transpose: Transpose A Dataframe and Turn First Row into Column Names

View source: R/transpose.R

transposeR Documentation

Transpose A Dataframe and Turn First Row into Column Names


Transpose an existing dataframe, and make sure there's an option to use the first resulting row as the column names. Arguments for 'as_tibble' are allows as ellipsis.


transpose(x, col = TRUE, row = NULL, parse = TRUE, name_repair = "unique", ...)



The object(s) with row IDs to be converted to dataframes


Whether to take the resulting first row and make it column names. Defaults to TRUE.


Column to keep the original column names as another column, if specified. Defaults to NULL.


Whether to parse column types, because numeric columns would be otherwise converted to character. Default to TRUE.


To be used within 'as_tibble' as it otherwise complains. Defaults to "unique".


Other arguments for 'as_tibble'.


## FiveThirtyEight 2020 general election prediction: 0 = Trump, 1 = Biden
df <- structure(
    name = "FiveThirtyEight", al = 0, ak = 0,
    az = 1, ar = 0, ca = 1, co = 1, ct = 1, dc = 1, de = 1, fl = 1, ga = 1,
    hi = 1, id = 0, il = 1, `in` = 0, ia = 0, ks = 0, ky = 0,
    la = 0, me = 1, md = 1, ma = 1, mi = 1, mn = 1, ms = 0, mo = 0,
    mt = 0, ne = 0.3, nv = 1, nh = 1, nj = 1, nm = 1,
    ny = 1, nc = 1, nd = 0, oh = 0, ok = 0, or = 1, pa = 1, ri = 1,
    sc = 0, sd = 0, tn = 0, tx = 0, ut = 0, vt = 1, va = 1, wa = 1,
    wv = 0, wi = 1, wy = 0
  row.names = c(NA, -1L),
  class = c("data.frame")
transpose(df, row = "state")

sysilviakim/Kmisc documentation built on Jan. 28, 2023, 10:58 a.m.