
# =============================================================================
# Independent functions:

#' Converts a DateTime to a simTime. Only time part of datetime. range 0-(24*60*60-1).
#' @param datetime
#' @return t A simDateTime
as.simTime <- function(datetime) {
  datetime <- as.character(datetime)
  seconds <- 60*60*as.integer(strftime(datetime, "%H")) +
    60*as.integer(strftime(datetime, "%M")) +
    as.integer(strftime(datetime, "%S"))

#' Converts a DateTime to a simDate. Only date part of datetime. range 0-364.
#' @param datetime
#' @return t A simDate
as.simDate <- function(datetime) {
  # warning("Implementation via POSIXct possible. See testthat")
  datetime <- as.character(datetime)
  days <- as.integer(strftime(datetime, "%j")) - 1 # Day of year. 1-365.

#' as.charTime(): Converts a simTime back to a char containing the time in the
#' format HH:MM
#' @param simTime
#' @return charTime A char containing a time in the format HH:MM
as.charTime <- function(simTime) {
  # warning("Implementation via POSIXct possible. See testthat")
  h <- trunc(simTime/60/60)
  if(h < 10) {h <- as.character(paste0(0,h))}
  m <- simTime %% (60*60)/60
  if(m < 10) {m <- as.character(paste0(0,m))}

#' Return day of year from rel. time in sconds.
#' @param t A simDateTime
#' @return the day of year (0-364)
simDate <- function(t) {
  # warning("Implementation via POSIXct possible. See testthat. ToDo vals 0, 365?")

#' Time part of a simDateTime
#' @param t A simDateTime
#' @return the actual time in seconds (0-(24*60*60-1))
simTime <- function(t) {
  return(t %% (24*60*60)) # ..................... t_h <- strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d") => t-t_h

#' Weekday of a simDateTime
#' @param t A simDateTime
#' @return the weekday in the format: "Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, So"
simWeekday <- function(t) {

  rep(c("Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So", "Mo", "Di"), length = 365)[simDate(t) + 1]

# =============================================================================
# Functions with dependencies:

#' Converts a DateTime to a simDateTime. Date + Time in seconds. Range 0- (365*24*60*60-1)
#' @param datetime
#' @return t A simDateTime
as.simDateTime <- function(datetime) {
  # warning("Implementation via POSIXct possible. See testthat")
  seconds <- as.simDate(datetime)*24*60*60 + as.simTime(datetime)

# =============================================================================
# Not used any more:
symbolrush/simTimeR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:47 a.m.