
Defines functions simsynth

Documented in simsynth

### sim.synth.R --- 
## Author: Thomas Alexander Gerds
## Created: Jul  7 2022 (13:33) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: Jul  7 2022 (14:26) 
##           By: Thomas Alexander Gerds
##     Update #: 9
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

#' @title Simulating from a synthesized object
#' @description Simulating from a synthesized object
#' @param object generated with \code{synthesize}
#' @param n sample size
#' @param drop.latent if \code{TRUE} remove the latent event times from the resulting data set.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed on to \code{lava::sim}
#' @export simsynth
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' m=synthesize(Surv(time,status)~sex+age+bili,data=pbc)
#' simsynth(m,10,drop.latent=TRUE)
simsynth <- function(object, n= 200, drop.latent=FALSE, ...){
    lava.object <- object$lava.object
    res <- lava::sim(lava.object,n,...)
    labels <- object$labels
    for (var in names(labels)){
        res[[var]] <- factor(res[[var]])
        levels(res[[var]]) <- labels[[var]]
    # remove variables that would not be in the original data set 
    if (drop.latent){
        # remove latent times
        if (length(lava.object$attributes$eventHistory$time$latentTimes)>0)
            res <- res[,-match(lava.object$attributes$eventHistory$time$latentTimes,names(res),nomatch=0)]
        # remove dummy variables
        categories <- object$categories
        for (c in categories) {
            res <- res[,-grep(c,names(res))[-1]]

### sim.synth.R ends here
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.