#'@description This function allows to simulate a timber and wood energy logging
#' on a forest plot. It covers: harvestable area definition, tree selection,
#' main (only for ONF plots) and secondary trails layout, tree felling,
#' landings implementation (only for ONF plots), timber harvested, fuel wood
#' volume and damages quantification.
#'@param inventory Input inventory (see the inputs formats and metadata in the
#' \code{\link{vignette}}) (data.frame)
#'@param topography Digital terrain model (DTM) of the inventoried plot (LiDAR
#' or SRTM) (\code{\link{DTMParacou}}) (RasterLayer)
#'@param relativeelevation (RasterLayer)
#'@param speciescriteria Table of species exploitability criteria : species
#' names, economic interest level, minimum and maximum felling diameter, in the
#' same format of \code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}} (2 levels of commercial
#' species) (data.frame)
#'@param volumeparameters Volume parameters table (in the same format of
#' \code{\link{ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable}}) to compute the harvestable
#' volume of each tree, depend to its geographic zone if several locations
#' (data.frame)
#'@param scenario Logging scenario: "RIL1", "RIL2broken", "RIL2", "RIL3",
#' "RIL3fuel", "RIL3fuelhollow" or "manual"(character) (see the
#' \code{\link{vignette}})
#'@param objective Objective volume (m^3/ha) (numeric)
#'@param fuel Fuel wood exploitation: no exploitation = "0", exploitation of
#' damage and unused part of logged trees for fuel = "1", exploitation of
#' hollow trees, damage and and unused part of the log for fuel = "2"
#'@param diversification Taking of other species in addition to the main
#' commercial species (2 levels of commercial species in the
#' \code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}} table) (logical)
#'@param winching No cable or grapple = "0", only cable = "1", grapple + cable =
#' "2"
#'@param directionalfelling Directional felling =
#' "0": only to direct the foot of the tree towards the trail
#' "1": to direct the foot of the tree towards the trail + to avoid damage to
#' future and reserve trees
#' "2": to avoid damage to future and reserve trees + orientation angle
#' to the trail
#'@param harvestablepolygons Accessible area of the inventoried plot
#' (default: \code{\link{HarvestableAreaDefinition}}) (sf polygons data.frame)
#'@param maintrails Main trails defined at the entire harvestable area (sf polylines)
#'@param specieslax Allow diversification if stand is too poor, = FALSE by
#' default (logical)
#'@param objectivelax Allow exploitation in case of non-achievement of the
#' objective volume (if stand too poor), = FALSE by default (logical)
#'@param crowndiameterparameters Crown diameter allometry parameters table (in
#' the same format of \code{\link{ParamCrownDiameterAllometry}}) to compute the
#' crown diameter of each tree, depend to its DBH (Diameter at Breast Height)
#' and its species, genus or family. (data.frame)
#'@param advancedloggingparameters Other parameters of the logging simulator
#' \code{\link{loggingparameters}} (list)
#'@param iter Number of iterations (numeric). Default = 1.
#'@param cores Number of cores for parallelization (numeric). Default = 1.
#'@return Input inventory (data.frame) with logging informations
#'(see the outputs metadata in the \code{\link{vignette}}).
