
##' Update preprocessing object with new drug.
##' @title Add new drug
##' @param dpp Data preprocessing object
##' @param drugname The name (in quotes) of the drug to update the value for. 
##' @param add Logical variable. Per default set to FALSE. If TRUE, and drug with name already exists, then this is not overwritten, and the new values are simply added.
##' @param value not used
##' @examples
##' d <- dpp()
##' drug(d, "treatment1") <- atc("A12B")
##' drug(d, "treatment1") <- pack(c(750, 75), 
##'                               min = c(250, 25),
##'                               max = c(1000, 100),
##'                               def = c(750, 100))
##' @author Helene Charlotte Rytgaard
##' @export
`drug<-` <- function(dpp, drugname, add = FALSE, value) {
  i <- (1:length(dpp$drugs))[names(dpp$drugs) == drugname]

  dpp$drugs = value(dpp, add, i, drugname)  

##' @description Add atc codes to object. 
##' @title Add atc codes to object. 
##' @param atc Quoted atc codes, a vector if multiple values.  
##' @examples
##' d <- dpp()
##' drug(d, "treatment1") <- atc("A12B")
##' @author Helene Charlotte Rytgaard
##' @export
atc <- function(atc) {
  f <- function(dpp, add, i, drugname) {
    if (length(i) > 0) {
      if (add)
        dpp$drugs[[i]]$atc = unique(c(dpp$drugs[[i]]$atc, atc))
        dpp$drugs[[i]]$atc = atc
    else { 
      dpp$drugs$drugname$atc = atc
      names(dpp$drugs)[length(dpp$drugs)] = drugname

tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.