bucks | Print a money object |
deg2rad | Convert Degrees to Degrees |
dl_from_dropbox | dl_from_dropbox |
docData | Twin data for Direction of causation modelling |
extractAIC.MxModel | Extract AIC from MxModel |
fin_interest | Compute the value of a principal & annual deposits at a... |
fin_JustifiedPE | Justified P/E Ratio |
fin_NI | Compute NI given annual Earnings. |
fin_percent | Compute the percent change needed to return to the original... |
fin_ticker | Open a ticker in yahoo finance. |
fin_valuation | Work the valuation of a company |
Fischbein_wt | Weight data across time. |
FishersMethod | Fishers Method of combining p-values. |
geometric_mean | Geometric Mean |
GFF | Twin data: General Family Functioning, divorce, and... |
ggAddR | Add a fit statistic to a ggplot |
harmonic_mean | Harmonic Mean |
install.OpenMx | Install OpenMx, with choice of builds |
iqdat | Twin data: IQ measured longitudinally across 4 ages. |
libs | load libraries |
loadings | loadings Generic loadings function to extract factor loadings... |
loadings.MxModel | Extract factor loadings from an EFA (factor analysis). |
noNAs | Succinctly select complete rows from a dataframe |
oddsratio | Compute odds ratio (OR) |
plot.MxLISRELModel | Create and display a graphical path diagram for a LISREL... |
plot.MxModel | Create and display a graphical path diagram for a model. |
plot.MxModelTwinMaker | Create and display a graphical path diagram for a path-based... |
plot.percent | Plot a percent change graph |
power.ACE.test | Test the power of an ACE model to detect paths of interest. |
print.oddsratio | Print a scale "oddsratio" object |
print.percent | Print a percent object |
print.reliability | Print a scale "reliability" object |
print.RMSEA | Print a RMSEA object |
prolific_anonymize | Clean up a prolific file for sharing by removing... |
prolific_check_ID | Return PIDs in df |
prolific_read_demog | Read and optionally merge demographics file from prolific... |
qm | qm |
rad2deg | Convert Radians to Degrees |
reliability | Report coefficient alpha (reliability) |
residuals.MxModel | Get residuals from an MxModel |
RMSEA | Generic RMSEA function |
RMSEA.MxModel | RMSEA function for MxModels |
RMSEA.summary.mxmodel | RMSEA function for MxModel summary |
SE_from_p | Compute an SE from a beta and p value |
tmx_genotypic_effect | Graphical display of genotypic effects. |
tmx_is.identified | Test if a factor model is identified |
tmx_show | Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format. |
tmx_show.MxMatrix | Show matrices of models in a easy-to-learn-from format. |
tmx_show.MxModel | Show matrices of RAM models in a easy-to-learn-from format. |
umx | Functions for Structural Equation Modeling in OpenMx |
umxACE | Build and run a 2-group Cholesky ACE twin model (univariate... |
umxACEcov | Run a Cholesky with covariates that are random (in the... |
umxACEv | Build and run 2-group uni- or multi-variate ACE models based... |
umx_aggregate | Convenient formula-based cross-tabs & built-in summary... |
umxAlgebra | A simple wrapper for mxAlgebra with name as the first... |
umxAPA | Creates nicely formatted journal-style summaries of models,... |
umx_APA_pval | Round p-values according to APA guidelines |
umx_apply | umx_apply |
umx_array_shift | Like the php array_shift function: shifts an item off the... |
umx_as_numeric | umx_as_numeric |
umxBrownie | A recipe Easter-egg for umx |
umx_check | umx_check |
umx_check_model | Check for required features in an OpenMx. |
umx_check_names | Check if a request name exists in a dataframe or related... |
umx_check_OS | umx_check_OS |
umx_check_parallel | Check if OpenMx is using OpenMP, test cores, and get timings |
umxCI | Add (and, optionally, run) confidence intervals to a... |
umxCI_boot | umxCI_boot |
umxCLPM | Runs cross-lagged panel models |
