Clothing: Sales for a Clothing Retailer

Description Format Details Source


Data on 60 customers at a clothing retailer


A data frame with 60 observations on the following 8 variables.

ID Case ID
Amount Net dollar amount spent by customers in their latest purchase from this retailer
Recency Number of months since the last purchase
Freq12 Number of purchases in the last 12 months
Dollar12 Dollar amount of purchases in the last 12 months
Freq24 Number of purchases in the last 24 months
Dollar24 Dollar amount of purchases in the last 24 months
Card 1 for customers who have a private-label credit card with the retailer, 0 if not


This dataset represents a random sample of 60 customers from a large clothing retailer. The manager of the store is interested in predicting how much a customer will spend on his or her next purchase based on one or more of the available explanatory variables.


Personal communication with David Cameron who completed a more extensive consulting project for the retailer.

tessington/qsci381 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2020, 12:40 p.m.