spsNewTab: Create a new SPS tab

spsNewTabR Documentation

Create a new SPS tab


create custom tabs in newer (> 1.1) version of SPS. The old creation functions will be deprecated by next Bioconductor major release.


  tab_id = "vs_mytab",
  tab_displayname = "My custom plotting tab",
  img = "",
  app_path = getwd(),
  out_folder_path = file.path(app_path, "R"),
  author = "",
  template = c("simple", "full"),
  preview = FALSE,
  reformat = FALSE,
  open_file = TRUE,
  verbose = spsOption("verbose"),
  colorful = spsOption("use_crayon")



character string, length 1, must be unique. Use spsTabInfo(app_path = "YOUR_APP_PATH") to see current tab IDs.


character string, length 1, the name to be displayed on side navigation bar list and tab title


realtive path, an image representation of the new plot. It can be a internet link or a local link which uses the www folder as the root. e.g. drop your image plot.png inside www/plot_list, then the link here is "plot_list/plot.png". You will see these images on "Custom Tabs" main page. If no provided, a warning will be given on app start and an empty image will show up on "Custom Tabs".


string, app directory, default is current directory


string, which directory to write the new tab file, default is the R folder in the SPS project. If you write the file other than R, this file will not be automatically loaded by SPS or Shiny. You must source it manually.


character string, or a vector of strings. authors of the tab


one of "simple" or "full", default "simple". "simple" gives a tab file with minimum Shiny code, you can only focus on you R plotting code. "full" gives the full tab code, so you can modify everything on the tab.


bool, TRUE will print the new tab code to console and will not write the file and will not register the tab


bool, whether to use styler::style_file reformat the code


bool, if Rstudio is detected, open the new tab file?


bool, default follows the project verbosity level. TRUE will give you more information on progress and debugging


bool, whether the message will be colorful or not


  • template "simple": hides the UI and server code and use spsEzUI and spsEzServer instead.

  • template "full": full tab code. You need to know some Shiny development knowledge.


returns a new tab file


spsInit(change_wd = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
spsNewTab("vs_newtab_ez", app_path = glue::glue("SPS_{format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')}"))
spsNewTab("vs_newtab_full", template = "full",
app_path = glue::glue("SPS_{format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')}"))
spsNewTab("vs_newtab_pre", preview = TRUE,
app_path = glue::glue("SPS_{format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d')}"))

systemPipeR/systemPipeS documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 12:18 p.m.