Man pages for tessington/qsci381
Data used in QSCI 381, University of Washington

absenteeismAbsenteeism from school in New South Wales
AccordPricePrices of Used Honda Accords (in 2017)
acs12American Community Survey, 2012
age_at_marAge at first marriage of 5,534 US women.
AHCAvote2017Congressional Votes on American Health Care Act (in 2017)
AirlinesOntime Records for Two Airlines at Two Airports
AlfalfaAlfalfa Growth
AlitoConfirmationUS Senate Votes on Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court
amesHousing prices in Ames, Iowa
ami_occurrencesAcute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Events
AmyloidAmyloid-beta and Cognitive Impairment
antibioticsPre-existing conditions in 92 children
AppleStockDaily Price and Volume of Apple Stock
arbuthnotMale and female births in London
ArcheryDataScores in an Archery Class
askHow important is it to ask pointed questions?
associationSimulated data for association plots
assortive_matingEye color of couples
AthleteGradAthletic Participation, Race, and Graduation
AudioVisualReaction Times to Audio and Visual Stimuli
AutoPollutionNoise Levels of Filters to Reduce Automobile Pollution
avandiaCardiovascular problems for two types of Diabetes medicines
babiesThe Child Health and Development Studies
babies_crawlCrawling age
bacBeer and blood alcohol content
BackpackWeights of College Student Backpacks
ball_bearingLifespan of ball bearings
BaseballTimesBaseball Game Times of One Day in 2008
BaseballTimes2017Baseball Game Times of One Day in 2017
bdimsBody measurements of 507 physically active individuals.
beesbees: a data file bee activity by gender
BeeStingsDo Bee Stings Depend on Previous Stings?
BirdCalciumEffect of a Hormone on Bird Calcium Levels
BirdNestNest Characteristics for Different Bird Species
birdsAircraft-Wildlife Collisions
birthsNorth Carolina births
Blood1Blood Pressure, Weight, and Smoking Status
bloodpressurebloodpressure: A data file on systolic blood pressure with...
BlueJaysBlue Jay Measurements
booksSample of books on a shelf
BrainpHBrain pH Measurements
BreesPassDrew Brees Passing Statistics (2016)
BritishUnionsAttitudes Towards British Trade Unions
burgerBurger preferences
ButterfliesBcButterfly (Boloria chariclea) Measurements
CAFEUS Senate Votes on Corporate Average Fuel Economy Bill
CalciumBPDo Calcium Supplements Lower Blood Pressure?
CanadianDrugsCanadian Drugs Senate Vote
cancer_in_dogsCancer in dogs
CancerSurvivalSurvival Times for Different Cancers
cardsDeck of cards
CarsMPGCarsMPG: a data file of car fuel efficiency
CaterpillarsMeasurements of Manduca Sexta Caterpillars
CavsShootingCleveland Cavalier's Shooting (2016-2017)
cchousingCommunity college housing (simulated data)
censusRandom sample of 2000 U.S. Census Data
CerealNutrition Content of Breakfast Cereals
ChemoTHCTHC for Antinausea Treatment in Chemotherapy
cherrySummary information for 31 cherry trees
childPovertychildPoverty: A data file on Washington State child poverty...
children_gender_stereoGender Stereotypes in 5-7 year old Children
ChildSpeaksAge at First Speaking
chinaChild care hours
cia_factbookCIA Factbook Details on Countries
classdataSimulated class data
cle_sacCleveland and Sacramento
climate70Temperature Summary Data, Geography Limited
ClintonSandersClinton/Sanders Primary Results (2016)
ClothingSales for a Clothing Retailer
CloudSeedingCloud Seeding Experiment (Winter Only)
CloudSeeding2Cloud Seeding Experiment (Four Seasons)
CO2Daily CO2 Measurements in Germany
CO2GermanyDaily CO2 Measurements in Germany
CO2HawaiiCO2 Readings in Hawaii
CO2SouthPoleCO2 Readings at the South Pole
coast_starlightCoast Starlight Amtrak train
COLOpenIntro Statistics colors
ContraceptivesDrug Interaction with Contraceptives
corr_matchSample data sets for correlation problems
country_isoCountry ISO information
CountyHealthCounty Health Resources
cprCPR data set
cpuCPU's Released between 2010 and 2020.
