
Defines functions add.alpha greyscale add.colorbar make.qual.pal make.pal get.pal

Documented in add.colorbar get.pal greyscale make.pal make.qual.pal

#' @title Get Pal
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description A helper function to retrieve a vector of colors derived from a given palette generating function.
#' @keywords Colormap
#' @param n The number of colors desired.
#' @param pal A character string of the pallet generating function, defaults to pals::ocean.haline
#' @param rev A boolean used to flip the order of the colors.
#' @import pals
#' @export
get.pal = function(n = 10, pal = 'greyscale', rev = FALSE) {
  ## Get pal
  pal = do.call(pal, list(n))
  if (rev) { pal = rev(pal)}

  ## Return

#' @title Make Pal
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param x the values to be color coded
#' @param n the number of distinct colors to use
#' @param min the minimum value to correspond to the first color
#' @param max the maximum value to correspond to the last color
#' @param pal the pallete to use, default is ocean.haline
#' @param rev Boolean, reverse the color pallete?
#' @param clip boolean, remove out of range values? Defaults to False
#' @export
make.pal = function(x, n = 255, min = NA, max = NA, pal = 'greyscale', rev = FALSE, clip = FALSE) {
  x = as.numeric(x)
  min = as.numeric(min)
  max = as.numeric(max)

  cols = get.pal(n+1, pal = pal, rev = rev)

  if (is.na(min)) {  ## set a minimum
    min = base::min(x, na.rm=TRUE)
  if (is.na(max)) { ## Set a maximum
    max = base::max(x, na.rm=TRUE)

  ## Force min and max
  if (clip) {
    x[x < min] = NA
    x[x > max] = NA
  } else {
    x[x < min] = min
    x[x > max] = max

  if (max == min) {
    x = x - min
  } else {
    x = (x - min) * n / (max - min) ## Scale so x falls between [0,n]

  ## Map to colors
  cols = cols[floor(x)+1] # return the colors
  cols[is.na(x)] = '#00000000' ## NA values are transparent


#' @title Make Qualitative Palette
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param x The categorical values to be colored
#' @param pal The palette to be used, default tol
#' @param rev Boolean, reverse the colors?
#' @export
make.qual.pal = function(x, pal = 'greyscale', rev = FALSE) {
  x[is.na(x)] = 'other.vals'

  ## Determine numeric values
  a = sapply(x, function(xx) {which(xx == unique(x))})

  cols = get.pal(n = length(unique(x)), pal = pal, rev = rev)

#' @title Add Colorbar
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param min The minimum value of the colorbar palette
#' @param max The maximum value of the colorbar palette
#' @param labels The values where labels should be included
#' @param ticks The values where tick marks should be included
#' @param pal The name of a color palette or a color palette function itself
#' @param rev Boolean if the palette color should be reversed
#' @param units A string for the zaxis label
#' @param col.high Color for above range values
#' @param col.low Color for below range values
#' @param log A boolean if the zaxis should be log tranformed
#' @param base The base for the log transformation
#' @param x.pos the position that the x-axis should be centered on (y axis if horizontal)
#' @param width The width of the colorbar
#' @param y.pos the position that the x-axis should be centered on (x axis if horizontal)
#' @param height The length of the colorbar
#' @param cex Size
#' @param cex.units The text size of the units string text
#' @param n The number of colors to be used in the colorbar
#' @param horizontal Whether the colorbar should be placed horizontally rather than vertically
#' @description Add a color bar to any graphical device such as a plot or map. The color bar can be based on any color palette function and be placed either vertically or horizontally.
#' @keywords Plotting
#' @export
add.colorbar = function(min,
                        labels = NULL,
                        ticks = NULL,
                        labels.at = NULL,
                        pal = 'greyscale',
                        rev = FALSE,
                        units = '',
                        col.high = '',
                        col.low = '',
                        log = FALSE,
                        base = 10,
                        x.pos = NULL,
                        width = NULL,
                        y.pos = NULL,
                        height = NULL,
                        cex = 1,
                        cex.units = 1,
                        n = 255,
                        horizontal = FALSE,
                        col.lab = 'black',
                        col.tck = 'darkgrey') {

  ## Setup
  par.original = par()
  #for (p in c('cin', 'cra', 'csi', 'cxy', 'din', 'page')) { par.original[[p]] = NULL}

  ## Default Spacing
  # width
  if (is.null(width) & !horizontal) {
    width = min(c(1 - par('plt')[2], 0.05))
  if (is.null(width) & horizontal) {
    width = par('plt')[2] - par('plt')[1]

  if (is.null(height) & horizontal) {
    height = min(c(1 - par('plt')[4], 0.05))
  if (is.null(height) & !horizontal) {
    height = par('plt')[4] - par('plt')[3]

