
Defines functions hantush

Documented in hantush

hantush <- function(t, d, S, Kh, b, Kriv, briv, prec = 80) {
  #' Streamflow depletion in partially penetrating stream with semipervious streambed.
  #' @param t times you want output for [T]
  #' @param d distance from well to stream [L]
  #' @param S aquifer storage coefficient (specific yield if unconfined; storativity if confined)
  #' @param Kh aquifer horizontal hydraulic conductivity [L/T]
  #' @param b aquifer saturated thickness [L]
  #' @param Kriv streambed semipervious layer hydraulic conductivity [L/T]
  #' @param briv streambed semipervious layer thickness [L]
  #' @param prec precision for \code{Rmpfr} package for storing huge numbers; 80 seems to generally work but tweak this if you get weird results. Reducing this value will reduce accuracy but speed up computation time. If set to `NULL`, the `mpfr` function is not used which can address an occasional issue on Mac computers but lead to problems under some combinations of `Tr` and `lmda`.
  #' @details This function is described in Hantush (1965). As the leakance term \code{(b*Kh/Kriv)} approaches 0 this is equivalent to \link{glover}. It contains numerous assumptions:
  #' \itemize{
  #'   \item Horizontal flow >> vertical flow (Dupuit assumptions hold)
  #'   \item Homogeneous, isotropic aquifer
  #'   \item Constant \code{Tr}: Aquifer is confined, or if unconfined change in head is small relative to aquifer thickness
  #'   \item Stream is straight, infinitely long, and remains in hydraulic connection to aquifer
  #'   \item Constant stream stage
  #'   \item No changes in recharge due to pumping
  #'   \item No streambank storage
  #'   \item Constant pumping rate
  #'   \item Aquifer extends to infinity
  #' }
  #' @return A numeric of \code{Qf}, streamflow depletion as fraction of pumping rate [-].
  #' If the pumping rate of the well (\code{Qw}; [L3/T]) is known, you can calculate volumetric streamflow depletion [L3/T] as \code{Qf*Qw}
  #' @references
  #' Hantush, MS (1965). Wells near Streams with Semipervious Beds. Journal of Geophysical Research 70(12): 2829-38. doi:10.1029/JZ070i012p02829.
  #' @examples
  #' hantush(t = 1826, d = 1000, S = 0.2, Kh = 86.4, b = 100, Kriv = 0.0864, briv = 1)
  #' Qf <- hantush(t = seq(1, 1826), d = 1000, S = 0.2, Kh = 86.4, b = 100, Kriv = 0.0864, briv = 1)
  #' plot(x = seq(1, 1826), y = Qf, type = "l")
  #' @export

  # streambed leakance
  L <- (Kh / Kriv) * briv

  # transmissivity
  Tr <- Kh * b

  # erfc and exp terms can get really huge; use the mpfr package to deal with them
  if (is.null(prec)) {
    term1 <- sqrt(S * d * d / (4 * Tr * t))
    term2 <- (((Tr * t) / (S * L * L)) + (d / L))
    term3 <- (sqrt((Tr * t) / (S * L * L)) + sqrt((S * d * d) / (4 * Tr * t)))
  } else {
    term1 <- Rmpfr::mpfr(sqrt(S * d * d / (4 * Tr * t)), prec)
    term2 <- Rmpfr::mpfr((((Tr * t) / (S * L * L)) + (d / L)), prec)
    term3 <- Rmpfr::mpfr((sqrt((Tr * t) / (S * L * L)) + sqrt((S * d * d) / (4 * Tr * t))), prec)

  # check for issues
  errors <- which(!is.finite(term1) | !is.finite(term2) | !is.finite(term3))
  if (length(errors) > 0) stop(paste0("Non-finite for ", length(errors), " calculation(s). Usually means L or Tr is too low."))

  # calculate streamflow depletion
  Qf <- as.numeric(
    Rmpfr::erfc(term1) - exp(term2) * Rmpfr::erfc(term3)

szipper/streamDepletr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 4:10 a.m.