CrabShipCrab Oxygen Intake
CrackerFiberEffects of Cracker Fiber on Digested Calories
CreditRiskOverdrawn Checking Account?
creditsCollege credits.
CuckooMeasurements of Cuckoo Eggs
Day1SurveyFirst Day Survey of Statistics Students
DD_vs_SBDunkin Donuts vs Starbucks
diabetes2Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial for Patients 10-17 Years Old
DiabeticDogsLactic Acid Turnover in Dogs
DiamondsCharacteristics of a Sample of Diamonds
Diamonds2Characteristics of a Subset of the Diamond Sample
DinosaursIridium Levels in Rock Layers to Investigate Dinosaur...
dreamSurvey on views of the DREAM Act
drone_bladesQuadcopter Drone Blades
drug_useDrug use of students and parents
ebola_surveySurvey on Ebola quarantine
Election082008 U.S. Presidential Election
Election162016 U.S. Presidential Election
ElephantsFBMeasurements of Male African Elephants
ElephantsMFMeasurements of African Elephants
elmhurstElmhurst College gift aid
emailData frame representing information about a collection of...
email50Sample of 50 emails
env_regulationAmerican Adults on Regulation and Renewable Energy
epa2012Vehicle info from the EPA
esiEnvironmental Sustainability Index 2005
ethanolEthanol Treatment for Tumors Experiment
evalsTeaching evaluations at the UT Austin
exam_gradesExam and course grades for statistics students
examsExam scores
exclusive_relationshipNumber of Exclusive Relationships
EyesPupil Dilation and Sexual Orientation
FacesFacial Attractiveness of Men
fact_opinionCan Americans categorize facts and opinions?
FaithfulFacesFaithfulness from a Photo?
family_collegeSimulated sample of parent / teen college attendance
FantasyBaseballSelection Times in a Fantasy Baseball Draft
fastfoodNutrition in fast food
FatRatsDiet and Weight of Rats
fcidSummary of male heights from USDA Food Commodity Intake...
FertilityFertility Data for Women Having Trouble Getting Pregnant
FGByDistanceResults of NFL Field Goal Attempts
fheightsFemale college student heights, in inches
FilmFilm Data from Leonard Maltin's Guide
FinalFourIzzoNCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2010)
FinalFourIzzo17NCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2017)
FinalFourLongNCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2010)
FinalFourLong17NCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2017)
FinalFourShortCAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2010)
FinalFourShort17NCAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2017)
FingersFinger Tap Rates
FirstYearGPAFirst Year GPA for College Students
FishEggsFertility of Fish Eggs
fish_oil_18Findings on n-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Health Benefits
FitchBody Measurements of Mammal Species
FlightResponseResponse of Migratory Geese to Helicopter Overflights
FloridaDPFlorida Death Penalty Cases
flow_ratesRiver Flow Data.
FluorescenceMeasuring Calcium Binding to Proteins
FranticFingersFinger Tap Rates
fridayFriday the 13th
FruitFliesFruit Fly Sexual Activity and Longevity
FruitFlies2Fruit Fly Sexual Activity and Male Competition
full_body_scanPoll about use of full-body airport scanners
FunnelDropFunnel Drop Times
gear_companyFake data for a gear company example
gender_discriminationBank manager recommendations based on gender
get_it_dunn_runGet it Dunn Run, Race Times
giftedAnalytical skills of young gifted children
global_warming_pewPew survey on global warming
GlowWormsFemale Glow-worms
GoldenrodGoldenrod Galls
googGoogle stock data
gov_pollPew Research poll on government approval ratings
gpaSurvey of Duke students on GPA, studying, and more
gpa_iqSample of students and their GPA and IQ
gradestvSimulated data for analyzing the relationship between...
GrinnellHousesHouse Sales in Grinnell, Iowa
GroceryGrocery Sales and Discounts
gss20102010 General Social Survey
GunnelsAre Gunnels Present at Shoreline?
HandwritingGuess Author's Sex from Handwriting?
