FlightResponse: Response of Migratory Geese to Helicopter Overflights

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Flight response of Pacific Brant to overflights of helicopters


A dataset with 464 observations on the following 7 variables.

FlockID Flock ID
Altitude Altitude of the overflight by the helicopter (in 100m)
Lateral Lateral distance (in 100m) between the aircraft and flock
Flight 1=more than 10% of flock flies away or 0=otherwise
AltLat Product of Altitude x Lateral
AltCat Altitude categories: low=under 3, mid=3 to 6, high=over 6
LatCat Lateral categories: 1under 10 to 4=over 30


A 1994 study collected data on the effects of air traffic on the behavior of the Pacific Brant (a small migratory goose). The data represent the flight response to helicopter "overflights" to see what the relationship between the proximity of a flight, both lateral and altitudinal, would be to the propensity of the Brant to flee the area. For this experiment, air traffic was restricted to helicopters because previous study had ascertained that helicopters created more radical flight response than other aircraft. The data are in FlightResponse. Each case represents a flock of Brant that has been observed during one overflight in the study. Flocks were determined observationally as contiguous collections of Brants, flock sizes varying from 10 to 30,000 birds.


Data come from the book Statistical Case Studies: A Collaboration Between Academe and Industry, Roxy Peck, Larry D. Haugh, and Arnold Goodman, editors; SIAM and ASA, 1998.

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