umxCompare | Print a comparison table of one or more 'OpenMx::mxModel()'s,... |
umxConfint | Get confidence intervals from a umx model |
umx_cont_2_quantiles | umx_cont_2_quantiles |
umx_cor | Report correlations and their p-values |
umxCov2cor | Convert a covariance matrix into a correlation matrix |
umxCP | umxCP: Build and run a Common Pathway twin model |
umx-deprecated | Deprecated. May already stop() code and ask to be updated.... |
umxDiagnose | Diagnose problems in a model - not working! |
umxDiffMZ | MZ differences method for testing evidence for causality. |
umxDiscTwin | Intra-pair association in MZ, DZ twin models. (ALPHA... |
umxDoC | Build and run a 2-group Direction of Causation twin models. |
umxDoCp | Make a direction of causation model based on umxPath... |
umxEFA | FIML-based Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) |
umxEquate | umxEquate: Equate two or more paths |
umxExamples | Example code from Twin Research and Human Genetics Paper on... |
umxExpCov | Get the expected vcov matrix |
umx_explode | Explode a string (Like the php function 'explode') |
umx_explode_twin_names | Break twin variable names (BMI_T1, BMI_T2) into base variable... |
umxExpMeans | Extract the expected means matrix from an 'OpenMx::mxModel()' |
umxFactor | umxFactor |
umxFactorScores | Return factor scores from a model as an easily consumable... |
umx_file_load_pseudo | Read in files from pseudocons. |
umx_find_object | umx_find_object |
umxFitIndices | Get additional fit-indices for a model with umxFitIndices |
umxFixAll | umxFixAll: Fix all free parameters |
umx_fun_mean_sd | Summarizing functions used in umx_aggregate and for umxAPA |
umx_get_bracket_addresses | Get bracket-style addresses from an mxMatrix |
umx_get_checkpoint | Get or set checkpointing for a model |
umxGetLatents | Get the latentVars from a RAM model |
umxGetManifests | Get the manifestVars from a RAM model |
umxGetModel | Used to get a RAM submodel by name |
umx_get_options | Display umx options |
umxGetParameters | Get parameters from a model, with support for pattern... |
umx_grep | Search for text |
umxGxE | umxGxE: Implements ACE models with moderation of paths, e.g.... |
umxGxEbiv | Purcell (2002) Bivariate GxE model: Suitable when twins... |
umxGxE_window | Implement the moving-window form of GxE analysis. |
umx_has_been_run | umx_has_been_run |
umx_has_CIs | umx_has_CIs |
umx_has_means | umx_has_means |
umx_has_square_brackets | Check if a label contains square brackets |
umxHetCor | Create a matrix of correlations for variables of diverse... |
umxIP | umxIP: Build and run an Independent Pathway twin model |
umx_is_class | Check if variables in a dataframe are in a list of classes. |
umx_is_cov | umx_is_cov |
umx_is_endogenous | List endogenous variables in a model |
umx_is_exogenous | umx_is_exogenous |
umx_is_MxData | Check if an object is an mxData object |
umx_is_MxMatrix | umx_is_MxMatrix |
umx_is_MxModel | umx_is_MxModel |
umx_is_numeric | Check if variables in a dataframe are numeric |
umx_is_ordered | Test if one or more variables in a dataframe are ordered |
umx_is_RAM | umx_is_RAM |
umxJiggle | umxJiggle |
umxLav2RAM | Convert lavaan string to a umxRAM model |
umx_long2wide | Take a long twin-data file and make it wide (one family per... |
umx_lower2full | Convert lower-only matrix data to full (or enforce symmetry... |
umx_lower.tri | Get values from lower triangle of a matrix |
umx_make | "make" the umx package using devtools: release to CRAN etc. |
umx_make_fake_data | umx_make_fake_data |
umx_make_MR_data | Simulate Mendelian Randomization data |
umx_make_raw_from_cov | Turn a cov matrix into raw data |
umx_make_sql_from_excel | Convert an excel spreadsheet in a text file on sql... |
umx_make_TwinData | Simulate twin data with control over A, C, and E parameters,... |
umx_make_twin_data_nice | Convert a twin dataset into umx standard format. |
