Man pages for systemPipeR/systemPipeS
systemPipeShiny: An Interactive Framework for Workflow Management and Visualization

canvasBtnScreenshot a plot or UI to SPS Canvas or download as an image
dynamicFileDynamically generate Shiny file selection component based on...
genGalleryGenerate gallery by only providing tab names
genHrefTableGenerate a table that lists tabs by rows
loadDFLoad tabular files as tibbles to server
removeSpsTabRemove a SPS tab
spsSystemPipeShiny app main function
spsAccountSPS account management functions
spsCoreTabReplaceOverwrite a default SPS tab
spsDbSPS database functions
spsEncryptionSPS encryption functions
spsEzUIEasy and simple UI and server for a SPS custom tab
spsInitCreate a SystemPipeShiny project
spsNewTabCreate a new SPS tab
spsOptDefaultsPrint SPS options
spsTabInfoView SPS project 'config/tabs.csv' information
systemPipeR/systemPipeS documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 12:18 p.m.