
Defines functions anova.ate

Documented in anova.ate

### anova.ate.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: aug 19 2020 (09:18) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: Oct 16 2024 (11:52) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 72
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * anova.ate (documentation)
#' @title Risk Comparison Over Time
#' @description Comparison of risk differences or risk ratios over all timepoints.
#' @param object A \code{ate} object, i.e. output of the \code{ate} function.
#' @param allContrast [matrix] contrast for which the risks should be compared.
#' Matrix with two rows, the first being the sequence of reference treatments and the second the sequence of alternative treatments. 
#' @param type [character vector] the functionnal used to compare the risks: \code{"diffRisk"} or \code{"ratioRisk"}.
#' @param estimator [character] The type of estimator relative to which the comparison should be performed. 
#' @param test [character] The type of statistic used to compare the risks over times:
#' \code{"KM"} (extremum risk), \code{"CvM"} (sum of squares of the risk), or \code{"sum"} (sum of the risks).
#' @param transform [character] Should a transformation be used, e.g. the test is performed after log-transformation of the estimate, standard error, and influence function.
#' @param alternative [character] a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of \code{"two.sided"}, \code{"greater"} or \code{"less"}.
#' @param n.sim [integer, >0] the number of simulations used to compute the p-values.
#' @param print [logical] should the results be displayed?
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @details Experimental!!!

## * confint.ate (examples)
##' @examples
##' library(survival)
##' library(data.table)
##' \dontrun{
##' ## simulate data
##' set.seed(12)
##' n <- 200
##' dtS <- sampleData(n,outcome="survival")
##' dtS$X12 <- LETTERS[as.numeric(as.factor(paste0(dtS$X1,dtS$X2)))]
##' dtS <- dtS[dtS$X12!="D"]
##' ## model fit
##' fit <- cph(formula = Surv(time,event)~ X1+X6,data=dtS,y=TRUE,x=TRUE)
##' seqTime <- 1:10
##' ateFit <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1", contrasts = NULL,
##'               times = seqTime, B = 0, iid = TRUE, se = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, band = TRUE)
##' ## display
##' autoplot(ateFit)
##' ## inference (two sided)
##' statistic <- ateFit$diffRisk$estimate/ateFit$diffRisk$se
##' confint(ateFit, p.value = TRUE, method.band = "bonferroni")$diffRisk
##' confint(ateFit, p.value = TRUE, method.band = "maxT-simulation")$diffRisk
##' anova(ateFit, test = "KS")
##' anova(ateFit, test = "CvM")
##' anova(ateFit, test = "sum")
##' ## manual calculation (one sided)
##' n.sim <- 1e4
##' statistic <- ateFit$diffRisk[, estimate/se]
##' iid.norm <- scale(ateFit$iid$GFORMULA[["1"]]-ateFit$iid$GFORMULA[["0"]],
##'                   scale = ateFit$diffRisk$se)
##' ls.out <- lapply(1:n.sim, function(iSim){
##' iG <- rnorm(NROW(iid.norm))
##' iCurve <- t(iid.norm) %*% iG
##' data.table(max = max(iCurve), L2 = sum(iCurve^2), sum = sum(iCurve),
##' maxC = max(iCurve) - max(statistic),
##' L2C = sum(iCurve^2) - sum(statistic^2),
##' sumC = sum(iCurve) - sum(statistic),
##' sim = iSim)
##' })
##' dt.out <- do.call(rbind,ls.out)
##' dt.out[,.(max = mean(.SD$maxC>=0),
##'           L2 = mean(.SD$L2C>=0),
##'           sum = mean(.SD$sumC>=0))]
##' ## permutation
##' n.sim <- 250
##' stats.perm <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.sim)
##' pb <- txtProgressBar(max = n.sim, style=3)
##' treatVar <- ateFit$variables["treatment"]
##' for(iSim in 1:n.sim){ ## iSim <- 1
##' iData <- copy(dtS)
##' iIndex <- sample.int(NROW(iData), replace = FALSE)
##' iData[, c(treatVar) := .SD[[treatVar]][iIndex]]
##' iFit <- update(fit, data = iData)
##' iAteSim <- ate(iFit, data = iData, treatment = unname(treatVar),
##'                times = seqTime, verbose = FALSE)
##' iStatistic <- iAteSim$diffRisk[,estimate/se]
##' stats.perm[[iSim]] <- cbind(iAteSim$diffRisk[,.(max = max(iStatistic),
##'                                                 L2 = sum(iStatistic^2),
##'                                                 sum = sum(iStatistic))],
##'                             sim = iSim)
##' stats.perm[[iSim]]$maxC <- stats.perm[[iSim]]$max - max(statistic)
##' stats.perm[[iSim]]$L2C <- stats.perm[[iSim]]$L2 - sum(statistic^2)
##' stats.perm[[iSim]]$sumC <- stats.perm[[iSim]]$sum - sum(statistic)
##' setTxtProgressBar(pb, iSim)
##' }
##' dtstats.perm <- do.call(rbind,stats.perm)
##' dtstats.perm[,.(max = mean(.SD$maxC>=0),
##'                 L2 = mean(.SD$L2C>=0),
##'                 sum = mean(.SD$sumC>=0))]
##' }