#'@seealso \code{\link{Paracou6_2016}}, \code{\link{SpeciesCriteria}},
#' \code{\link{ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable}},
#' \code{\link{ParamCrownDiameterAllometry}}, \code{\link{loggingparameters}},
#' \code{\link{addtreedim}}, \code{\link{treeselection}},
#' \code{\link{harvestable}}, \code{\link{selected}},
#' \code{\link{futurereserve}}, \code{\link{treefelling}},
#' \code{\link{createcanopy}}, \code{\link{treefromthesky}},
#' \code{\link{felling1tree}}, \code{\link{rotatepolygon}},
#' \code{\link{getgeometry}}, \code{\link{timberharvestedvolume}},
#' \code{\link{exploitablefuelwoodvolume}}
#'@importFrom dplyr filter mutate select left_join bind_rows
#'@importFrom sf st_as_sf st_point
#'@importFrom raster crs extract
#'@importFrom methods as
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Paracou6_2016) # inventory
#' data(DTMParacou) # topography
#' data(MainTrails) # MainTrails
#' data(HarvestablePolygons) # HarvestablePolygons
#' data(VerticalCreekHeight) # relative elevation
#' data(SpeciesCriteria) # species exploitability criteria
#' data(ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable) # volume parameters
#' data(ParamCrownDiameterAllometry) # parameters values of the crown diameter allometry
#' Rslt <- loggingsimulation(Paracou6_2016, topography = DTMParacou,
#' relativeelevation = VerticalCreekHeight, speciescriteria = SpeciesCriteria,
#' harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons, maintrails = MainTrails,
#' volumeparameters = ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable, scenario = "manual",
#' objective = 20, fuel = "2", diversification = TRUE, winching = "2",
#' directionalfelling = "2", specieslax = FALSE, objectivelax = TRUE,
#' crowndiameterparameters = ParamCrownDiameterAllometry,
#' advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(), iter = 1, cores = 1)
#' }
loggingsimulation <- function(
topography, # = NULL perspective
relativeelevation, # = NULL perspective
objective = NULL,
fuel = NULL,
diversification = NULL,
winching = NULL,
directionalfelling = NULL,
specieslax = FALSE,
objectivelax = FALSE,
crowndiameterparameters = ParamCrownDiameterAllometry,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
iter = 1,
cores = 1
# Arguments check
# inventory, speciescriteria, volumeparameters, crowndiameterparameters
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(inventory, speciescriteria, volumeparameters, crowndiameterparameters), inherits, "data.frame"))))
stop("The 'inventory', 'speciescriteria', 'volumeparameters' and 'crowndiameterparameters' arguments
of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be data.frames")
# topography, relativeelevation
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(topography, relativeelevation), inherits, "RasterLayer"))))
stop("The 'topography' and 'relativeelevation' arguments of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be RasterLayers")
# scenario
if (!any(scenario == "RIL1" || scenario == "RIL2broken"|| scenario == "RIL2"|| scenario == "RIL3"||
scenario == "RIL3fuel"|| scenario == "RIL3fuelhollow"|| scenario =="manual"))
stop("The 'scenario' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be
'RIL1', 'RIL2broken', 'RIL2', 'RIL3', 'RIL3fuel', 'RIL3fuelhollow' or 'manual'")
# objective
if(!any(inherits(objective, "numeric") || is.null(objective)))
stop("The 'objective' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be numeric or NULL")
# fuel
if (!any(fuel == "0" || fuel == "1"|| fuel == "2"|| is.null(fuel)))
stop("The 'fuel' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be '0', '1', '2' or NULL")
# diversification
if(!any(inherits(diversification, "logical") || is.null(diversification)))
stop("The 'diversification' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be logical or NULL")
# winching
if (!any(winching == "0" || winching == "1"|| winching == "2"|| is.null(winching)))
stop("The 'winching' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be '0', '1', '2' or NULL")
# directionalfelling
if (!any(directionalfelling == "0" || directionalfelling == "1" || directionalfelling == "2" || is.null(directionalfelling)))
stop("The 'directionalfelling' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be '0', '1', '2' or NULL")
# manual mode
if(scenario == "manual" &&
(is.null(objective) || is.null(fuel) || is.null(diversification) || is.null(winching) || is.null(directionalfelling)))
stop("If you choose the 'manual' mode,
you must fill in the arguments 'objective', 'fuel', 'diversification', 'winching' and 'directionalfelling'")
# specieslax, objectivelax
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(specieslax, objectivelax), inherits, "logical"))))
stop("The 'specieslax' and 'objectivelax' arguments of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be logicals") # any() don't take a list
# advancedloggingparameters
if(!inherits(advancedloggingparameters, "list"))
stop("The 'advancedloggingparameters' argument of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be a list")
# iter,cores
if(!all(unlist(lapply(list(iter, cores), inherits, "numeric"))))
