
Defines functions overlapMBH

Documented in overlapMBH

#' overlapMBH
#' This function calculates overlap between two hypervolumes
#' @param hv1 Fitted MBH model
#' @param hv2 Fitted MBH model
#' @param overlap Logical. Do you want to calculate overlap? This can be very slow
#' @param plot Logical. Do you want to plot overlap?
#' @param dims Dimensions to plot
#' @param col1 Colour to use for first hypervolume
#' @param col2 Colour to use for second hypervolume
#' @param proppoints Number of points to sample from each hypervolume calculated as a proportion of the total volume of each hypervolume. Defaults to 1 but consider reducing to reduce computation time
#' @param ndraws Number of draws from multivariate normal used in overlap calculation. Defaults to 999. Reducing the number of draws will reduce computational time but will also reduce precision of the overlap estimate.
#' @return Utilises a simulation based approach to calculate overlap by simulating a number of points from each hypervolume. Returns an overlap statistic defined by total number of points shared divided by total number of points simulated. The density of points in each hypervolume is kept constant. Can be very slow for large hypervolumes, both proppoints and ndraws could be reduced for faster computation but larger values will give more precise estimates.
#' @export

overlapMBH <- function(hv1, hv2, overlap = TRUE, plot = TRUE, dims = c(1,2), col1 = "black", col2 = "blue", proppoints = 1, ndraws = 99){

  message("Start overlap calculation - this may take some time!")

  #extract volumes

  vol1 <- hv1$volume
  vol2 <- hv2$volume

  #simulate points from each hypervolume

  #calculate means

    mean1 <- colMeans(hv1$means)

  }else{mean1 <- colMeans(apply(hv1$means, 3, rbind))}

    mean2 <- colMeans(hv2$means)

  }else{mean2 <- colMeans(apply(hv2$means, 3, rbind))}

  #extract covariances

  cov1 <- hv1$covariance

  cov2 <- hv2$covariance

  #extract variable names
  varnames1 <- hv1$dimensions
  varnames2 <- hv2$dimensions

  if(!identical(varnames1, varnames2)) {stop ("Different variables in each hypervolume or variables in different orders")}

  if(overlap == TRUE){

  #simulate random points from each distribution

  pnts_hv1 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(round(vol1*proppoints), mean1, cov1, method = "eigen")
  pnts_hv2 <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(round(vol2*proppoints), mean2, cov2, method = "eigen")

  if(nrow(pnts_hv2) < ndraws||nrow(pnts_hv1) < ndraws) {stop("Number of points to draw is greater than number of points simulated - either increase proppoints or decrease ndraws")}

  #check if points are in each distribution

  #hv1 points in hv2

  message("Test points from hypervolume 1 in hypervolume 2")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(pnts_hv1), style = 3)

  totestall <- pnts_hv1
  prob <- vector()
  mean.test.p <- vector()
  for(k in 1:nrow(totestall)){
    totest <- as.numeric(totestall[k,])
    test.p <- vector()
    tau <- cov2
    #colnames(tau) <- rownames(tau)
    mu <- mean2
    #test new point against distribution
    prob <- min(mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper = totest,sigma = tau, mean = mu),mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = totest,sigma = tau, mean = mu)*2)

    #simulate ndraws draws from multivariate dist
    rsims <- pnts_hv2[sample(nrow(pnts_hv2), ndraws, replace = FALSE), ]
    #calculate p values for each simulation
    sim.prob <- vector()
    for (j in 1:nrow(rsims)){
      sim.prob[j] <- min(mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper = rsims[j,],sigma = tau, mean = mu),mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = rsims[j,],sigma = tau, mean = mu*2))
    #calc probability of inclusion
    all.prob <- c(sim.prob,prob)
    prob.df <- stats::ecdf(all.prob)
    #plot(prob.df); abline(v=prob[i])
    test.p <- prob.df(prob)
    mean.test.p[k] <- mean(test.p)
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)

  p.out <- cbind(totestall, mean.test.p)

  no_hv1_in_hv2 <- nrow(p.out[p.out[,4]>0.05,])

