
#' Rabix specifc Requirements
#' Extends ProcessRequirements. CPURequirement and MemRequirement to
#' setup CPU and Memory requiremnts.
#' @field value [Integer] for CPU default is 1L, if 0L, use all
#' CPU. For mem, default is 1000L. Note: for CPU, 0L means
#' multi-tread, and non-zero value will be converted to 1L, which
#' means single thread.
#' @rdname requirements
#' @export CPURequirement
#' @exportClass CPURequirement
#' @aliases CPURequirement CPURequirement-class
#' @examples
#' CPURequirement(value = 1L)
CPURequirement <-
    setRefClass("CPURequirement", contains = "ProcessRequirement",
                fields = list(
                    value = "integer"
                methods = list(
                    initialize = function(..., value = 1L,
                        class = "CPURequirement"){
                        class <<- class
                        .v <- as.integer(value)
                        if(!.v %in% c(1L, 0L)){
                            warning("For now, CPU value must be 0L (multi-treads) or 1L (single-thread)")
                            if(.v > 0){
                                message("Convert CPU value ", .v, " to", 1L)
                                .v <- 1L
                        value <<- .v

#' @rdname requirements
#' @aliases MemRequirement MemRequirement-class
#' @export MemRequirement
#' @exportClass MemRequirement
#' @examples
#' MemRequirement(value = 2000L)
MemRequirement <-
    setRefClass("MemRequirement", contains = "ProcessRequirement",
                fields = list(
                    value = "integer"
                methods = list(
                    initialize = function(..., value = 1000L,
                                          class = "MemRequirement"){
                        value <<- as.integer(value)
                        class <<- class

#' Rabix CommandLineTool Class
#' Rabix subclass for CommandLineTool used by rabix.org or sbg
#' platform. \code{RabixTool} class extends \code{CommandLineTool}
#' with more fields.
#' @field context [character] by default:
#' "https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/draft-1/specification/tool-description.md"
#' @field owner [list] a list of owner names. 
#' @field contributor [list] a list of contributor names.
#' @section other fields:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{cpu}}{cpu 0 or 1, for any value >1 will be converted to 1L, passed to CPURequirement}
#' \item{\code{mem}}{Positive integer. Passed to MemRequirement.}
#' \item{\code{dockerPull}}{[character] Get a Docker image using
#' docker pull}
#' \item{\code{dockerLoad}}{[character] Specify a HTTP URL from which
#' to download a Docker image using docker load.}
#' \item{\code{dockerFile}}{[character] Supply the contents of a
#' Dockerfile which will be build using docker build.}
#' \item{\code{dockerImageId}}{[character] The image id that will be
#' used for docker run. May be a human-readable image name or the
#' image identifier hash. May be skipped if dockerPull is specified,
#' in which case the dockerPull image id will be used.}
#' \item{\code{dockerOutputDirectory}}{ [character] Set the designated
#' output directory to a specific location inside the Docker
#' container.}}
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom docopt docopt
#' @export RabixTool
#' @exportClass RabixTool
RabixTool <-
                contains = "CommandLineTool",
                fields = list(context = "character",
                    owner = "list",
                    contributor = "list"),
                methods = list(
                    initialize = function(...,
                        inputs = NULL,
                        outputs = NULL,
                        cpu = 1L, mem = 1000L,                        
                        dockerImageId = "",
                        dockerPull = "",
                        dockerLoad = "",
                        dockerFile = "",
                        dockerOut = "",
                        requirements = NULL,
                        context = "https://github.com/common-workflow-language/common-workflow-language/blob/draft-1/specification/tool-description.md",
                        owner = list(),
                        contributor = list()){


                        .v <- as.integer(cpu)
                        if(!.v %in% c(1L, 0L)){
                            warning("For now, CPU value must be 0L (multi-treads) or 1L (single-thread)")
                            if(.v > 0){
                                message("Convert CPU value ", .v, " to", 1L)
                                .v <- 1L

                            requirements <<-
                                        dockerImageId = dockerImageId,
                                        dockerPull = dockerPull,
                                        dockerLoad = dockerLoad,
                                        dockerFile = dockerFile,
                                        dockerOutputDirectory = dockerOut),
                                         CPURequirement(value = .v),
                                         MemRequirement(value = as.integer(mem))))
                        context <<- context
                        owner <<- owner
                        contributor <<- contributor

                        ## inputs
                        stopifnot(is(inputs, "InputParameterList") ||
                                  (is.list(inputs) &&
                                       all(sapply(inputs, is, "InputParameter"))))
                        if(is.list(inputs) &&
                           all(sapply(inputs, is, "InputParameter"))){
                            inputs <<- IPList(inputs)

                        if(is(inputs, "InputParameterList")){
                            inputs <<- inputs

                        ## outputs
                        stopifnot(is(outputs, "OutputParameterList") ||
                                  (is.list(outputs) &&
                                       all(sapply(outputs, is, "OutputParameter"))))
                        if(is.list(outputs) &&
                           all(sapply(outputs, is, "OutputParameter"))){
                            outputs <<- OPList(outputs)

                        if(is(outputs, "OutputParameterList")){

## override toJSON and to YAML
RabixTool$methods(toList = function(...){
    res <- callSuper(...)
    names(res)[which(names(res) == "context")] <- "@context"
tengfei/rabix.R documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:34 a.m.