
#' Find which nodes are on land
#' The generic function \code{findLand} uses information from a GIS shapefile
#' to define which nodes are on land, and which are not. Strickly speaking,
#' being 'on land' is in fact being inside a polygon of the shapefile.
#' Nodes can be specified either as a matrix of geographic coordinates, or as a
#' \linkS4class{gGraph} object.
#' @aliases findLand findLand-methods findLand,matrix-method
#' findLand,data.frame-method findLand,gGraph-method
#' @param x a matrix, a data.frame, or a valid \linkS4class{gGraph} object. For
#' matrix and data.frame, input must have two columns giving longitudes and
#' latitudes of locations being considered.
#' @param shape a shapefile of the class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} (see
#' \code{readShapePoly} in maptools package to import such data from a GIS
#' shapefile). Alternatively, a character string indicating one shapefile
#' released with geoGraph; currently, only 'world' is available (see
#' \code{?data(worldshape)}).
#' @param \dots further arguments to be passed to other methods. Currently not
#' used.
#' @param attr.name a character string giving the name of the node attribute in
#' which the output is to be stored.
#' @return The output depends on the nature of the input:\cr - \code{matrix,
#' data.frame}: a factor with two levels being 'land' and 'sea'.\cr
#' - \code{gGraph}: a \linkS4class{gGraph} object with a new node attribute,
#' possibly added to previously existing node attributes (\code{@nodes.attr}
#' slot).\cr

#' @seealso \code{\link{extractFromLayer}}, to retrieve any information from a
#' GIS shapefile.
#' @keywords utilities methods
#' @name findLand
#' @examples
#' ## create a new gGraph with random coordinates
#' myCoords <- data.frame(long = runif(1000, -180, 180), lat = runif(1000, -90, 90))
#' obj <- new("gGraph", coords = myCoords)
#' obj # note: no node attribute
#' plot(obj)
#' ## find which points are on land
#' obj <- findLand(obj)
#' obj # note: new node attribute
#' ## define rules for colors
#' temp <- data.frame(habitat = c("land", "sea"), color = c("green", "blue"))
#' temp
#' obj@meta$color <- temp
#' ## plot object with new colors
#' plot(obj)

## findLand
#' @rdname findLand
#' @export
setGeneric("findLand", function(x, ...) {

## for matrices (of long/lat)
#' @rdname findLand
#' @export
setMethod("findLand", "matrix", function(x, shape = "world", ...) {
  ## This functions automatically assigns to land all points overlapping the country polygons
  #    if(!require(maptools)) stop("maptools package is required.")

  ## Load country shapefile
  if (is.character(shape) && shape[1] == "world") {
    shape <- worldshape

  if (!is.null(shape)) { # with background
    if (!inherits(shape, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
      stop("Layer must be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object \n(see st_read and as_Spatial in sf to import such data from a GIS shapefile).")

  long <- x[, 1]
  lat <- x[, 2]
  n.country <- length(shape@polygons)

  ## create land vector to score land
  land <- rep(0, length(lat))

  for (i in 1:n.country) {
    this.country <- shape@polygons[i][[1]]
    n.polys <- length(this.country@Polygons)

    for (p in 1:n.polys) {
      this.poly <- this.country@Polygons[p][[1]]
      land <- land + point.in.polygon(long, lat, this.poly@coords[, 1], this.poly@coords[, 2])
  land[land > 1] <- 1
  land[land == 0] <- "sea"
  land[land == 1] <- "land"


## for data.frames (of long/lat)
#' @rdname findLand
#' @export
setMethod("findLand", "data.frame", function(x, shape = "world", ...) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  return(findLand(x, shape = shape, ...))
}) # end findLand

## for gGraph
#' @rdname findLand
#' @export
setMethod("findLand", "gGraph", function(x, shape = "world", attr.name = "habitat", ...) {
  coords <- getCoords(x)
  res <- findLand(coords, shape = shape, ...)
  if (nrow(x@nodes.attr) > 1) {
    x@nodes.attr <- cbind.data.frame(x@nodes.attr, res)
    names(x@nodes.attr)[ncol(x@nodes.attr)] <- attr.name
  } else {
    x@nodes.attr <- data.frame(res)
    names(x@nodes.attr) <- attr.name
}) # end findLand
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.