
# Build site
pkgdown::build_site(preview = FALSE)

# Deploy package site to RStudio connect
site_loc <- here::here('docs/')
  site_loc,                          # the directory containing the content
  appFiles = list.files(site_loc, recursive = TRUE), # the list of files to include as dependencies (all of them)
  appPrimaryDoc = "index.html",                 # the primary file
  appName = "meToolkit_docs",                      # name of the endpoint (unique to your account on Connect)
  appTitle = "meToolkit Package",                  # display name for the content
  account = 'nstrayer',                # your Connect username
  server = ''                     # the Connect server, see rsconnect::accounts()
tbilab/meToolkit documentation built on June 23, 2020, 9:55 a.m.