#' Assign treatment via 3-net clustering randomization.
#' Create a permutation matrix from possible treatment assignments via 3-net
#' clustering randomization or via unit-level randomization under a Bernoulli
#' distribution.
#' \code{make_tr_vec_bernoulli} produces all possible (or a random sample of all
#' possible) treatment assignments via 3-net clustering randomization following
#' the algorithm of Ugander et al. (2013), or via unit-level randomization under
#' a Bernoulli(p) distribution. Sampling of treatment vectors is without
#' replacement.
#' @param p probability that treatment takes the value 1.
#' @param R number of repetitions (treatment assignments). `R` must be smaller
#' or equal to the number of possible treatment assignements which is
#' \eqn{combination(N, C) * 2 ^ C} when \code{cluster = 'yes'}, and \eqn{2 ^
#' N} when \code{cluster = 'no'}, where N corresponds to the number of units
#' and C to the number of clusters.
#' @param cluster string; either `'yes'` or `'no'`. If `'yes'` units are
#' assigned to treatment via 3-net clustering randomization, if `'no'` via
#' unit-level randomization under a Bernoulli(p) distribution.
#' @inheritParams make_tr_vec_permutation
#' @inheritParams make_exposure_map_AS
#' @references Ugander, J. et al. (2013). [Graph cluster randomization: Network
#' exposure to multiple universes](https://doi.org/10.1145/2487575.2487695).
#' *Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge
#' discovery and data mining*. 329--337.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create adjacency matrix:
#' adj_matrix <- make_adj_matrix(N = 50, model = 'small_world',
#' seed = 357)
#' # Assign treatment via 3-net clustering randomization:
#' make_tr_vec_bernoulli(adj_matrix, p = 0.2, R = 1,
#' cluster = 'yes', seed = 357)
#' # Assign treatment via unit-level randomization
#' # under Bernoulli(p) distribution:
#' make_tr_vec_bernoulli(adj_matrix, p = 0.2, R = 1,
#' cluster = 'no', seed = 357)
#' @return An `R` \eqn{*} `N` numeric matrix. Each row cooresponds to a
#' treatment assignment vector.
make_tr_vec_bernoulli <-
function(adj_matrix, p, R, cluster, seed = NULL) {
switch(cluster, 'no' = return(make_tr_vec_bernoulli_indiv(adj_matrix, p, R, seed)),
'yes' = return(make_tr_vec_bernoulli_cluster(adj_matrix, p, R, seed)))
#' @rdname tr_vec_bernoulli
#' @noRd
#' @export
make_tr_vec_bernoulli_cluster <-
function(adj_matrix, p , R, seed = NULL) {
N <- nrow(adj_matrix)
tr_vec_sampled <- matrix(nrow = R, ncol = N)
for (k in 1:R) {
#3-net clustering
G <-
igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix = adj_matrix, mode = 'undirected')
B_2 <- igraph::ego(G, 2) # list of 2-hop neighbors
vertices <- igraph::V(G)
#if entry x of cluster_centers contains entry y, node x is the center of cluster 0
cluster_centers <- rep(NA, length(vertices))
marked <- vector(length = length(vertices))
j <- 0
while (any(!marked)) {
v_j <- sample(which(!marked), 1)
cluster_centers[v_j] <- j
marked[v_j] <- TRUE
marked[unlist(B_2[v_j])] <- TRUE
j <- j + 1
cluster_center_indices <- which(!is.na(cluster_centers))
distances_to_cluster_centers <-
igraph::distances(G, to = cluster_center_indices)
cluster_assignment <- vector(length = length(vertices))
for (i in vertices) {
#This breaks the tie, taking the first element
cluster_index_i <- which(distances_to_cluster_centers[i, ] == min(distances_to_cluster_centers[i, ]))[1]
cluster_assignment[i] <-
# treatment assignement
C <- length(unique(cluster_assignment))
if (R > choose(N, C) * 2 ^ C) {
"R must be smaller than",
choose(N, C) * 2 ^ C,
", the number of possible treatment assignements"
vec_cluster <- rbinom(C, 1, p)
cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster <- cluster_assignment
for (u in 1:length(unique(sort(cluster_assignment)))) {
cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster[which(cluster_assignment %in% unique(sort(cluster_assignment))[u])] <-
vec <- vec_cluster[cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster]
while (any(duplicated(rbind(vec, tr_vec_sampled[1:k - 1, ]))))
cluster_centers <- rep(NA, length(vertices))
marked <- vector(length = length(vertices))
j <- 0
while (any(!marked)) {
v_j <- sample(which(!marked), 1)
cluster_centers[v_j] <- j
marked[v_j] <- TRUE
marked[unlist(B_2[v_j])] <- TRUE
j <- j + 1
cluster_center_indices <- which(!is.na(cluster_centers))
distances_to_cluster_centers <-
igraph::distances(G, to = cluster_center_indices)
cluster_assignment <- vector(length = length(vertices))
for (i in vertices) {
#This breaks the tie, taking the first element
cluster_index_i <- which(distances_to_cluster_centers[i, ] == min(distances_to_cluster_centers[i, ]))[1]
cluster_assignment[i] <-
C <- length(unique(cluster_assignment))
vec_cluster <- rbinom(C, 1, p)
cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster <- cluster_assignment
for (u in 1:length(unique(sort(cluster_assignment)))) {
cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster[which(cluster_assignment %in% unique(sort(cluster_assignment))[u])] <-
vec <- vec_cluster[cluster_assignment_index_vec_cluster]
tr_vec_sampled[k, ] <- vec
#' @rdname tr_vec_bernoulli
#' @noRd
#' @export
make_tr_vec_bernoulli_indiv <-
function(adj_matrix, p, R, seed = NULL) {
N <- nrow(adj_matrix)
tr_vec_sampled <- matrix(nrow = R, ncol = N)
if (R > 2 ^ N) {
"R must be smaller than",
2 ^ N,
", the number of possible treatment assignements"
for (i in 1:R) {
vec <- rbinom(N, 1, p)
while (any(duplicated(rbind(vec, tr_vec_sampled[1:i - 1,]))))
vec <- rbinom(N, 1, p)
tr_vec_sampled[i,] <- vec
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