
context("heatmaply misc")

test_that("node argument works", {
  rrapply <- function(A, FUN, ...) {
    mapply(function(a, B) {
        function(x) FUN(a, x, ...)
    }, a = A, MoreArgs = list(B = A))
  cor.tests <- rrapply(mtcars, cor.test) # a matrix of cor.tests
  p <- apply(cor.tests, 1:2, function(x) x[[1]]$p.value) # and it's there
  r <- cor(mtcars)
  h <- heatmaply(
    node_type = "scatter",
    point_size_name = "p",
    point_size_mat = -log10(p)
  expect_is(heatmaply(mtcars, node_type = "scatter", point_size_mat = mtcars), "plotly")

test_that("non-numerics moved to row_side_colors", {
  mtcars[, ncol(mtcars) + 1] <- "a"
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, row_side_colors = mtcars[, 1:2])
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("colors as fun", {
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, colors = RdBu)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("label format fun", {
  for (plot_method in c("ggplot", "plotly")) {
    h <- heatmaply(mtcars,
      label_format_fun = function(x) x,
      plot_method = plot_method
    expect_is(h, "plotly")
    h <- heatmaply(mtcars,
      label_format_fun = function(x) x,
      plot_method = plot_method, node_type = "scatter", point_size_mat = mtcars
    expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("heatmaply on matrix, and cexRow/Col", {
  mtcars <- as.matrix(mtcars)
  rownames(mtcars) <- NULL
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, cexRow = 5, cexCol = 5)
  expect_warning(heatmaply(mtcars, cexRow = "b", cexCol = "a"))

  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("grid_color and hide_colorbar", {
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars[1:5, 1:5], grid_color = "black", hide_colorbar = TRUE)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("return plots", {
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, return_ppxpy = TRUE)
  sapply(h, function(el) expect_true(is.null(el) | inherits(el, "gg")))

test_that("SideColors", {
  rs <- mtcars[, 1]
  rscolors <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(length(unique(rs)))
  rs <- rscolors[as.character(rs)]
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, RowSideColors = rs)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
  h <- heatmaply(t(mtcars), ColSideColors = rs)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("limits", {
  h <- heatmaply(t(mtcars), limits = range(as.matrix(mtcars)))
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
  expect_warning(h <- heatmaply(t(mtcars), limits = c(0, 0)))
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
  expect_error(heatmaply(t(mtcars), limits = c("a", "b")))
  expect_error(heatmaply(t(mtcars), limits = 1))

test_that("cellnote", {
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, draw_cellnote = TRUE)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")

test_that("showticklabels", {
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, showticklabels = TRUE)
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
  h <- heatmaply(mtcars, showticklabels = c(FALSE, FALSE))
  expect_is(h, "plotly")
    heatmaply(mtcars, showticklabels = "a"),
    "showticklabels must be a logical vector of length 2 or 1"

## This relies on PhantomJS... it's failing a lot so comment it
# test_that("file argument works", {
#   lapply(c("png", "jpeg", "pdf", "html"), function(type) {
#     file <- paste0("tmp.", type)
#     if (type=="pdf") {
#         expect_warning(heatmaply(mtcars, file=file))
#     } else {
#         heatmaply(mtcars, file=file)
#     }
#     expect_true(file.exists(file))
#   })
# })

test_that("correlation arguments work", {
  lapply(c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall"), function(method) {
    expect_is(heatmaply(mtcars, distfun = method), "plotly")

test_that("long_data works", {
  mdf <- reshape2::melt(as.matrix(mtcars))
  colnames(mdf) <- c("name", "variable", "value")
  expect_is(heatmaply(long_data = mdf), "plotly")
    heatmaply(mtcars, long_data = mdf),
    "x and long_data should not be used together"

test_that("heatmaply_na works", {
  m <- as.matrix(mtcars)
  m[1:5] <- NA
  expect_is(heatmaply_na(m), "plotly")

test_that("heatmaply_cor works", {
  m <- cor(as.matrix(mtcars))
  expect_is(heatmaply_cor(m), "plotly")

test_that("dengrogram=TRUE works", {
  expect_is(heatmaply(mtcars, dendrogram = TRUE), "plotly")

test_that("limits warning", {
    heatmaply(mtcars, limits = c(4, 5)),
    "Lower limit is not*"

test_that("grid_gap works", {
  expect_is(heatmaply(mtcars, grid_gap = 1), "plotly")

test_that("subplot_* needs to be correct", {
  expect_error(heatmaply(mtcars, subplot_heights = rep(1, 10)))
  expect_error(heatmaply(mtcars, subplot_widths = rep(1, 10)))

test_that("custom_hovertext works", {
  mat <- as.matrix(mtcars)
  suppressWarnings(mat[] <- letters)
  for (plot_method in c("plotly", "ggplot")) {
    expect_error(heatmaply(mtcars, plot_method = plot_method, custom_hovertext = mat), NA)

test_that("hclust_method=NA works", {
  expect_error(heatmaply(mtcars, hclust_method = NA), NA)
talgalili/heatmaply documentation built on July 16, 2024, 6:55 p.m.