stop("The 'iter' and 'cores' arguments of the 'loggingsimulation' function must be numeric")
# Global variables
ParamCrownDiameterAllometry <- NULL
# Redefinition of the parameters according to the chosen scenario
scenariosparameters <- scenariosparameters(scenario = scenario, objective = objective, fuel = fuel,
diversification = diversification, winching = winching,
directionalfelling = directionalfelling)
objective <- scenariosparameters$objective
fuel <- scenariosparameters$fuel
diversification <- scenariosparameters$diversification
winching <- scenariosparameters$winching
directionalfelling <- scenariosparameters$directionalfelling
INPUTinventory <- deparse(substitute(inventory)) # object name to this name in character
# Function
# Check & format the inventory + add the tree dimensions:
inventory <- addtreedim(inventorycheckformat(inventory),
volumeparameters = volumeparameters,
crowndiameterparameters = crowndiameterparameters,
advancedloggingparameters = advancedloggingparameters)
# # Harvestable area definition: A FAIRE
# # Main trails layout: (only for ONF plots)
# Tree selection (harvestable, future and reserve trees + defects trees):
plotslope <- PlotSlope # A SUPPRIMER
treeselectionoutputs <- treeselection(inventory, topography = topography, plotslope = plotslope,
scenario = scenario, objective = objective, fuel = fuel,
diversification = diversification, specieslax = specieslax,
harvestablepolygons = harvestablepolygons, maintrails = maintrails,
objectivelax = objectivelax, speciescriteria = speciescriteria,
advancedloggingparameters = advancedloggingparameters)
inventory <- treeselectionoutputs$inventory
VO <- treeselectionoutputs$VO
HVinit <- treeselectionoutputs$HVinit
HarvestableTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$HarvestableTreesPoints
SelectedTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$SelectedTreesPoints
FutureTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$FutureTreesPoints
ReserveTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$ReserveTreesPoints
HollowTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$HollowTreesPoints
EnergywoodTreesPoints <- treeselectionoutputs$EnergywoodTreesPoints
# # Secondary trails layout (preliminaries for fuel wood harvesting): A FAIRE
MainTrail <- sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(286400, 583130, # A SUPPRIMER
286400, 583250,
286655, 583250,
286655, 583130,
286400, 583130) # the return
,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
pol1 <- list(matrix(c(286503, 583134,
286503, 583240,
286507, 583240,
286507, 583134,
286503, 583134) # the return
,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
pol2 <- list(matrix(c(286650, 583134,
286650, 583240,
286654, 583240,
286654, 583134,
286650, 583134) # the return
,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
PolList = list(pol1,pol2) #list of lists of numeric matrices
ScndTrail <- sf::st_multipolygon(PolList) # A SUPPRIMER
# Tree felling:
inventory <- treefelling(inventory, scenario = scenario, fuel = fuel,
directionalfelling = directionalfelling,
MainTrail = MainTrail, ScndTrail = ScndTrail,
advancedloggingparameters = advancedloggingparameters)
# Adjusted secondary trails layout (for fuel wood harvesting only) A FAIRE
# Landings implementation: (only for ONF plots)
# Timber harvested volume quantification
Timberoutputs <- timberharvestedvolume(inventory,
scenario = scenario, fuel = fuel,
advancedloggingparameters = advancedloggingparameters)
TimberLoggedVolume <- Timberoutputs$TimberLoggedVolume
NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume <- Timberoutputs$NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume
# Exploitable fuel wood volume quantification
Fueloutputs <- exploitablefuelwoodvolume(inventory,
scenario = scenario, fuel = fuel,
TimberLoggedVolume = TimberLoggedVolume,
NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume = NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume,
advancedloggingparameters = advancedloggingparameters)
DamageVolume <- Fueloutputs$DamageVolume # only damage (without purge and hollow trees)
FuelVolume <- Fueloutputs$FuelVolume
Outputs <- list(inventory = inventory,
# Numeric values
# HarvestableArea = HarvestableArea,
VO = VO,
HVinit = HVinit,
TimberLoggedVolume = TimberLoggedVolume,
NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume = NoHollowTimberLoggedVolume,
FuelVolume = FuelVolume,
DamageVolume = DamageVolume, # only damage (without purge and hollow trees)
# LostBiomass = LostBiomass,
# TrailsDensity = TrailsDensity,
HarvestableTreesPoints = HarvestableTreesPoints,
SelectedTreesPoints = SelectedTreesPoints,
FutureTreesPoints = FutureTreesPoints,
ReserveTreesPoints = ReserveTreesPoints,
HollowTreesPoints = HollowTreesPoints,
EnergywoodTreesPoints = EnergywoodTreesPoints,
# INPUTS reminder
INPUTinventory = INPUTinventory,
scenario = scenario,
objective = objective,
fuel = fuel,
diversification = diversification,
winching = winching,
directionalfelling = directionalfelling,
specieslax = specieslax,
objectivelax = objectivelax
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