#' @rdname build.junction.tree
#' @aliases build.junction.tree,InferenceEngine
#' @import igraph bitops methods
function(object, ...) {
# Calculate junction tree of a given graph.
# Input parameter is the adjacency matrix of a directed graph.
dgraph <- dag(bn(object))
graph <- moralization(dgraph) # adj. matrix
graph <- directed.to.undirected.graph(graph) # adj. matrix
graph <- triangulation(graph) # adj. matrix
ctout <- clique.tree(graph) # (adj. matrix, list of lists of nodes)
ctree <- ctout$clique.tree
cs <- ctout$cliques
junction.tree(object) <- ctree
#num.nodes(object) <- length(cs)
jt.cliques(object) <- cs
# triangulated.graph(object) <- graph
directed.to.undirected.graph <- function(dg)
# Take a NxN adjacency matrix representing a directed graph, remove edge directionality,
# and return a NxN matrix representing the resulting undirected graph.
# There is probably a better, native way for this...
N <- nrow(dg)
for ( i in 1:N )
for ( j in 1:N ) # cannot assume triangular matrices
if (dg[i,j] == 1 && dg[j,i] == 0)
#print(paste(i,j,"add bidirectional edge"))
dg[j,i] <- 1
moralization <- function(graph)
# Compute moral graph of the given NxN directed graph
# by connecting non-adjacent nodes that share a child.
# get number of nodes, create empty moral graph
N <- nrow(graph)
moral <- graph #matrix(0, N, N)
# Iterate through nodes.
# For each node, if it has 2+ parents, check if they are adjacent.
# If not, add an edge in the moral graph.
# Works assuming that graph[i,j] contains directed arc i->j.
for (i in 1:N)
found <- which(graph[,i] == 1)
if (length(found) > 1) # got the parents, check 'moral edge'
for (j in 1:(length(found)-1))
for (k in (j+1):length(found))
if (graph[found[j],found[k]] == 0 && graph[found[j],found[k]] == 0)
#print(paste(found[j],found[k],"share a child:",i))
moral[found[j],found[k]] <- 1
moral[found[k],found[j]] <- 1
} # end if
} # for i
# print("moral graph")
# print(moral)
# # Finally, remove edge directionality in the original graph.
# # If a directed edge appears in the given graph, then add
# # the corresponding undirected edge to the moral graph.
# for (i in 1:N)
# {
# for (j in 1:N) # cannot assume triangular matrices
# {
# if (graph[i,j] == 1)
# {
# moral[i,j] <- 1
# moral[j,i] <- 1
# }
# }
# }
triangulation <- function(graph)
# Get an undirected graph, return a triangulated (chordal) graph,
# i.e. a graph which has no cycles of length >3 without an edge (chord)
# connecting two nodes that are not adjacent in the cycle.
# create igraph object from adjacency matrix
ig <- graph.adjacency(graph, "undirected", weighted=NULL, diag=TRUE,
add.colnames=NULL, add.rownames=NA)
# All of the following could be replaced (I hope) with
# > is.chordal(ig, newgraph=TRUE)$newgraph
# but in the current version of igraph there is a fatal bug when ran in linux
# Under windows it is reported to work, but I haven't tested it yet
# for what I understand, the result is a list of the form a b c d ...
# meaning that the fill-in edges are (a,b), (c,d), ...
fill.in.edges <- is.chordal(ig, fillin=TRUE)$fillin
#print("fill in edges")
# manually add the edges to my original graph
i <- 1
while(i <= length(fill.in.edges))
#print(paste("adding edge",fill.in.edges[i],fill.in.edges[i+1]))
graph[fill.in.edges[i],fill.in.edges[i+1]] <- 1
graph[fill.in.edges[i+1],fill.in.edges[i]] <- 1
i <- i+2
clique.tree <- function(graph)
# Compute clique tree of the given graph, i.e. a graph whose nodes
# are the maximal cliques in the given graph, and the edges form the
# maximum spanning tree for the clique tree.
# Returns the clique tree and the cliques.
# create igraph object from adjacency list
ig <- graph.adjacency(graph, "undirected", weighted=NULL, diag=TRUE,
add.colnames=NULL, add.rownames=NA)
# get list containing all the maximal cliques in the graph
igraph::cliques(ig, min=NULL, max=NULL)
cs <- maximal.cliques(ig)
# print("---")
# print(cs)
num.cliques <- length(cs)
# print(num.cliques)
# for (i in 1:num.cliques)
# {
# print("....")
# print(cs[i])
# cs[i] <- list(sort(unlist(cs[i])))
# }
# construct distance matrix for the clique tree:
# - nodes are the cliques
# - edges between cliques are associated with sepsets (the nodes they share)
# ctree[i,j] <- |sepset(C_i, C_j)|
# Also, a complementary graph is computed, in order to use the igraph
# minimum.spanning.tree method to compute a maximum spanning tree
ctree <- matrix(0, num.cliques, num.cliques)
compl <- matrix(0, num.cliques, num.cliques)
for (i in 1:num.cliques)
for (j in 1:num.cliques)
# why the previous sorting (cs[i] <- list(sort(unlist(cs[i])))) has no effect?
# print(paste(i,j,cs[i],cs[j],intersect(sort(unlist(cs[i])),sort(unlist(cs[j])))))
# cat(unlist(cs[i])," ",unlist(cs[j])," ", length(intersect(sort(unlist(cs[i])),sort(unlist(cs[j])))), "\n")
ctree[i,j] <- length(intersect(sort(unlist(cs[i])),sort(unlist(cs[j]))))
compl[i,j] <- -ctree[i,j]#min(length(unlist(cs[i])),length(unlist(cs[j]))) - ctree[i,j]
ig <- graph.adjacency(compl, "undirected", weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE,
add.colnames=NULL, add.rownames=NA)
# compute max-spanning tree using the complementary graph, and get adjacency matrix
ig.mst <- minimum.spanning.tree(ig)
mst <- get.adjacency(ig.mst, type="both", attr=NULL, edges=FALSE)#, names=TRUE,)
# 'edges=TRUE' + get.edgelist may help with order...
# print(mst)
# convert mst adjacency matrix to a format we can use elsewhere
mst <- matrix(data = mst, nrow = num.cliques, ncol = num.cliques, byrow = TRUE)
# now manually insert the correct edge weights
for (i in 1:num.cliques)
for (j in 1:num.cliques)
if (mst[i,j] == 1)
mst[i,j] <- ctree[i,j]
# print(mst)
return(list("clique.tree" = mst, "cliques" = cs))
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