst.path <- makepath(dest.path, model.name)		

	cat(" Copying model: '", model.name, ", variant '", model.variant, "':\n", sep="")
	cat("  from '", src.path, "' to '", dst.path, "'\n", sep="")
	file.copy(src.path, dst.path, recursive=TRUE)

strathclyde-marine-resource-modelling/StrathE2E2 documentation built on June 21, 2019, 2:43 a.m.