
context("coverage tests for the package")
## For excluding lines/scripts from the coverage tests, see:
# ?covr::exclusions

test_that("unless stated otherwise, all scripts must surpass the code coverage threshold", {
    ## Setup ##
    ## Run code coverage
    covr_obj <- covr::package_coverage(path = .get_projet_dir(),
                                       type = c("tests", "examples"),
                                       quiet = TRUE)
    covr_list <- covr::coverage_to_list(covr_obj)

    ## Tests ##
    ## Check scripts code coverage
    for(e in seq_along(covr_list$filecoverage)){
        script_name <- names(covr_list[["filecoverage"]])[e]
        script_coverage <- unname(covr_list[["filecoverage"]][e])
        expect_gte(script_coverage, 75, label = paste0("\n", script_name))

tidylab/tidylab.dqa documentation built on June 21, 2019, 7 p.m.