umxMatrix | Make a mxMatrix with automatic labels. Also takes name as the... |
umxMatrixFree | Sets labeled matrix cells to free |
umx_means | umx_means |
umx_merge_randomized_columns | umx_merge_randomized_columns |
umxMI | Report modifications which would improve fit. |
umxModel | Catches users typing umxModel instead of umxRAM. |
umxModelNames | Return names of models found within a model |
umxModify | umxModify: Add, set, or drop model paths by label. |
umx_move_file | Move files |
umxMRDoC | Extends Mendelian randomization with the twin design to test... |
umx_msg | Print the name and compact contents of variable. |
umx_names | umx_names |
umx_open | Open a file or folder |
umx_open_CRAN_page | Open the CRAN page for a package |
umx_pad | Pad an Object with NAs |
umxParameters | Display path estimates from a model, filtering by name and... |
umxParan | A wrapper to make paran easier to use. Just automates... |
umx_paste_names | Concatenate base variable names with suffixes to create... |
umxPath | Easier (and powerful) specification of paths in SEM. |
umxPlot | Quickly plot y ~ x with a regression line and R^2, and nice... |
umxPlotACE | Make a graphical display of an ACE model |
umxPlotACEcov | Make a graphical display of an ACE model with covariates. |
umxPlotACEv | Produce a graphical display of an ACE variance-components... |
umxPlotCP | Draw and display a graphical figure of Common Pathway model |
umxPlotDoC | Plot a Direction of Causation Model. |
umxPlotFun | Easily plot functions in R |
umxPlotGxE | Plot the results of a GxE univariate test for moderation of... |
umxPlotGxEbiv | Plot the results of a GxE univariate test for moderation of... |
umxPlotIP | Draw a graphical figure for a Independent Pathway model |
umxPlotSexLim | Draw and display a graphical figure of a Sex limitation model |
umxPlotSimplex | Draw and display a graphical figure of a simplex model |
umx_polychoric | FIML-based polychoric, polyserial, and Pearson correlations |
umx_polypairwise | FIML-based Pairwise polychoric, polyserial, and Pearson... |
umx_polytriowise | FIML-based trio-based polychoric, polyserial, and Pearson... |
umxPower | Test power to detect specified path values in a model. |
umx_print | Print tables in a range of formats (markdown default, see... |
umxRAM | Build and run path-based SEM models |
umxRAM2Lav | Convert a RAM model to a lavaan string |
umx_read_lower | Read lower-triangle of data matrix from console or file |
umxReduce | Reduce models, and report the results. |
umxReduceACE | Reduce an ACE model. |
umxReduceGxE | Reduce a GxE model. |
umx_rename | umx_rename |
umx_rename_file | Rename files |
umxRenameMatrix | Rename a umxMatrix (even in a model) |
umx_reorder | Reorder or drop variables from a correlation/covariance... |
umx_residualize | Easily residualize variables in long or wide dataframes,... |
umx_rot | Rotate a vector |
umxRotate | Generic SEM factor model loading rotation function |
umxRotate.MxModelCP | Rotate a CP solution |
umx_round | umx_round |
umx_r_test | Test the difference between correlations for significance. |
umxRun | umxRun: Run an mxModel |
umx_scale | Scale data columns, skipping non-scalable columns |
umx_scale_wide_twin_data | Scale wide twin data |
umx_score_scale | Score a psychometric scale by summing normal and reversed... |
umx_select_valid | Update NA values in one column with valid entries from... |
umx_set_auto_plot | umx_set_auto_plot |
umx_set_auto_run | Automatically run models? |
umx_set_checkpoint | umx_set_checkpoint |
umx_set_condensed_slots | umx_set_condensed_slots |
umx_set_cores | umx_set_cores |
umx_set_data_variance_check | umx_set_data_variance_check |
umx_set_dollar_symbol | Set the symbol for money |
umx_set_optimization_options | Set options that affect optimization in OpenMx |
umx_set_optimizer | Set the optimizer in OpenMx |
