eMap: Create an HTML map charts widget using the...

Description Usage Arguments Note Examples

View source: R/eMap.R


This function creates an HTML widget to display data.frame and factor array, using the JavaScript library ECharts3.


eMap(dat, namevar = NULL, datavar = NULL, size = NULL,
  region = "china", color = c("#1e90ff", "#f0ffff"),
  theme = "default", title = NULL, subtitle = NULL,
  title.x = "center", title.y = "top", legend = TRUE,
  legend.x = "left", legend.y = "top", legend.orient = "horizontal",
  toolbox = TRUE, toolbox.orient = "horizontal", toolbox.x = "right",
  toolbox.y = "top", dataView = FALSE, readOnly = FALSE,
  mark = TRUE, dataZoom = FALSE, dataRange = TRUE,
  dataRange.x = "left", dataRange.y = "bottom", dataRange.min = NULL,
  dataRange.max = NULL, dataRange.calculable = TRUE,
  dataRange.text = c("high", "low"), dataRange.orient = "horizontal",
  tooltip = TRUE, tooltip.trigger = "item", formatter = "",
  calculable = FALSE, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, showLabel = TRUE,
  opt = list())



a data object (a data frame or a factor array)


objects of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): the region name of the given data.frame colnames, e.g. xvar = ~province; namevar only needed for the data.frame data input.


an "formula" object: Associates the value of variable with symbol color, e.g. datavar = ~valueName. If multiple columns input, you can use "+" to connect them datavar = ~val1 + val2


an array of html widget width and height(either numeric pixels or percentage could be accepted): e.g. size = c(1024, 768).


the display map region name, "china" is default. At present, c("world", "usa", "china") and the Chinese province name(in chinese) are supported.


two elements for the color scaling, default is c("#1e90ff", "#f0ffff"). The first element is the color for max value and the second element is the color for min value. color = c("red", "yellow") @param theme an object of theme name. see(http://datatables.net/extensions/index) for detail. supported theme: c("default", "vintage", "dark", "westeros", "essos", "wonderland", "walden", "chalk", "infographic", "macarons", "roma", "shine", "purple-passion")


an overall title for the plot. you can modify title widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eTitle(title = "your title.")

title.x, title.y

the xy coordinates of main title, besides the excat exact pixels value, x accept c("left", "right", "center") and y accept c("top", "bottom", "center") as legal input. you can modify title widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eTitle(title="main title", x = "left", y=10)


logical whether the legend widget show or not, default is TRUE. you can modify legend widget after chart has been generated, the legend position and legend orientation are available at present. mapEchart + eLegend(show = TRUE)

legend.x, legend.y

the xy coordinates of legend, besides the excat exact pixels value, x accept c("left", "right", "center") and y accept c("top", "bottom", "center") as legal input. you can modify legend widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eLegend(x = "right", y="top")


an element of c("horizontal", "vertical"), default is "horizontal" you can modify legend widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eLegend(orient = "vertical")


logical whether the toolbox widget show or not, default is TRUE. you can modify toolbox widget after chart has been generated, the toolbox position, toolbox element and toolbox orientation are available at present. mapEchart + eToolbox(show = TRUE)


an element of c("horizontal", "vertical"), default is "horizontal" you can modify toolbox widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eToolbox(orient = "vertical")

toolbox.x, toolbox.y

the xy coordinates of toolbox, besides the excat exact pixels value, x accept c("left", "right", "center") and y accept c("top", "bottom", "center") as legal input. you can modify toolbox widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eToolbox(x = "right", y="top")


logical whether the dataRange widget show or not, default is TRUE. you can modify legend widget after chart has been generated, the legend position and legend orientation are available at present. mapEchart + eDataRange(show = TRUE)

dataRange.x, dataRange.y

the xy coordinates of dataRange, besides the excat exact pixels value, x accept c("left", "right", "center") and y accept c("top", "bottom", "center") as legal input. you can modify dataRange widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eDataRange(x = "left", y="bottom")

dataRange.min, dataRange.max

the limitation value for data scale, default is null means the limitation of dataRange will modify automatically.


logical whether the front-end interactive chart will support the drag-recalculable feature for dataRange widget. the size and calculable option can be setted after bar chart has been generated through eOption: mapEchart + eDataRange(calculable = TRUE)


the min and max text symbol showed for dataRange widget. default is c("high", "low").


an element of c("horizontal", "vertical"), default is "horizontal" you can modify dataRange widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eDataRange(orient = "vertical")


logical whether the tooltip widget for front-end interactive chart show or not. default is TRUE. you can modify tooltip widget after chart has been generated, the tooltip trigger and tooltip formatter is available at present. mapEchart + eTooltip(show = FALSE)


an element of c("axis", "item"), default is "axis" for bar chart. "axis" option for trigger will show all the information of mouse; "item" option for tirgger will only show the given item information of mouse. you can modify tooltip widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eTooltip(trigger = "axis")


logical whether the front-end interactive chart will support the drag-recalculable feature. the size and calculable option can be setted after bar chart has been generated through eOption: mapEchart + eOption(calculable = TRUE)


logical whether the region name label showed on map. default is TRUE, e.g. mapEchart + eOption(showLabel = TRUE)

dataview, mark, restore, dataZoom, magicType

logical variable whether the dataview , mark, restore, dataZoom or magicType tool in toolbox widget show or not, default is TRUE. you can modify toolbox widget after chart has been generated, the toolbox position, toolbox element and toolbox orientation are available at present. mapEchart + eToolbox(dataView = FALSE)


the information formatter for tooltip widget, default is "<a>:<b><c>" for bar chart. you can modify tooltip widget after chart has been generated: mapEchart + eTooltip(formatter = "<a><b>:<c>")


You are recommended to use lazyPlot function for interactive chart option set through "shiny" server.


mapData <- head(mapTestData_chs, 5)
eMap(mapData, namevar=~stdName, datavar = ~val1 + val2)
provinceMapData <- mapTestData_chs[6:15,]
eMap(provinceMapData, namevar=~stdName, datavar = ~val1+val2, region=unique(provinceMapData$motherName)[1])

taiyun/recharts documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 3:17 a.m.