
Defines functions S4_discrete_scale S4_continuous_scale scale_y_S4_discrete scale_x_S4_discrete scale_y_S4_continuous scale_x_S4_continuous

Documented in scale_x_S4_continuous scale_x_S4_discrete scale_y_S4_continuous scale_y_S4_discrete

# Continuous --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name scale_S4_continuous
#' @aliases scale_x_S4_continuous scale_y_S4_continuous
#' @title Position scales for S4 continuous data (x & y)
#' @description \code{scale_x_S4_continuous} and \code{scale_y_S4_continuous}
#' are the analogues of \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_x_continuous}} and
#'  \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_y_continuous}}. They are the default scales for
#'  S4 data classes.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::scale_x_continuous
#' @param minor_labels One of:
#'   \itemize{
#'    \item \code{NULL} for no minor labels.
#'    \item \code{waiver()} for the default labels computed by the
#'    transformation object.
#'    \item A \code{character} vector giving labels (must be same length as
#'    \code{minor_breaks}.)
#'    \item A \code{function} that takes the minor breaks as input and returns
#'    labels as output.
#'   }
#'   Keep in mind that displaying the minor labels is dependent on wether the
#'   \code{guide} supports this and the default \code{guide_axis()} does not.
#' @note Note that by default, setting limits on positional
#'   scales will \strong{remove} data outside of the limits. Change the
#'   \code{oob} argument to change this behaviour.
#' @return A \code{ScaleS4} object.
#' @examples

#' @export
#' @rdname scale_S4_continuous
scale_x_S4_continuous <- function(
    name   = waiver(),
    breaks = waiver(),
    minor_breaks = waiver(),
    n.breaks = NULL,
    labels = waiver(),
    minor_labels = waiver(),
    limits = NULL,
    expand = waiver(),
    oob = censorThis,
    na.value = NA_real_,
    trans = S4TransIdentity,
    guide = waiver(),
    position = "bottom",
    sec.axis = waiver()
) {
    sc <- S4_continuous_scale(
        aesthetics = .glob$x_aes,
        scale_name = "position_c",
        palette = identity,
        name = name,
        breaks = breaks,
        n.breaks = n.breaks,
        minor_breaks = minor_breaks,
        labels = labels,
        minor_labels = minor_labels,
        limits = limits,
        expand = expand,
        oob = oob,
        na.value = na.value,
        trans = trans,
        guide = guide,
        position = position,
        super = ScaleS4ContinuousPosition
    .int$set_sec_axis(sec.axis, sc)

#' @export
#' @rdname scale_S4_continuous
scale_y_S4_continuous <- function(
    name   = waiver(),
    breaks = waiver(),
    minor_breaks = waiver(),
    n.breaks = NULL,
    minor_labels = waiver(),
    labels = waiver(),
    limits = NULL,
    expand = waiver(),
    oob = censorThis,
    na.value = NA_real_,
    trans = S4TransIdentity,
    guide = waiver(),
    position = "left",
    sec.axis = waiver()
) {
    sc <- S4_continuous_scale(
        aesthetics = .glob$y_aes,
        scale_name = "position_c",
        palette = identity,
        name = name,
        breaks = breaks,
        n.breaks = n.breaks,
        minor_breaks = minor_breaks,
        labels = labels,
        minor_labels = minor_labels,
        limits = limits,
        expand = expand,
        oob = oob,
        na.value = na.value,
        trans = trans,
        guide = guide,
        position = position,
        super = ScaleS4ContinuousPosition
    .int$set_sec_axis(sec.axis, sc)

# Discrete ----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @name scale_S4_discrete
#' @aliases scale_x_S4_discrete scale_y_S4_discrete
#' @title Position scales for S4 discrete data (x & y)
#' @description \code{scale_x_S4_discrete} and \code{scale_y_S4_discrete}
#' are the analogues of \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_x_discrete}} and
#'  \code{\link[ggplot2]{scale_y_discrete}}. They are the default scales for S4
#'  discrete data classes.
#' @inheritParams ggplot2::scale_x_discrete
#' @return A \code{ScaleS4} object.
#' @examples

#' @rdname scale_S4_discrete
#' @export
scale_x_S4_discrete <- function(
    expand = waiver(),
    guide = waiver(),
    position = "bottom") {
    sc <- S4_discrete_scale(c("x", "xmin", "xmax", "xend"),
                            expand = expand,
                            guide = guide,
                            position = position,
                            super = ScaleS4DiscretePosition)
    sc$range_c <- new_S4_discrete_range(sc$aesthetics[1])

#' @rdname scale_S4_discrete
#' @export
scale_y_S4_discrete <- function(
    expand = waiver(),
    guide = waiver(),
    position = "left") {
    sc <- S4_discrete_scale(c("y", "ymin", "ymax", "yend"),
                            expand = expand,
                            guide = guide,
                            position = position,
                            super = ScaleS4DiscretePosition)
    sc$range_c <- new_S4_discrete_range(sc$aesthetics[1])

# Internal Constructors ---------------------------------------------------

S4_continuous_scale <- function(
    name = waiver(),
    breaks = waiver(),
    minor_breaks = waiver(),
    n.breaks = NULL,
    labels = waiver(),
    minor_labels = waiver(),
    limits = NULL,
    rescaler = S4Rescale,
    oob = censorThis,
    expand = waiver(),
    na.value = NA_real_,
    trans = S4TransIdentity,
    guide = "legend",
    position = "left",
    super = ScaleS4Continuous
) {
    aesthetics <- standardise_aes_names(aesthetics)

    .int$check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels)
    .int$check_breaks_labels(minor_breaks, minor_labels)

    position <- match.arg(position, c("left", "right", "top", "bottom"))

    if (is.null(breaks) && all(!.int$is_position_aes(aesthetics))) {
        guide <- "none"

    trans <- scales::as.trans(trans)
    if (!is.null(limits) && !is.function(limits)) {
        limits <- trans$transform(limits)

        NULL, super,
        call = match.call(),
        aesthetics = aesthetics,
        scale_name = scale_name,
        palette = palette,
        range = new_S4_continuous_range(aesthetics[1]),
        limits = limits,
        trans = trans,
        na.value = na.value,
        expand = expand,
        rescaler = rescaler,
        oob = oob,
        name = name,
        breaks = GreekSoldier(breaks),
        minor_breaks = GreekSoldier(minor_breaks),
        n.breaks = n.breaks,
        labels = labels,
        minor_labels = minor_labels,
        guide = guide,
        position = position

S4_discrete_scale <- function(
    name = waiver(),
    breaks = waiver(),
    labels = waiver(),
    limits = NULL,
    expand = waiver(),
    na.translate = TRUE,
    na.value = NA,
    drop = TRUE,
    guide = "legend",
    position = "left",
    super = ScaleS4Discrete
) {
    aesthetics <- standardise_aes_names(aesthetics)
    .int$check_breaks_labels(breaks, labels)
    position <- match.arg(position, c("left", "right", "top", "bottom"))
    if (is.null(breaks) && all(!.int$is_position_aes(aesthetics))) {
        guide <- "none"
            call = match.call(),
            aesthetics = aesthetics,
            scale_name = scale_name,
            palette = palette,
            range = new_S4_discrete_range(aesthetics[1]),
            limits = limits,
            na.value = na.value,
            na.translate = na.translate,
            expand = expand,
            name = name,
            breaks = breaks,
            labels = labels,
            drop = drop,
            guide = guide,
            position = position)
teunbrand/ggnomics documentation built on Aug. 2, 2020, 7:34 p.m.