  #hv2 points in hv1

  message("Test points from hypervolume 2 in hypervolume 1")
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(pnts_hv2), style = 3)

  totestall <- pnts_hv2
  prob <- vector()
  mean.test.p <- vector()
  for(k in 1:nrow(totestall)){
    totest <- as.numeric(totestall[k,])
    test.p <- vector()
    tau <- cov1
    #colnames(tau) <- rownames(tau)
    mu <- mean1
    #test new point against distribution
    prob <- min(mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper = totest,sigma = tau, mean = mu),mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = totest,sigma = tau, mean = mu)*2)

    #simulate ndraws draws from multivariate dist
    rsims <- pnts_hv1[sample(nrow(pnts_hv1), ndraws, replace = FALSE), ]
    #calculate p values for each simulation
    sim.prob <- vector()
    for (j in 1:nrow(rsims)){
      sim.prob[j] <- min(mvtnorm::pmvnorm(upper = rsims[j,],sigma = tau, mean = mu),mvtnorm::pmvnorm(lower = rsims[j,],sigma = tau, mean = mu*2))
    #calc probability of inclusion
    all.prob <- c(sim.prob,prob)
    prob.df <- stats::ecdf(all.prob)
    #plot(prob.df); abline(v=prob[i])
    test.p <- prob.df(prob)
    mean.test.p[k] <- mean(test.p)
    utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, k)

  p.out <- cbind(totestall, mean.test.p)

  no_hv2_in_hv1 <- nrow(p.out[p.out[,4]>0.05,])

  overlap_12 <- (no_hv1_in_hv2 + no_hv2_in_hv1)/(vol1 + vol2)



  if(plot == TRUE){

    #define dimensions to display
    d1 <- dims[1]
    d2 <- dims[2]

    #format data
    if(length(dim(hv1$Y)) > 2){
      hv1Y <- apply(hv1$Y, 3, rbind)
    } else {hv1Y <- hv1$Y}

    if(length(dim(hv2$Y)) > 2){
      hv2Y <- apply(hv2$Y, 3, rbind)
    } else {hv2Y <- hv2$Y}

    nobs1 <- nrow(hv1Y)
    nobs2 <- nrow(hv2Y)

    minX <- min(min(hv1Y[,d1]), min(hv2Y[,d1])) - 0.2*(range(hv1Y[,d1], hv2Y[,d1])[2]-range(hv1Y[,d1], hv2Y[,d1])[1])
    minY <- min(min(hv1Y[,d2]), min(hv2Y[,d2])) - 0.2*(range(hv1Y[,d2], hv2Y[,d2])[2]-range(hv1Y[,d2], hv2Y[,d2])[1])
    maxX <- max(max(hv1Y[,d1]), max(hv2Y[,d1])) + 0.2*(range(hv1Y[,d1], hv2Y[,d1])[2]-range(hv1Y[,d1], hv2Y[,d1])[1])
    maxY <- max(max(hv1Y[,d2]), max(hv2Y[,d2])) + 0.2*(range(hv1Y[,d2], hv2Y[,d2])[2]-range(hv1Y[,d2], hv2Y[,d2])[1])

    plot(hv1Y[,d1], hv1Y[,d2], type = "n", xlim = c(minX, maxX), ylim = c(minY, maxY), cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5, ylab = varnames1[d2], xlab = varnames1[d1])

   car::ellipse(c(mean1[1], mean1[2]),shape = cov1[c(d1,d2), c(d1,d2)],radius = sqrt(2 * stats::qf(.95, 2, nobs1)), col = col1, lty = 2, fill = TRUE)

   car::ellipse(c(mean2[1], mean2[2]),shape = cov2[c(d1,d2), c(d1,d2)],radius = sqrt(2 * stats::qf(.95, 2, nobs2)), col = col2, lty = 2, fill = TRUE)


susanjarvis501/MBH documentation built on Aug. 27, 2020, 7:37 a.m.