umxSetParameters | Change or fix parameters (e.g. their values, labels, bounds,... |
umx_set_plot_file_suffix | Set output suffix used in umx SEM diagram files saved to... |
umx_set_plot_format | Set output format of plots (structural diagrams) in umx |
umx_set_plot_use_hrbrthemes | Set theme system to use for plots. |
umx_set_separator | Set the separator |
umx_set_silent | Turn off most console and summary output from umx |
umx_set_table_format | umx_set_table_format |
umxSexLim | Multivariate sex limitation twin model |
umxSimplex | Build and run a simplex twin model (not ready for use!) |
umx_stack | Stack data like stack() does, with more control. |
umx_standardize | Return a standardized version of a Structural Model |
umx_str_chars | Select desired characters from a string |
umx_str_from_object | Return variable name as a string |
umx_strings2numeric | A wrapper to map columns of strings to numeric. |
umx_string_to_algebra | Convert a string to an OpenMx algebra |
umxSummarizeTwinData | Summarize twin data |
umxSummary | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of umx models |
umxSummaryACE | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a umx Cholesky... |
umxSummaryACEcov | Present results of a twin ACE-model with covariates in table... |
umxSummaryACEv | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a... |
umxSummaryCP | Present the results of a Common-pathway twin model in table... |
umxSummaryDoC | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a umx... |
umxSummaryGxE | Summarize a GxE model |
umxSummaryGxEbiv | Summarize a bivariate GxE twin model |
umxSummaryIP | Present the results of an independent-pathway twin model in... |
umxSummaryMRDoC | Present the results of a Mendelian Randomization Direction of... |
umxSummary.MxModel | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a RAM model |
umxSummarySexLim | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a umx Sex... |
umxSummarySimplex | Shows a compact, publication-style, summary of a Simplex... |
umxSuperModel | Make a multi-group model |
umxThresholdMatrix | Create the threshold matrix needed for modeling ordinal data. |
umx_time | umx_time |
umx_trim | Trim whitespace surrounding a string. |
umxTwinMaker | Make a twin model from the model describing just one person |
umxTwoStage | Build a SEM implementing the instrumental variable design |
umxUnexplainedCausalNexus | umxUnexplainedCausalNexus |
umx_var | Get variances from a df that might contain some non-numeric... |
umxVersion | Get or print the version of umx, along with detail from... |
umxWeightedAIC | AIC weight-based conditional probabilities. |
umx_wide2long | Change twin data from wide (2 twins per row) to long format. |
umx_write_to_clipboard | umx_write_to_clipboard |
us_skinfold_data | Anthropometric data on twins |
xmu_bracket_address2rclabel | Convert a bracket address into an A_rXcX-style label. |
xmu_cell_is_on | Return whether a cell is in a set location of a matrix |
xmu_check_levels_identical | xmu_check_levels_identical |
xmu_check_needs_means | Check data to see if model needs means. |
xmu_check_variance | Check the minimum variance in data frame |
xmu_CI_merge | xmu_CI_merge |
xmu_CI_stash | Stash the CI values of a model as strings in the values of... |
xmu_clean_label | Remove illegal characters from labels |
xmu_data_missing | Drop rows with missing definition variables |
xmu_data_swap_a_block | Data helper function to swap blocks of data from one set of... |
xmu_describe_data_WLS | Determine if a dataset will need statistics for the means if... |
xmu_DF_to_mxData_TypeCov | Convert a dataframe into a cov mxData object |
xmu_dot_define_shapes | Helper to make the list of vars and their shapes for a... |
xmu_dot_make_paths | xmu_dot_make_paths (not for end users) |
xmu_dot_maker | Internal umx function to help plotting graphviz |