HawksMeasurements on Three Hawk Species
HawkTailTail Lengths of Hawks
HawkTail2Tail Lengths of Hawks (Unstacked)
healthcare_law_surveyPew Research Center poll on health care, including question...
health_coverageHealth Coverage and Health Status
HearingTestCorrectly Identified Words in a Hearing Test
heart_transplantHeart Transplant Data
HeatingOilHeating Oil Consumption
heliumHelium football
helmetSocioeconomic status and reduced-fee school lunches
HighPeaksCharacteristics of Adirondack Hiking Trails
HoopsGrinnell College Basketball Games
HorsePricesPrices of Horses
houseUnited States House of Representatives historical make-up
house_pricesHouse Sales in King County, USA
HousesHouse Prices, Sizes, and Lot Areas
HousesNYHouse Prices in Rural NY
housingSimulated data set on student housing
hsb2High School and Beyond survey
husbands_wivesGreat Britain: husband and wife pairs
ICUIntensive Care Unit Patients
immigrationPoll on illegal workers in the US
InfantMortality2010Infant Mortality Rates
InflationMonthly Consumer Price Index (2009-2016)
infmortrateInfant Mortality Rates, 2012
InsuranceVoteCongressional Votes on a Health Insurance Bill
ipoFacebook, Google, and LinkedIn IPO filings
ipodLength of songs on an iPod
IQGuessingGuess IQ from a Photo?
JurorsReporting Rates for Jurors
jurySimulated juror data set
KershawKershaw Pitch Data
KeyWestWaterKey West Water Temperatures
Kids198Body Measurements of Children
kobe_basketKobe Bryant basketball performance
law_resumeGender, Socioeconomic Class, and Interview Invites
leadlead: A data file on lead levels and neurological effects in...
LeafhoppersLeafhopper Diet and Longevity
LeafWidthLeaf Measurements
leg_mariLegalization of Marijuana Support in 2010 California Survey
LeukemiaResponses to Treatment for Leukemia
LeveeFailuresLevee Failures along the Mississippi River
LewyBody2GroupsLewy Bodies and Dimentia
LewyDLBadLewy Bodies and Dimentia with Alzheimer's
LifeSpanLifeSpan: A data file on Life Expectancy by U.S. City
loans_full_schemaLoan data from Lending Club
london_boroughsLondon Borough Boundaries
london_murdersLondon Murders, 2006-2011
LongJumpOlympicsOlympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2008)
LongJumpOlympics2016Olympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2016)
LosingSleepSleep Hours for Teenagers
LostLetterReturn Rates for "Lost" Letters
mail_meInfluence of a Good Mood on Helpfulness
major_surveySurvey of Duke students and the area of their major
malariaMalaria Vaccine Trial
male_heightsSample of 100 male heights
male_heights_fcidRandom sample of adult male heights
mammalsSleep in Mammals
mammogramExperiment with Mammogram Randomized
marathonNew York City Marathon Times
mariokartWii Mario Kart auctions from Ebay
MarketsDaily Change in Dow Jones and Nikkei Stock Market Indices
MA_schoolsMassachusetts Public High Schools Data
MathEnrollmentEnrollments in Math Courses
MathPlacementMath Placement Exam Results
MedGPAGPA and Medical School Admission
MeniscusMeniscus Repair Methods
MentalHealthMental Health Admissions
MetabolicRateMetabolic Rate of Caterpillars
MetroCommutesCommute Times
MetroHealth83Health Services in Metropolitan Areas
midterms_housePresident's party performance and unemployment rate
migraineMigraines and acupuncture
MigrainesMigraines and TMS
MilgramEthics and a Milgram Experiment
militaryUS Military Demographics
mlbSalary data for Major League Baseball (2010)
MLB2007StandingsStandings and Team Statistics from the 2007 Baseball Season
mlbbat10Major League Baseball Player Hitting Statistics for 2010
mlb_players_18Batter Statistics for 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) Season
MLBStandings2016MLB Standings in 2016
MothEggsMoth Eggs
MouseBrainEffects of Serotonin in Mice
movies_sampleRandom sample of 68 action and romance movies
mtlMedial temporal lobe (MTL) and other data for 26 participants
murdersData for 20 metropolitan areas.
