histobarmap: Histogram, barplot and map

View source: R/histobarmap.R

histobarmapR Documentation

Histogram, barplot and map


The function histobarmap() draws a bar plot (vertical bar) of the given variable names.var[1], a histogram of the given variable names.var[2] and a map with sites of coordinates st_coordinates(sf.obj).


histobarmap(sf.obj, names.var, nbcol = 10, type = "count",
 names.arg = "", criteria = NULL, carte = NULL, 
 identify = NULL, cex.lab = 0.8, pch = 16, col = "lightblue3", 
 xlab = c("barplot", "histogram"), ylab = rep("count", 2),
 axes = FALSE, lablong = "", lablat = "")



object of class sf


a vector of 2 characters; first character corresponds to the name of a factor and second character corresponds to a numeric value


number of cells for histogram (10 by default)


Character string indicating type of histogram/barplot to be drawn. "percent" and "count" give relative frequency and frequency histogram/barplot.


a vector of level names (for factor)


a vector of boolean of size the number os spatial units, which permit to represent preselected sites with a cross, using the tcltk window


matrix with 2 columns for drawing spatial polygonal contours : x and y coordinates of the vertices of the polygon


if not NULL, the name of the variable for identifying observations on the map


character size of label


a vector of symbol which must be equal to the number of group else all sites are printed in pch[1]


a vector of colors which must be equal to the number of group else all sites and all box are printed in col[1]


a vector of names for x-title of the barplot and histogram


a vector of names for y-title of the barplot and histogram


a boolean with TRUE for drawing axes on the map


name of the x-axis that will be printed on the map


name of the y-axis that will be printed on the map


Each site is associated to a factor of names.var[1] and to a value of names.var[2]. There is interactivity between the three windows created: the sites selected by a bar on the bar plot or on the histogram are represented on the map in red and the value and factor of sites selected on the map are represented in red on the bar plot and on the histogram.


In the case where user click on save results button, a vector of integer is created as a global variable in last.select object. It corresponds to the number of spatial units selected just before leaving the Tk window.


Thomas-Agnan C., Aragon Y., Ruiz-Gazen A., Laurent T., Robidou L.


Thibault Laurent, Anne Ruiz-Gazen, Christine Thomas-Agnan (2012), GeoXp: An R Package for Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 47(2), 1-23.

Roger S.Bivand, Edzer J.Pebesma, Virgilio Gomez-Rubio (2009), Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, Springer.

See Also

dblehistomap, histobarmap, scattermap, dbledensitymap


# Data Colombus
columbus <- st_read(system.file("shapes/columbus.shp", package="spData")[1])

# an example of use
histobarmap(columbus, c("CP", "HOVAL"), nbcol = 8, type = "percent", 
  names.arg = c("A", "B"), xlab = c("CP", "Hoval"), ylab = rep("percent", 2))

## Not run:  
# data eire
eire <- st_read(system.file("shapes/eire.shp", package="spData")[1])

# example of use
histobarmap(eire, c("pale", "A"),names.arg = c("Ouside Pale", "Pale"),
  xlab = c("Appartenance to the region of Pale", "Average number of people with blood A"),
  col = colors()[101:102], identify = "names")

## End(Not run)

tibo31/GeoXp documentation built on April 8, 2023, 7:50 a.m.