calc_catchment_system.catchment_system: Calculation of system of catchments with reservoirs

View source: R/catchment.R

calc_catchment_systemR Documentation

Calculation of system of catchments with reservoirs


Calculates time series of variables for reservoirs organized in a system of catchments.


calc_catchment_system(system, yields, initial_storages, output_vars,

## S3 method for class 'catchment_system'
calc_catchment_system(system, yields = NULL,
  initial_storages = NULL, output_vars = c("storage", "yield"),
  get_routing_output = FALSE)



A catchment_system object.


A vector of required fixed yield values in m3.s-1, its names have to correspond with the names of the reservoirs in the system. If not provided, their values are taken from the yield property of that reservoirs (if available).


A vector of initial reservoir storages in m3 whose names correspond to the reservoirs names. If NULL, all reservoirs are considered to be full initially.


A vector of variables whose time series are returned. Variable names are those returned by calc_series (inflow, storage, yield, precipitation, evaporation, wateruse and deficit).


If TRUE, routing output will be obtained for each outlet as the routing attribute of the returned value.


No transfers between reservoirs are considered (system_plain option of calc_system is used).


A list of data frames with time series for individual catchments, columns of the data frames are combinations of reservoirs and variables. If get_routing_output is given, the returned list has the routing attribute containing output for routing in each catchment outlet (as provided by calc_series.wateres).

See Also

calc_system for inner function calculating the reservoir system, calc_series for returned time series


data_catch = data.frame(DTM = seq(as.Date("1982-11-01"), length.out = 7, by = "day"), PET = rep(0.5, 7), R = rep(24 * 3.6, 7), P = rep(1, 7))
res_data_c1 = data.frame(
    storage = c(1e7, 1e7, 1e7), area = c(1e4, 1e4, 1e4), part = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5), branch_id = c("main", "lateral", "lateral"), id = c("M1", "L1", "L2"))
branches = list(main = list(down_id = NA), lateral = list(down_id = "main", connect_to_part = 0.8))
res_data_c2 = res_data_c1
res_data_c2$storage = res_data_c2$storage * 2

catch1 = as.catchment(id = "C1", down_id = "C2", data = data_catch, area = 100, res_data = res_data_c1, branches = branches, main_branch = "main")
catch2 = as.catchment(id = "C2", down_id = NA, data = data_catch, area = 200, res_data = res_data_c2, branches = branches, main_branch = "main")
catch_system = as.catchment_system(catch1, catch2)

yields = c(C1_M1 = 25, C1_L1 = 25, C1_L2 = 25, C2_M1 = 25, C2_L1 = 25, C2_L2 = 200)
resul = calc_catchment_system(catch_system, yields, output_vars = c("storage", "yield", "precipitation"))

tgmwri/wateres documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 10:25 p.m.