driftmap: Interactive driftplot and map

View source: R/driftmap.R

driftmapR Documentation

Interactive driftplot and map


The function driftmap() creates two devices : a device with the map of coord coordinates(sf.obj) which permits to make selection of sites and a device divided into 2 rows and 2 columns which contains : (cell 1) the selected sites divided into m rows and q columns (m and q are selected with the tk window), (cell 2) a scatter plot with coordinates(sf.obj)[,2] in x-axis and the mean and median of name.var calculated for the m rows in y-axis, (cell 3) a scatter plot with the mean and median of name.var calculated for the q columns in x-axis and coordinates(sp.obj)[,1] in y-axis and (cell 4) a legend indicating the direction of the North, the variable used, etc.


driftmap(sf.obj, name.var, interpol = TRUE, nuage = TRUE, lty = 1:2, 
  cex = 0.7, carte = NULL, identify = "", 
  cex.lab = 0.8, pch = rep(16,3), col = c("lightblue3", "black", "red"), 
  xlab = "", axes = FALSE)



object of class sf


a character; attribute name or column number in attribute table


if TRUE, the mean and median calculated are linearly interpoled


if TRUE, the values taken by var are also represented on right plot and on the left plot


the line type for mean and median in the case of interpol=TRUE


the amount by which plotting symbols on the cell 1 and in the case of nuage=TRUE cell 2 and cell 3


matrix with 2 columns for drawing spatial polygonal contours : x and y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon


if not NULL, the name of the variable for identifying observations on the map


character size of label


c(16,16,16) by default, list of symbols for (1) the values of var on the left and on the right plot (2) the mean points, (3) the median points


c("lightblue3", "black", "red") by default, list of colors for (1) the values of var on the left and on the right plot (2) the mean points, (3) the median points


name of var printed with the legend plot


a boolean with TRUE for drawing axes on the map


Possibility to change the number of cells in the grid with the tk window, to interpolate the means and medians calculated (by default), to work on a rotated map. At the begining, all sites have been selected to the map : users have to deselect sites that they have choosen.


In the case where user click on save results button, a vector of integer is created as a global variable in last.select object. It corresponds to the number of spatial units selected just before leaving the Tk window.


Thomas-Agnan C., Aragon Y., Ruiz-Gazen A., Laurent T., Robidou L.


Thibault Laurent, Anne Ruiz-Gazen, Christine Thomas-Agnan (2012), GeoXp: An R Package for Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 47(2), 1-23.

See Also



# data on price indices of real estate in France
data(immob, package = "GeoXp")

# immob is a data.frame object. We have to create
# a Spatial object, by using first the longitude and latitude
immob.sf <- st_as_sf(immob, coords = c("longitude", "latitude"))
# optional : we add some contours that don't correspond to the spatial unit
# but are nice for mapping
midiP <- st_read(system.file("shapes/region.shp", package="GeoXp")[1])

# a simple use of driftmap
driftmap(immob.sf, "prix.vente", carte = midiP)

# ... with options
driftmap(immob.sf, "prix.vente", carte = midiP, 
  interpol = FALSE, nuage = TRUE, lty = 3:4, identify = "Nom",
  cex.lab = 0.3, xlab = "Price of sell", axes = TRUE)

## Not run:  
# data eire
eire <- st_read(system.file("shapes/eire.shp", package="spData")[1])

# a basic usage ...
driftmap(eire, "pale", identify = "names", nuage = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

tibo31/GeoXp documentation built on April 8, 2023, 7:50 a.m.