#' Pre-supplied formatting generators
#' This set of functions can be used to construct formatting functions adhering
#' to the Response$format() requirements.
#' @return A function accepting an R object
#' @rdname formatters
#' @name formatters
#' @seealso [parsers] for converting `Request` bodies into R objects
#' @seealso [default_formatters] for a list that maps the most common mime types
#' to their respective formatters
#' @examples
#' fake_rook <- fiery::fake_request(
#' 'http://example.com/test',
#' content = '',
#' headers = list(
#' Content_Type = 'text/plain',
#' Accept = 'application/json, text/csv'
#' )
#' )
#' req <- Request$new(fake_rook)
#' res <- req$respond()
#' res$body <- mtcars
#' res$format(json = format_json(), csv = format_table(sep=','))
#' res$body
#' # Cleaning up connections
#' rm(fake_rook, req, res)
#' gc()
#' @rdname formatters
#' @inheritParams jsonlite::toJSON
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @export
format_json <- function(dataframe = 'rows', matrix = 'rowmajor', Date = 'ISO8601',
POSIXt = 'string', factor = 'string', complex = 'string',
raw = 'base64', null = 'list', na = 'null',
auto_unbox = FALSE, digits = 4, pretty = FALSE, force = FALSE) {
function(x) {
toJSON(x,dataframe = dataframe, matrix = matrix, Date = Date,
POSIXt = POSIXt, factor = factor, complex = complex,
raw = raw, null = null, na = na, auto_unbox = auto_unbox,
digits = digits, pretty = pretty, force = force)
#' @rdname formatters
#' @param sep The line separator. Plain text will be split into multiple strings
#' based on this.
#' @export
format_plain <- function(sep = '\n') {
function(x) {
paste(as.character(unlist(x)), collapse = sep)
#' @rdname formatters
#' @inheritParams xml2::write_xml
#' @importFrom xml2 as_xml_document
#' @export
format_xml <- function(encoding = 'UTF-8', options = 'as_xml') {
options <- union('as_xml', options)
function(x) {
as.character(as_xml_document(list(listify(x))), encoding = encoding, options = options)
#' @rdname formatters
#' @importFrom xml2 as_xml_document
#' @export
format_html <- function(encoding = 'UTF-8', options = 'as_html') {
options <- union('as_html', options)
function(x) {
as.character(as_xml_document(list(listify(x))), encoding = encoding, options = options)
#' @rdname formatters
#' @param ... parameters passed on to [write.table()]
#' @importFrom utils write.table capture.output
#' @export
format_table <- function(...) {
function(x) {
paste(capture.output(write.table(x, file = '', ...)), collapse = '\n')
#' A list of default formatter mappings
#' This list matches the most normal mime types with their respective formatters
#' using default arguments. For a no-frills request parsing this can be supplied
#' directly to `Response$format()`. To add or modify to this list simply supply
#' the additional parsers as second, third, etc, argument and they will
#' overwrite or add depending on whether it specifies a mime type already
#' present.
#' @format NULL
#' @export
#' @seealso [formatters] for an overview of the build in formatters in `reqres`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res$format(default_formatters, 'text/plain' = format_plain(sep = ' '))
#' }
default_formatters <- list(
`application/json` = format_json(),
`text/plain` = format_plain(),
`application/xml` = format_xml(),
`text/xml` = format_xml(),
`application/html` = format_html(),
`text/html` = format_html(),
`text/csv` = format_table(sep = ','),
`text/tab-separated-values` = format_table(sep = '\t')
# Format R objects to xml2 compliant lists
listify <- function(x) {
if (is.scalar(x)) return(structure(list(as.character(x))))
if (!is.list(x)) x <- as.list(x)
if (!has_attr(x, 'names')) names(x) <- vapply(x, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1))
lapply(x, listify)
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