
max_width <- options()$width - 9

test_that("format_ch_vec handles short vectors", {
  expect_equal(format_ch_vec(as.character(1:3)), "1, 2, 3")

test_that("format_ch_vec handles long vectors with short items", {
  # should fit the screen
  expect_true(length(format_ch_vec(as.character(1:1000))) <= max_width)
  #  should list as many items as possible, not just return "n items"
  expect_true(format_ch_vec(as.character(1:1000)) != "1000 items")

test_that("format_ch_vec handles a vector with long items", {
  # create string with >100 characters
  long_vec <- ""
  for (i in 1:50) {
    long_vec <- paste(long_vec, as.character(i))

    format_ch_vec(c("1", long_vec), width = 20),
    "1,  1 2 3 4 5 6 7..."

test_that("format_selectors handles small numbers of selectors", {
  test_exprs_small <- lapply(1:6, quo)
  expect_equal(format_selectors(test_exprs_small), "1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L")

test_that("format_ch_vec handles lots of small selectors", {
  test_exprs_small_many <- lapply(1:100, quo)
  # should fit the screen
  expect_true(length(format_selectors(test_exprs_small_many)) <= max_width)
  #  should list as many items as possible, not just return "n items"
  expect_true(format_selectors(test_exprs_small_many) != "1000 items")

test_that("format_ch_vec handles a long expression", {
  # create string with >100 characters
  long_vec <- ""
  for (i in 1:50) {
    long_vec <- paste(long_vec, as.character(i))

    format_ch_vec(c(expr(1), expr(!!long_vec)), width = 20),
    "1,  1 2 3 4 5 6 7..."

test_that("format_selectors handles a long expression (#1083)", {
  local_width <- function(width, env = parent.frame()) {
    op <- options(width = width)
    withr::defer(options(op), env)

  rec <- recipe(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars) %>%
    step_mutate(vs = function_call(
        .x = vs,
        very_very_very_long_text = "long1",
        also_very_very_long_text = "long2"


tidymodels/recipes documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 7:30 a.m.