MetabolicRate: Metabolic Rate of Caterpillars

Description Format Details Source


Body size and metabolic rate of Manduca Sexta caterpillars


A dataset with 305 observations on the following 7 variables.

Computer ID number of the computer used to measure metabolic rate
BodySize Size of the caterpillar (in grams)
LogBodySize Log (base 10) of BodySize
Instar Number from 1 (smallest) to 5 (largest) indicating stage of the caterpillar's life
CO2ppm Carbon dioxide concentration (in ppm)
Mrate Metabolic rate
LogMrate Log (base 10) of metabolic rate


Marisa Stearns collected and analyzed body size and metabolic rates for Manduca Sexta caterpillars.


We thank Professor Itagaki and his research students for sharing these data.

tessington/qsci381 documentation built on Sept. 26, 2020, 12:40 p.m.