
Defines functions show_reactablepep

Documented in show_reactablepep

#' Create reactable table from matrix data
#' Create reactable table from matrix data
#' @param totab A data frame in wide format of summarized results
#' @param colfun Function specifying how colors are treated in cell background
#' @param nrows numeric specifying number of rows in the table
#' @importFrom reactable colDef
#' @details This function is used internally within \code{\link{show_matrixpep}}
#' @concept visualize
#' @return A \code{\link[reactable]{reactable}} table
#' @export
show_reactablepep <- function(totab, colfun, nrows = 10) {
  out <- reactable::reactable(totab,
                              defaultPageSize = nrows,
                              columns = list(
                                yr = colDef(
                                  name = "Year"
                              defaultColDef = colDef(
                                style = function(value){
                                  list(background = colfun(value))
tbep-tech/peptools documentation built on March 13, 2024, 4:22 p.m.