knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) 

Project Title: r input$title


Welcome to Phase 1 of the Decision Tree Framework: the Climate Screening Worksheet. This worksheet will help you determine if the project under consideration requires a Phase 2 analysis.

The primary purpose of Phase 1 is to provide notes and keywords that justify the classification you eventually choose for this project. This will necessarily include a thoughtful reflection and analysis of your project. The Four C's provide strategic questions to guide your thinking. You are encouraged to add or remove particular questions based on their relevance to the project. No response in a particular text box need exceed 100 words for Phase 1 to be completed sucessfully.

After you have spent some time reflecting on the project, fill out the basic questions at the bottom of this page to determine whether or not the project requires a Phase 2 sensitivity analysis. You can then download this page, along with your responses, for your records.


Your response:

r input$text_choices


Your response:

r input$text_consequences


Your response:

r input$text_connections


Your response:

r input$text_uncertainties

Is Phase 2 Necessary?

Answer the questions below until you have recieved a notice that you have completed the worksheet. Then download the page for your records.

For your convienience, the flowchart below summarizes the different categories a project might fall under and whether or not the project requires proceeding to Phase 2.


Is this project long lived (i.e. lifetime greater than 20 years)? r input$lifetime

What kind of project is it? r input$project_type

Does the policy have water allocation effects (e.g., via price changes or laws)? r input$water_alloc

Is the policy easily easily reversible upon further information? r input$reversible

if((input$lifetime == 'No') | (input$lifetime == 'Yes' &
input$project_type == 'Other') | (input$lifetime == 'Yes' & input$project_type
== 'Policy' & input$water_alloc == 'No') | (input$lifetime == 'Yes' &
input$project_type == 'Policy' & input$water_alloc == 'Yes' & input$reversible
== 'Yes')) { p("Based on your evaluation,", tags$strong("there is no need to
proceed to Phase 2 for this project.")) }

if((input$lifetime == 'Yes' & input$project_type == 'Infrastructure') | 
(input$lifetime == 'Yes' & input$project_type == 'Policy' & input$water_alloc ==
'Yes' & input$reversible == 'No')){ strong("Based on your evaluation,", "this
project requires a Phase 2 sensitivity analysis.") }
#get_flowchart() causes error. Not sure why. This means that you'll have to rebuild the flowchart everytime you make a change in the flowchart.R file...

Is Phase 2 necessary for this project?

tbadams45/dtphase1 documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:58 a.m.