
Defines functions HarvestableAreaDefinition

Documented in HarvestableAreaDefinition

#' HarvestableAreaDefinition

#' @param topography Digital terrain model (Large RasterLayer)
#' @param verticalcreekheight Relative elevation from nearest channel network
#'   (Large RasterLayer)
#' @param advancedloggingparameters Other parameters of the logging simulator
#'   \code{\link{loggingparameters}} (list)

#' @return A list with:
#' - A collection of polygons defined as 1 : harvestable area, 0 :
#'   non-harvestable area (sf polygon)
#' - A raster with slope (in radians) characteristic of the studied plot
#' (Large RasterLayer)
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_cast
#' @importFrom raster mask terrain rasterFromXYZ rasterToPolygons
#'   rasterToPoints

#' @importFrom  dplyr as_tibble left_join rename mutate if_else
#' @importFrom  magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(Plots)
#' data(DTMParacou)
#' data(VerticalCreekHeight)

#' HarvestableArea <- HarvestableAreaDefinition(topography = DTMParacou,
#'                                              verticalcreekheight = VerticalCreekHeight,
#'                                              advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())
#' plot(HarvestableArea[[1]])
HarvestableAreaDefinition <- function(
  advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()

  # Variables
  PlotSlope <- PlotSlopePoint <- CreekVHeightPlotPoint <- PlotTib <- NULL
  SlpCrit <- PlotSlopeCreekVHeight <- RasterHarvestable <- PolygonHarvestable <- NULL
  sf_PolygonHarvestable <- HarvestablePolygons <- CreekVHeight<- slope <-  NULL

  # Slope Calculation
  PlotSlope <- terrain(topography,
                       opt = "slope",
                       units = 'radians',
                       neighbors = 8)
  # RastersToPoints

  PlotSlopePoint <-

  CreekVHeightPlotPoint <-

  # Join tibbles by x and y
  PlotTib <-
    left_join(PlotSlopePoint, CreekVHeightPlotPoint, by = c('x', 'y'))

  SlpCrit <- atan(advancedloggingparameters$MaxAreaSlope/100)

  PlotTib %>% rename("CreekVHeight" = names(PlotTib[4]))  %>%
    mutate(Harvestable = if_else(
      condition = CreekVHeight > 2 &
        slope <= SlpCrit,
      true = 1,
      false = 0
    )) -> PlotSlopeCreekVHeight # Identify harvestable area (1) /  non-harvestable area (0) by slope and Creek Vertical Height

  # transform tibble to raster
  RasterHarvestable <-
    rasterFromXYZ(PlotSlopeCreekVHeight, crs = raster::crs(topography)) # set crs to WGS84 UTM 22N

  # raster to polygon
  PolygonHarvestable <-
    rasterToPolygons(x = RasterHarvestable$Harvestable,
                     n = 16,
                     dissolve = TRUE)

  sf_PolygonHarvestable <- st_as_sf(PolygonHarvestable) # transform PolygonExploit to an sf object

  # Disaggregate PolygonExploit

  HarvestablePolygons <-
    st_cast(x = sf_PolygonHarvestable, to = "POLYGON", warn = FALSE)


thomasgaquiere/Maria documentation built on Dec. 24, 2021, 1:20 a.m.