#' Printing workhorse function
#' `print_step()` is used for printing steps.
#' @param tr_obj A character vector of names that have been
#' resolved during preparing the recipe (e.g. the `columns` object
#' of [step_log()]).
#' @param untr_obj An object of selectors prior to prepping the
#' recipe (e.g. `terms` in most steps).
#' @param trained A logical for whether the step has been trained.
#' @param title A character, shortly describing the action the step takes.
#' @param width An integer denoting where the output should be wrapped.
#' @return `print_step()`: `NULL`, invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [developer_functions]
#' @rdname recipes-internal
#' @export
print_step <- function(tr_obj = NULL,
untr_obj = NULL,
trained = FALSE,
title = NULL,
width = max(20, options()$width - 30),
case_weights = NULL) {
title <- trimws(title)
trained_text <- dplyr::if_else(trained, "Trained", "")
case_weights_text <- dplyr::case_when(
is.null(case_weights) ~ "",
isTRUE(case_weights) ~ "weighted",
isFALSE(case_weights) ~ "ignored weights"
vline_seperator <- dplyr::if_else(trained_text == "", "", "|")
comma_seperator <- dplyr::if_else(
trained_text != "" && case_weights_text != "",
true = ",", false = ""
width_title <- nchar(
"* ", title, ":", " ", vline_seperator, " ", trained_text, " ",
comma_seperator, " ", case_weights_text
width_diff <- cli::console_width() * 1 - width_title
if (trained) {
elements <- tr_obj
} else {
elements <- lapply(untr_obj, function(x) {
expr_deparse(quo_get_expr(x), width = Inf)
elements <- vctrs::list_unchop(elements, ptype = character())
if (length(elements) == 0L) {
elements <- "<none>"
element_print_lengths <- cumsum(nchar(elements)) + # length of elements
c(0L, cumsum(rep(2L, length(elements) - 1))) + # length of comma seperator
c(rep(5L, length(elements) - 1), 0L) + # length of `, ...`
3 # to account for possible " and " instead of ", "
first_line <- which(width_diff >= element_print_lengths)
first_line <- unname(first_line)
first_line <- ifelse(
test = identical(first_line, integer(0)),
yes = length(element_print_lengths),
no = max(first_line)
more_dots <- ifelse(first_line == length(elements), "", ", ...")
c("*" = "
{title}: \\
{.pkg {elements[seq_len(first_line)]}}\\
{more_dots} \\
{vline_seperator} \\
{.emph {trained_text}}\\
{comma_seperator} \\
{.emph {case_weights_text}}
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