
Defines functions FitDiagnosis

Documented in FitDiagnosis

##' Diagnosis if the spline model
##' This function is only applied to the moving knots model.
##' @export
FitDiagnosis <- function(x, Y, OUT.Params, Data.gen, logpost.fun.name, splineArgs,
                         splineArgs.gen,  Params_Transform, crossvalid.struc, burn.in,
                         criterion = c("LOSS", "KL", "L2"))
    cat("Fit of Goodness Diagnoses >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n\n")
    out <- list()

    ## Assume no cross validation TODO: Maybe will change later

    n <- dim(x)[1] # no. of obs.
    p <- dim(Data.gen$B)[2]

    nIter <- dim(OUT.Params[[1]])[3] # no. of iterations
    num.burn.in <- floor(nIter*burn.in)
    nUsed <- nIter - num.burn.in

    sampleProp <- 1 # TODO: Add this as a parameter if to slow.
    sampleIdx <- sort(seq(nIter, (nIter-nUsed+1), by = -round(1/sampleProp)))

    sampleIdx.len <- length(sampleIdx)

    ## The Storage of Surface mean
    SurfaceMean <- array(NA, c(n, p, sampleIdx.len))

    X.pred <- d.matrix(x = x, knots = Data.gen[["knots"]], splineArgs.gen)
    SurfaceMean.gen0 <- X.pred %*% Data.gen[["B"]]
    SurfaceMean.gen <- SurfaceMean.gen0

    out[["details"]]$SurfaceMean.true <- SurfaceMean.gen
    out[["details"]]$OUT.Params <- OUT.Params

    ## Cal. the surface mean from predicted values
    iCross <- 1
    which.j <- 0
    for(j in sampleIdx) ## Just the likelihood function with posterior samples

        Params.j <- lapply(OUT.Params, function(x) apply(x[, , j, iCross, drop =
                                                           FALSE], c(1, 2), "["))
        caller.SurfaceMean <- call(logpost.fun.name,Y = NA, x = x,
                                   Params = Params.j, callParam = list(id = "surface-mean"),
                                   priorArgs = NA, splineArgs = splineArgs,
                                   Params_Transform = Params_Transform) # X*B
        SurfaceMean.j <- eval(caller.SurfaceMean)

        which.j <- which.j + 1
        SurfaceMean[, ,which.j] <- SurfaceMean.j

        ## Simple progress bar
        ## progressbar(which.j, length(sampleIdx))

    SurfaceMean.mean <- apply(SurfaceMean, c(1, 2), mean)

    out[["details"]]$SurfaceMean.pred <- SurfaceMean.mean

    if("LOSS"  %in% criterion) ## Squared error loss (Gelman 2003,  p.256)
        out["LOSS"] <- mean((SurfaceMean.gen - SurfaceMean.mean)^2)
        ## TODO: Consider individual LOSS for each surface, did try,  no much difference
    if("KL"  %in% criterion) ## Kullback–Leibler divergence
        stop("not implemented yet!")
    if("L2"  %in% criterion) ## Euclidean length (L2 distance)
        stop("not implemented yet!")
thiyangt/fformpp documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 5:44 a.m.