  # x.pos
  if (is.null(x.pos) & horizontal) {
    x.pos = 0.5
  if (is.null(x.pos) & !horizontal) {
    x.pos = par('plt')[2] - width/2

  if (is.null(y.pos) & horizontal) {
    y.pos = par('plt')[4] - height/2
  if (is.null(y.pos) & !horizontal) {
    y.pos = 0.5

  x = 1
  y = c(0:n)
  z = matrix(y, nrow = 1, ncol = length(y))
  delta = NULL

  ## Determine axis labels and tick marks
  if (is.null(labels.at)) {
    labels.at = labels
  } else {
    if (length(labels.at) != length(labels)) {
      stop('Length of label positions and label text are unequal!')
  if(!is.null(labels.at)) {
    labels = labels[labels.at >= min & labels.at <= max]
    labels.at = labels.at[labels.at >= min & labels.at <= max]
  } else {
    if (log) {
      labels.at = rep(1:(base-1), length(c(-30:30))) * base^as.numeric(sapply(c(-30:30), function(x) {rep(x, base-1)}))
    } else {
      labels.at = pretty(c(min, max), n = 6)
    labels.at[labels.at < min] = min
    labels.at[labels.at > max] = max
    labels = labels.at
  if (log) {
    delta = (log(as.numeric(labels.at), base) - log(as.numeric(min), base)) / (log(as.numeric(max), base) - log(as.numeric(min), base))
  } else {
    delta = (as.numeric(labels.at) - as.numeric(min))/(as.numeric(max) - as.numeric(min))

  # Ticks
  if (!is.null(ticks)) {
    ticks = ticks[ticks >= min & ticks <= max]
    if (log) {
      ticks.delta = (log(as.numeric(ticks), base) - log(as.numeric(min), base)) / (log(as.numeric(max), base) - log(as.numeric(min), base))
    } else {
      ticks.delta = (as.numeric(ticks) - as.numeric(min))/(as.numeric(max) - as.numeric(min))

  ## Now we get to work actually doing stuff:

  par(new = TRUE, bty = 'n', plt = c(x.pos - width/2, x.pos + width/2, y.pos - height/2, y.pos + height/2))
  if (horizontal) {
    image(y, x, t(z), col = get.pal(n = length(y), pal = pal, rev = rev), xlim = c(-0.1 * n, 1.1 * n), zlim = range(z),
          yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', ylab = NA, xlab = NA, ylim = c(0,1))
  else {
    image(x, y, z, col = get.pal(n = length(y), pal = pal, rev = rev), ylim = c(-0.1 * n, 1.1 * n), zlim = range(z),
          yaxt = 'n', xaxt = 'n', ylab = NA, xlab = NA, xlim = c(0,1))

  ## Add triangles
  if (!is.na(col.high)) {
    if (col.high == '') {
      col.high = get.pal(100, pal, rev = rev)[100]
    if (horizontal) {
      polygon(y = c(0, 1, 0.5, 0.5), x = c(1, 1, 41/40, 41/40) * n + 0.5, col = col.high, border = NA)
    } else {
      polygon(x = c(0, 1, 0.5, 0.5), y = c(1, 1, 41/40, 41/40) * n + 0.5, col = col.high, border = NA)

  if (!is.na(col.low)) {
    if (col.low == '') {
      col.low = get.pal(100, pal, rev = rev)[1]
    if (horizontal) {
      polygon(y = c(0, 1, 0.5, 0.5), x = c(0, 0, -n/40, -n/40)-0.5, col = col.low, border = NA)
    } else {
      polygon(x = c(0, 1, 0.5, 0.5), y = c(0, 0, -n/40, -n/40)-0.5, col = col.low, border = NA)

  if (!horizontal) {mtext(units, side = 1, line = -1.5, cex = cex.units)}
  else {mtext(units, side = 1, line = -1.5, cex = cex.units)}

  if (!is.null(ticks)) {
    if (horizontal) { axis(3, at = ticks.delta * (n+1) - 0.5, labels = NA, las = 1, col = col.tck) }
    else { axis(4, at = ticks.delta * (n+1) - 0.5, labels = NA, las = 1, col = col.tck) }

  if (!is.null(labels)) {
    if (horizontal) { axis(3, at = delta * (n+1) - 0.5, labels = labels, las = 1, cex = cex, col = col.lab) }
    else { axis(4, at = delta * (n+1) - 0.5, labels = labels, las = 1, cex = cex, col = col.lab) }

  ## Return margins to default

#' @title Greyscale Palette
#' @export
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @param n the number of greyscale colors desired
#' @param rev a boolean flag to reverse the color palette
greyscale = function(n, rev = FALSE) {
  grey.colors(n, 0, 1, rev = rev)

#' @export
add.alpha = function(pal) {

  f = function(n) {
    alpha.vals = (c(0:(n-1))/(n-1))
    scales::alpha(do.call(pal, list(n)), alpha.vals)

tbrycekelly/TheSource documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 12:48 a.m.