MusicTimeEstimating Time with Different Music Playing
mythbusters_yawnData from Mythbusters' study on contagiousness of yawning
nba_heightsNBA Player heights from 2008-9
nba_players_19NBA Players for the 2018-2019 season
NBPNBP: a data file of the number of bird observers and numbers...
ncbirthsNorth Carolina births
NFL2007StandingsNFL Standings for 2007 Regular Season
NFLStandings2016NFL Standings for 2016 Regular Season
nuclear_surveyNuclear Arms Reduction Survey
NursingNursing Homes
NusaPenidaNusaPenida: a data file of GPS (geographical information...
nycflightsFlights data
offshore_drillingCalifornia poll on drilling off the California coast
OilDeapsorbtionEffect of Ultrasound on Oil Deapsorbtion
OlivesFenthion in Olive Oil
orings1986 Challenger disaster and O-rings
oscarsOscar winners, 1929 to 2018
outliersSimulated data sets for different types of outliers
OverdrawnOverdrawn Checking Account?
OystersSize of Oysters
PalmBeachPalm Beach Butterfly Ballot
PeaceBridge2003Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2003-2015)
PeaceBridge2012Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2012-2015)
PedometerPedometer Walking Data
penelopeGuesses at the weight of Penelope (a cow)
penetrating_oilWhat's the best way to loosen a rusty bolt?
penny_agesPenny Ages
PerchPerch Sizes
pew_energy_2018Pew Survey on Energy Sources in 2018
photo_classifyPhoto classifications: fashion or not
PigFeedAdditives in Pig Feed
PinesMeasurements of Pine Tree Seedlings
piracyPiracy and PIPA/SOPA
PKUDopamine levels with PKU in diets
playing_cardsTable of Playing Cards in 52-Card Deck
pm25_2011_durhamAir quality for Durham, NC
PMdataPMdata: a data file average daily concentration of fine...
pokerPoker winnings during 50 sessions
PoliticalPolitical Behavior of College Students
Pollster082008 U.S. Presidential Election Polls
PopcornPopcorn Popping Success
PorscheJaguarPorsche and Jaguar Prices
PorschePricePorsche Prices
ppp_201503US Poll on who it is better to raise taxes on
presentBirth counts
presidentUnited States Presidental History
prisonPrison isolation experiment
prius_mpgUser reported fuel efficiency for 2017 Toyota Prius Prime
prof_evalsProfessor evaluations and beauty
promotionsBank manager recommendations based on (binary) gender
promotions_shuffledOne permutation/shuffle of promotions
PulsePulse Rates and Exercise
Putts1Putting Success by Length (Long Form)
Putts2Putting Success by Length (Short Form)
Putts3Hypothetical Putting Data (Short Form)
QSCI381-packageQSCI381: Data used in QSCI 381, University of Washington
race_justiceYahoo! News Race and Justice poll results.
RacialAnimusRacial Animus and City Demgraphics
RadioactiveTwinsComparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles
RailsTrailsHomes in Northampton MA Near Rail Trails
RectanglesMeasurements of Rectangles
ReligionGDPReligion and GDP for Countries
RepeatedPulsePulse Rates at Various Times of Day
res_demo_1Simulated data for regression
res_demo_2Simulated data for regression
ResidualOilUS Residual Oil Production (Quarterly 1983-2016)
resumeWhich resume attributes drive job callbacks? (Race and...
RetirementYearly Contributions to a Supplemental Retirement Account
RicciFirefighter Promotion Exam Scores
RiverElementsElements in River Water Samples
RiverIronIron in River Water Samples
russian_influence_on_us_election_2016Russians' Opinions on US Election Influence in 2016
SampleFGField Goal Attempts in the NFL
SandwichAntsAnts on Sandwiches
satgpaSAT and GPA data
sat_improveSimulated data for SAT score improvement
scotus_healthcarePublic Opinion with SCOTUS ruling on American Healthcare Act
SeaIceArctic Sea Ice (1979-2015)
SeaSlugsSea Slug Larvae
seattlepetsNames of pets in Seattle
seattle_weatherSeattle Weather: A data file on temperature and precipitation...
