Man pages for syounkin/RVsharing
Probability of Sharing Rare Variants among Relatives

compute.kinship.prop.coefRatio of excess kinship among descendants over mean kinship...
ex.ped.matExample genotype data
GeneDropGene Dropping method
GeneDropSim.allsubsets.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
GeneDropSimExcessSharing.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
GeneDropSim.fnEstimation of the probability of sharing of a rare variant by...
get.psubsetProbability of sharing of rare variants in a subset of...
ped2trioConversion of a 'pedigree' object into a list of trio objects
ped.listExample pedigrees
RVgeneProbability of sharing of rare variants in a family sample...
RVgene_allshareProbability of sharing of rare variants among all affected...
RVsharingProbability of sharing a rare variant among relatives
RVsharingProbRVsharingProb Class
TrioTrio Class
syounkin/RVsharing documentation built on July 26, 2024, 12:55 p.m.