# Maria package global options
.PkgEnv <- new.env()
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname){
packageStartupMessage('Welcome to the ForestLogging package.')
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
op <- options() #Get the current options from the envmt and store them in op
op.Maria <- list( # creation of objects (future options)
# Package options
Maria.path = "~/R-dev",
Maria.install.args = "",
Maria.name = "Vincyane Badouard, Guillaume Salzet, Thomas Gaquiere, Geraldine Derroire and Sylvain Schmitt",
Maria.desc.author = c('person("Vincyane","Badouard",
role = c("aut", "cre"),
role = "aut",
role = "aut",
"gaquiere.thomas@yahoo.com "),
role = "ctb",
role = "aut",
"sylvain.m.schmitt@gmail.com "'),
Maria.desc.license = "GPL-3"
# # Simulator options
# MinDBHValue = 10, #in cm
# MaxAreaSlope = 27, #in %
# MaxTrailCenterlineSlope = 22, #in %
# MaxTrailCrossSlope = 4, #in %
# GrappleMaxslope = 20, #in %
# TreeMaxSlope = 22, #in %
# PlateauMaxSlope = 5, #in %
# SlopeDistance = 6, #in m (3m for each side)
# WaterSourcesBufferZone = 30, #in m
# MinMainTrailWidth = 5, #in m
# MaxMainTrailWidth = 6, #in m
# ScndTrailWidth = 4, #in m
# BigTrees = 50, #in cm
# ObjectiveBonus = 30, #in % [20;30%]
# CableLength = 40, #in m
# GrappleLength = 6, #in m
# IsolateTreeMinDistance = 100, #in m
# FutureTreesMinDiameter = 35, #in cm
# TreefallSuccessProportion = 0.6,
# MinTreefallOrientation = 30, #in degree
# MaxTreefallOrientation = 45, #in degree
# TreeHollowPartForFuel = 1/3, #(Hollow) Part taken from hollow trees for fuel exploitation
# Purge = 0.14, # in m^3 of fuel wood/m^3 of logged trees
# MaxTrailDensity = 200, #in m/ha
# MaxLandingArea = 1500, #in square meters
# ## Models
# TreeHarvestableVolume = function(aCoef, bCoef, DBH) aCoef + bCoef * (DBH/100)^2, # a and b depend on the forest location)(DBH in cm, in m in the formula)
# TrunkHeightAllometry = function( # compute the trunk height
# DBH, TreeHarvestableVolume) TreeHarvestableVolume/(pi*(((DBH/100)/2)^2)), # cylinderVolume = pi(DBH/2)^2 x H. DBH in cm, in m in the formula.
# HDmodel = BIOMASS::modelHD(
# D = SineTelemeter$DBH,
# H = SineTelemeter$Hauteur,
# method = "log2", # Compute the H-D model with the lowest RSE.
# useWeight = TRUE
# ),
# CrownDiameterAllometry = function(
# DBH, TreeHeight, alpha, beta, sigma) exp(((log(DBH)-alpha-rnorm(length(DBH), 0, sigma))/beta))/TreeHeight
# compute the crown diameter (CD) (ln(D) = alpha + beta ln(H*CD) + error, with error~N(0,sigma^2) and meansigma^2 = 0.0295966977. (Melaine's allometries))
# RottenModel = function() # Hollow trees identification
toset <- !(names(op.Maria) %in% names(op)) #if these objects do not exist in the envmt, put them there -> no conflict,
if(any(toset)) options(op.Maria[toset]) #but the existing envmt takes precedence -> my homonyms objects are not taken.
invisible() # send no msg to the user.
# pour les options qui sont des formules il est necessaire de les inscrire dans des fcts (truc qui rentre et qui sort):
# TrunkHeightAllometry = function(
# DBH, TreeHarvestableVolume) TreeHarvestableVolume/(pi*(((DBH/100)/2)^2)) # compute the trunk height (cylinderVolume= pi(DBH/2)^2 x H) DBH in cm, in m in the formula.
# CrownDiameterAllometry = function(
# DBH, TreeHeight, alpha, beta, sigma) exp(((log(DBH)-alpha-rnorm(length(DBH), 0, sigma))/beta))/TreeHeight
#compute the crown diameter (CD) (ln(D) = alpha + beta ln(H*CD) + error, with error~N(0,sigma^2) and meansigma^2 = 0.0295966977. (Melaine's allometries))
# RottenModel = function() # Hollow trees identification
## CrownDiameterAllometry(c(10, 15), c(20, 25), 2, 4, 0.0295966977)# application
# myFun <- function(
# arg1,
# arg2,
# allometry = function(DBH, TreeHeight, alpha, beta, sigma) {exp(((log(DBH)-alpha-rnorm(length(DBH), 0, sigma))/beta))/TreeHeight}
# ){
# NA
# }
# myAllo <- y = ax+b
# myFun(arg1, arg2, myAllo)
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