## * anova.ate (code)
#' @rdname anova.ate
#' @method anova ate
#' @export
anova.ate <- function(object,
                      allContrast = NULL, type = "diff", estimator = object$estimator[1],
                      test = "CvM", transform = NULL,  alternative = "two.sided", n.sim = 1e4,
                      print = TRUE, ...){

    ## ** initialize and check arguments
        contrasts <- object$contrasts
        allContrasts <- utils::combn(contrasts, m = 2)
    n.allContrasts <- NCOL(allContrasts)
    type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("diff", "ratio"))
    null <- switch(type, "diff" = 0, "ratio" = 1)
    estimator <- match.arg(estimator, choices = object$estimator)
        stop("Cannot perform the test without the standard errors \n",
             "Set argument \'se\' to TRUE when calling the ate function \n")
        stop("Cannot perform the test without the standard errors \n",
             "Set argument \'iid\' to TRUE when calling the ate function \n")
            transform <- "none"
            transform <- object$transform[[paste0(type,"Risk")]]
    n.sample <- NROW(object$iid[[1]][[1]])
    n.time <- NCOL(object$iid[[1]][[1]])
    test <- match.arg(test, c("KS","CvM","sum"))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative, c("two.sided","greater","less"))
    ## ** prepare arguments for cpp routine
    beta <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.allContrasts)
    iid2cpp <- array(NA, dim = c(n.time, n.sample, n.allContrasts))
    statistic2cpp <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.time, ncol = n.allContrasts)

    typeRisk <- object[[paste0(type,"Risk")]]
    for(iC in 1:n.allContrasts){## iC <- 1
        ## *** gather information
        iC.A <- allContrasts[1,iC]
        iC.B <- allContrasts[2,iC]

        iRowIndex <- which((typeRisk$estimator==estimator)*(typeRisk$A==iC.A)*(typeRisk$B==iC.B)==1)
        beta[,iC] <- typeRisk[iRowIndex, .SD$estimate]
        beta.se <- typeRisk[iRowIndex, .SD$se]

        iid.A <- object$iid[[estimator]][[iC.A]]
        iid.B <- object$iid[[estimator]][[iC.B]]
            iid.AB <- iid.B-iid.A
        }else if(type=="ratio"){
            iRowIndex <- which((object$meanRisk$estimator==estimator)*(object$meanRisk$treatment==iC.A)==1)
            risk.A <- object$meanRisk[iRowIndex, .SD$estimate]
            iRowIndex <- which((object$meanRisk$estimator==estimator)*(object$meanRisk$treatment==iC.B)==1)
            risk.B <- object$meanRisk[iRowIndex, .SD$estimate]
            iid.AB <- rowScale_cpp(iid.B, scale = risk.A)-rowScale_cpp(iid.A, scale = risk.B/risk.A^2)
        ## *** transformation
        beta.se <- transformSE(estimate = beta[,iC], se = beta.se, type = transform)
        statistic2cpp[,iC] <- transformT(estimate = beta[,iC], se = beta.se, null = null, type = transform)
        iid2cpp[,,iC] <- t(rowScale_cpp(transformIID(estimate = beta[,iC], iid = iid.AB, type = transform), scale = beta.se))

    ## ** run simulation
    resCpp <- sampleMaxProcess_cpp(nSample = n.sample,
                                   nContrast = n.allContrasts,
                                   nSim = n.sim,
                                   value = statistic2cpp,
                                   iid =  iid2cpp,
                                   global = FALSE,
                                   alternative = switch(alternative,
                                                        "two.sided" = 3,
                                                        "greater" = 2,
                                                        "less" = 1),
                                   type = switch(test, "KS"=1, "CvM"=2, "sum"=3)

    ## ** process results
    out <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = n.allContrasts, ncol = 4,
                             dimnames = list(NULL,c("treatment.A","treatment.B","statistic","p.value"))))
    out$treatment.A <- allContrasts[1,]
    out$treatment.B <- allContrasts[2,]
    if(test == "KS"){
        if(alternative == "less"){
            out$statistic <- apply(statistic2cpp,2,min)
        }else if(alternative == "greater"){
            out$statistic <- apply(statistic2cpp,2,max)
        }else if(alternative == "two.sided"){
            out$statistic <- apply(abs(statistic2cpp),2,max)
    }else if(test == "CvM"){
        out$statistic <- colSums(statistic2cpp^2)
    }else if(test == "sum"){
        out$statistic <- colSums(statistic2cpp)
    out$p.value <- colMeans(resCpp>0)

    ## ** display
        txt.alternative <- switch(alternative,
                                  "two.sided" = "unequal mean risk between treatment groups",
                                  "greater" = "greater mean risk with treatment B compared to treatment A",
                                  "less" = "lower mean risk with treatment B compared to treatment A")
        txt.test <- switch(test,
                           "KS" = "maximum",
                           "CvM" = "sum of squares",
                           "sum" = "sum")
        txt.type <- switch(type,
                           "diff" = "differences",
                           "ratio" = "ratios")

        cat("    Comparison of the Average Treatment Effect over all times \n\n")
        cat(" - test statistic        : ",txt.test," of the risk ",txt.type," \n",sep="")
        cat(" - alternative hypothesis: ",txt.alternative," \n",sep="")
    ## ** export

### anova.ate.R ends here
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.