
#' Make a png for a Subset
#' Make a png for a subset of an object of class "ddo" or "ddf".  The user should never need to call this directly, but the viewer needs it, so it is exported with this documentation.
#' @param dat a key-value pair
#' @param panelFn panel function
#' @param file file name for png
#' @param width,height,res width, height, and resolution
#' @param origWidth the original specified width of the plot
#' @param basePointSize the base point size to use (for png \code{pointsize} argument)
#' @param lims axis limits
#' @param pixelratio pixel ratio of screen to which plot will be rendered (e.g. 2 for a retina display)
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeDisplay}}
#' @examples
#' # see examples for makeDisplay()
#' @export
#' @import lattice
makePNG <- function(dat, panelFn = NULL, file, width, height, origWidth = width, res = 72, basePointSize = 12, lims = NULL, pixelratio = 2) {

  if(capabilities("aqua")) {
    pngfun <- png
  } else {
    pkg <- "Cairo"
    if(suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(require(pkg, character.only = TRUE)))) {
      pngfun <- Cairo::CairoPNG
    } else {
      pngfun <- png

  fac <- max(min(width / origWidth, 1), 0.65) * 1.5
  pointsize <- basePointSize

  pngfun(filename = file,
    res = res * pixelratio * fac,
    width = width * pixelratio,
    height = height * pixelratio,
    pointsize = basePointSize * fac)

  dv <- grDevices::dev.cur()
    if(inherits(dat, "trellis")) {
      # single panel plot
      # dat$par.settings$fontsize <- list(text = pointsize, points = pointsize * 2 / 3)
    } else if(inherits(dat, "ggplot")) {
      # single panel plot
    } else if (inherits(dat, "expression")) {
      # expression (can't change limits)
    } else {
      # plot objects such as trellis or lattice
      tmp <- datadr::kvApply(dat, panelFn)$value

      if(!is.null(lims)) {
        if(inherits(tmp, "trellis")) {
          # set pointsize
          # tmp$par.settings$fontsize <- list(text = pointsize, points = pointsize * 2 / 3)

          # if there are multiple panels inside of one plot, we can't do this
          if(!(inherits(tmp$x.limits, "list") || inherits(tmp$y.limits, "list"))) {
            plotXLim <- tmp$x.limits
            if(is.numeric(plotXLim) || inherits(plotXLim, "Date")) {
              curXLim <- trsCurXLim(lims, dat, plotXLim)
              if(lims$x$type != "free")
                tmp$x.limits <- curXLim

            plotYLim <- tmp$y.limits
            if(is.numeric(plotYLim)) {
              curYLim <- trsCurYLim(lims, dat, plotYLim)
              if(lims$y$type != "free")
                tmp$y.limits <- curYLim
        } else if(inherits(tmp, "ggplot")) {
          # tmp <- tmp + opts(pointsize = pointsize)
          # this is ugly now - make more robust, etc.
          ggbuild <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(tmp)
          gglims <- ggbuild$panel$ranges
          if(length(gglims) == 1) {
            plotXLim <- gglims[[1]]$x.range
            plotYLim <- gglims[[1]]$y.range
            curXLim <- trsCurXLim(lims, dat, plotXLim)
            curYLim <- trsCurYLim(lims, dat, plotYLim)

            if(lims$x$type != "free") {
              if(ggbuild$panel$x_scales[[1]]$scale_name == "datetime") {
                tmp <- tmp + ggplot2::scale_x_datetime(limits = as.POSIXct(curXLim, origin = "1970-01-01"))
              } else {
                tmp <- tmp + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = curXLim)
            if(lims$y$type != "free") {
              tmp <- tmp + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = curYLim)

      if(inherits(tmp, c("trellis"))) {
      if(inherits(tmp, c("ggplot"))) {
      if(inherits(tmp, "expression")) {
  }, finally = grDevices::dev.off(dv))

  # if panel function didn't plot anything then make a blank panel
  if(!file.exists(file)) {
    pngfun(filename = file,
      width = width * pixelratio,
      height = height * pixelratio,
      # res = res * pixelratio,
      pointsize = pointsize)

    print(xyplot(NA ~ NA, xlab = "", ylab = "", scales = list(draw = FALSE), panel = function(x, y, ...) panel.text(0.5, 0.5, "no panel")))

tesseradata/trelliscope documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:58 a.m.