
## ---- echo = FALSE, message = FALSE--------------------------------------
   # cache = TRUE,
   dpi = 60,
  comment = '#>',
  tidy = FALSE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Let's load the packages

## ---- eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
#  ## This script downloads the expression data for all breast cancer samples
#  ## from GDC/TCGA, and filters them to have only the genes in the
#  ## PAM50 gene set
#  library('TCGAbiolinks')
#  library('SummarizedExperiment')
#  library('biomaRt')
#  library('voom')
#  query <- GDCquery(project = 'TCGA-BRCA',
#      data.category = 'Transcriptome Profiling',
#      data.type = 'Gene Expression Quantification',
#      workflow.type = 'HTSeq - Counts'
#  )
#  GDCdownload(query)
#  data <- GDCprepare(query)
#  ## Retain only tumour samples
#  ind_tumor <- colData(data)[['definition']]== 'Primary solid Tumor'
#  data <- data[, ind_tumor]
#  ## Annotate using biomaRt
#  mart <- useDataset('hsapiens_gene_ensembl', useMart('ensembl'))
#  genes <- rownames(data)
#  symbols <- getBM(filters= 'ensembl_gene_id',
#      attributes= c('ensembl_gene_id','hgnc_symbol'),
#      values = genes,
#      mart= mart)
#  ## Remove those not annotated
#  ind_nchar <- as.logical(nchar(symbols[['hgnc_symbol']]))
#  symbols <- symbols[ind_nchar, ]
#  data <- data[symbols[['ensembl_gene_id']], ]
#  rownames(data) <- symbols[['hgnc_symbol']]
#  ## Subset to those annotated with a symbol here
#  pam50_genes <- intersect(pam50_genes, symbols[['hgnc_symbol']])
#  clinical_cols <- c('subtype_Integrated.Clusters..with.PAM50.',
#      'subtype_ER.Status',
#      'subtype_PR.Status',
#      'subtype_HER2.Final.Status'
#  )
#  ## Only interested in those which have all subtypes.
#  subtypes <- colData(data)[, clinical_cols]
#  ind_has_subtypes <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(subtypes)),
#      function(i) {
#          all(![i, ]))
#      })
#  data <- data[, ind_has_subtypes]
#  tcga_brca_clinical <- colData(data)
#  tcga_brca_clinical <- tcga_brca_clinical[, clinical_cols]
#  colnames(tcga_brca_clinical) <- gsub('subtype_', '', colnames(tcga_brca_clinical))
#  stypes <- c('ER.Status', 'PR.Status', 'HER2.Final.Status')
#  tcga_brca_clinical[, stypes] <- lapply(tcga_brca_clinical[, stypes],
#      function(col) {
#          col <- as.character(col)
#          ifelse(col %in% c('Positive', 'Negative'), col, NA)
#      }
#  )
#  ## Set up final objects
#  tcga_brca_clinical <-
#  expression <- assay(data, 'HTSeq - Counts')
#  expression <- expression[!duplicated(rownames(expression)), ]
#  voomed_expression <- as.matrix(voom(expression))
#  raw_expression <- expression

## ---- fig.width=13, fig.height=10----------------------------------------
cor_mat_raw_logged <- cor(log2(raw_expression + 0.5))

    row_side_colors = tcga_brca_clinical,
    main = 'Sample-sample correlation, log2 counts',
    showticklabels = c(FALSE, FALSE),
    plot_method = 'plotly')

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
cor_mat_voomed <- cor(voomed_expression) 

## ---- fig.width=13, fig.height=10, eval = FALSE--------------------------
#  heatmaply(cor_mat_voomed,
#      row_side_colors = tcga_brca_clinical,
#      main = 'Sample-sample correlation, log2 CPM',
#      showticklabels = c(FALSE, FALSE),
#      plot_method = 'plotly')

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
identical(as.vector(cor_mat_voomed) ,as.vector(cor_mat_raw_logged))
cor(as.vector(cor_mat_voomed) ,as.vector(cor_mat_raw_logged))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
talgalili/heatmaplyExamples documentation built on May 23, 2019, 7:36 a.m.