simulated_distSimulated data sets, not necessarily drawn from a normal...
simulated_normalSimulated data sets, drawn from a normal distribution.
simulated_scatterSimulated data for sample scatterplots
sinusitisSinusitis and antibiotic experiment
sleep_deprivationSurvey on sleep deprivation and transportation workers
SleepingShrewsShrew Heart Rates at Stages of Sleep
smallpoxSmallpox vaccine results
smokingUK Smoking Data
socialexpSocial experiment
solarEnergy Output From Two Solar Arrays in San Francisco
sp500Financial information for 50 S&P 500 companies
sp500_1950_2018Daily observations for the S&P 500
sp500_seqS&P 500 stock data
SparrowsSparrow Measurements
SpeciesAreaLand Area and Mammal Species
SpeedHighway Fatality Rates (Yearly)
speed_gender_heightSpeed, gender, and height of 1325 students
starbucksStarbucks nutrition
Stat2Data-packageDatasets for Stat2: Modeling with Regression and ANOVA
stats_scoresFinal exam scores for twenty students
stem_cellEmbryonic stem cells to treat heart attack (in sheep)
stent30Stents for the treatment of stroke
stocks_18Monthly Returns for a few stocks
student_housingCommunity college housing (simulated data, 2015)
student_sleepSleep for 110 students (simulated)
SugarEthanolEffects of Oxygen on Sugar Metabolism
SuicideChinaSuicide Attempts in Shandong, China
sulphinpyrazoneTreating heart attacks
supreme_courtSupreme Court approval rating
SwahiliAttitudes Towards Swahili in Kenyan Schools
TadpolesEffects of a Fungus on Tadpoles
teacherTeacher Salaries in St. Louis, Michigan
TechStocksDaily Prices of Three Tech Stocks
TeenPregnancyState Teen Pregnancy Rates
textbooksTextbook data for UCLA Bookstore and Amazon
TextPricesTextbook Prices
thanksgiving_spendThanksgiving spending, simulated based on Gallup poll.
ThomasConfirmationUS Senate Votes on Clarence Thomas Confirmation
ThreeCarsPrices of Three Used Car Models (2007)
ThreeCars2017Price, Age, and Mileage of Three Used Car Models
TipJokeImprove Chances of Getting a Tip?
tipsTip data
TitanicPassengers on the Titanic
TMSMigraines and TMS
TomlinsonRushLaDainian Tomlinson Rushing Yards
tooheySimulated polling data set
tourismTurkey tourism
toy_anovaSimulated data set for ANOVA
transplantTransplant consultant success rate (fake data)
tuition_costtuition_cost: a data file of university tuition
TwinsLungsComparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles
ucla_f18UCLA courses in Fall 2018
ucla_textbooks_f18Sample of UCLA course textbooks for Fall 2018
ukdemoUnited Kingdom Demographic Data
UndoingDefense of Undoing OCD Symptoms in Psychotherapy
unemplAnnual unemployment since 1890
unemploy_presPresident's party performance and unemployment rate
USstampsPrice of US Stamps
VisualVerbalVisual versus Verbal Performance
VoltsVoltage Drop for a Discharging Capacitor
WalkingBabiesEffects of Exercise on First Walking
WalkTheDogsDid the Author Walk the Dogs Today?
WAtreeWAtree: a data file of tree widths
WeightLossIncentiveDo Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss?
WeightLossIncentive4Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (4 Months)
WeightLossIncentive7Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (7 Months)
Whickham2Whickham Health Study
winery_carsTime Between Gondola Cars at Sterling Winery
WordMemoryExperiment on Word Memory
WordsWithFriendsWords with Friends Scores
WrinkleMoving Wet Objects with Wrinkled Fingers
xomExxon Mobile stock data
yawnContagiousness of yawning
YouthRiskAnnual survey of health-risk youth behaviors
YouthRisk2007Riding with a Driver Who Has Been Drinking
YouthRisk2009Youth Risk Survey
yrbssYouth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
yrbss_sampSample of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
ZimmermanStand Your Ground Simpson's Paradox
tessington/qsci381 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2020, 12:40 p.m.