xmu_dot_make_residuals | xmu_dot_make_residuals (not for end users) |
xmu_dot_mat2dot | Return dot code for paths in a matrix |
xmu_dot_move_ranks | xmu_dot_move_ranks (not for end users) |
xmu_dot_rank | Helper to make a graphviz rank string |
xmu_dot_rank_str | xmu_dot_rank_str (not for end users) |
xmu_equate_threshold_values | Equate Threshold Values Across Columns in a Model |
xmu_extract_column | Get one or more columns from mzData or regular data.frame |
xmu_get_CI | Look up and report CIs for free parameters |
xmuHasSquareBrackets | xmuHasSquareBrackets |
xmuLabel | xmuLabel: Add labels to a RAM model, matrix, or path |
xmuLabel_Matrix | xmuLabel_Matrix (not a user function) |
xmuLabel_MATRIX_Model | xmuLabel_MATRIX_Model (not a user function) |
xmuLabel_RAM_Model | xmuLabel_RAM_Model (not a user function) |
xmu_lavaan_process_group | Process table of paths to model |
xmu_make_bin_cont_pair_data | Make pairs of bin & continuous columns to represent censored... |
xmuMakeDeviationThresholdsMatrices | Make a deviation-based mxRAMObjective for ordinal models. |
xmu_make_mxData | Upgrade a dataframe to an mxData type. |
xmuMakeOneHeadedPathsFromPathList | xmuMakeOneHeadedPathsFromPathList |
xmu_make_TwinSuperModel | Helper to make a basic top, MZ, and DZ model. |
xmuMakeTwoHeadedPathsFromPathList | xmuMakeTwoHeadedPathsFromPathList |
xmu_match.arg | Select first item in list of options, while being flexible... |
xmuMaxLevels | xmuMaxLevels |
xmuMI | xmuMI (not for end users) |
xmuMinLevels | xmuMinLevels |
xmu_name_from_lavaan_str | Find name for model |
xmu_PadAndPruneForDefVars | Where all data are missing for a twin, add default values for... |
xmu_path2twin | Re-name variables in umxPaths to twin versions |
xmu_path_regex | Re-name variables umxPaths to twin versions |
xmu_print_algebras | Print algebras from a umx model |
xmuPropagateLabels | xmuPropagateLabels (not a user function) |
xmuRAM2Ordinal | xmuRAM2Ordinal |
xmu_rclabel_2_bracket_address | Convert an "A_r1c1"-style label to a bracket address. |
xmu_relevel_factors | Relabel Factor Columns in a Data Frame |
xmu_safe_run_summary | Safely run and summarize a model |
xmu_scale_wide_data | Scale Wide Data Function |
xmu_set_sep_from_suffix | Just a helper to cope with deprecated suffix lying around. |
xmu_show_fit_or_comparison | Show model logLik of model or print comparison table |
xmu_simplex_corner | Internal function to help building simplex models |
xmu_standardize_ACE | xmu_standardize_ACE |
xmu_standardize_ACEcov | xmu_standardize_ACEcov |
xmu_standardize_ACEv | Standardize an ACE variance components model (ACEv) |
xmu_standardize_CP | Function to standardize a common pathway model |
xmu_standardize_IP | non-user: Standardize an IP model |
xmu_standardize_RAM | Standardize a Structural Model (not for end users) |
xmu_standardize_SexLim | Standardize a SexLim model |
xmu_standardize_Simplex | Standardize a Simplex twin model |
xmu_starts | Helper providing boilerplate start values for means and... |
xmu_start_value_list | Make start values |
xmu_summary_RAM_group_parameters | Order and group the parameters in a RAM summary |
xmu_twin_add_WeightMatrices | Add weight matrices to twin models. |
xmu_twin_check | Check basic aspects of input for twin models. |
xmu_twin_get_var_names | Not for user: pull variable names from a twin model |
xmu_twin_make_def_means_mats_and_alg | Make the matrices and algebras for definition-based means... |
xmuTwinSuper_Continuous | Create core of twin model for all-continuous data. |
xmuTwinSuper_NoBinary | xmuTwinSuper_NoBinary |
xmuTwinUpgradeMeansToCovariateModel | Not for end-users: Add a means model with covariates to a... |
xmu_twin_upgrade_selDvs2SelVars | Upgrade selDVs to selVars |
xmuValues | xmuValues: Set values in RAM model, matrix, or path |
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