#' Create a Validation Set
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge('deprecated')`
#' This function is deprecated because it's part of an approach to constructing
#' a training, validation, and testing set by doing a sequence of two binary
#' splits: testing / not-testing (with [initial_split()] or one of its variants)
#' and then not-testing split into training/validation with `validation_split()`.
#' Instead, now use [initial_validation_split()] or one if its variants to
#' construct the three sets via one 3-way split.
#' `validation_split()` takes a single random sample (without replacement) of
#' the original data set to be used for analysis. All other data points are
#' added to the assessment set (to be used as the validation set).
#' `validation_time_split()` does the same, but takes the _first_ `prop` samples
#' for training, instead of a random selection.
#' `group_validation_split()` creates splits of the data based
#' on some grouping variable, so that all data in a "group" is assigned to
#' the same split.
#' Note that the input `data` to `validation_split()`, `validation_time_split()`,
#' and `group_validation_split()` should _not_ contain the testing data. To
#' create a three-way split directly of the entire data set, use
#' [initial_validation_split()].
#' @template strata_details
#' @inheritParams vfold_cv
#' @inheritParams make_strata
#' @param prop The proportion of data to be retained for modeling/analysis.
#' @export
#' @return An tibble with classes `validation_split`, `rset`, `tbl_df`, `tbl`,
#' and `data.frame`. The results include a column for the data split objects
#' and a column called `id` that has a character string with the resample
#' identifier.
#' @seealso [initial_validation_split()], [group_initial_validation_split()],
#' [validation_set()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @examplesIf rlang::is_installed("modeldata")
#' cars_split <- initial_split(mtcars)
#' cars_not_testing <- training(cars_split)
#' validation_split(cars_not_testing, prop = .9)
#' group_validation_split(cars_not_testing, cyl)
#' data(drinks, package = "modeldata")
#' validation_time_split(drinks[1:200,])
#' # Alternative
#' cars_split_3 <- initial_validation_split(mtcars)
#' validation_set(cars_split_3)
validation_split <- function(data, prop = 3 / 4,
strata = NULL, breaks = 4, pool = 0.1, ...) {
if (!missing(strata)) {
strata <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(data), !!enquo(strata))
if (length(strata) == 0) {
strata <- NULL
check_strata(strata, data)
split_objs <-
data = data,
prop = prop,
times = 1,
strata = strata,
breaks = breaks,
pool = pool
## We remove the holdout indices since it will save space and we can
## derive them later when they are needed.
split_objs$splits <- map(split_objs$splits, rm_out)
class(split_objs$splits[[1]]) <- c("val_split", "rsplit")
if (!is.null(strata)) names(strata) <- NULL
val_att <- list(
prop = prop,
strata = strata,
breaks = breaks,
pool = pool
splits = split_objs$splits,
ids = "validation",
attrib = val_att,
subclass = c("validation_split", "rset")
#' @rdname validation_split
#' @inheritParams vfold_cv
#' @inheritParams initial_time_split
#' @export
validation_time_split <- function(data, prop = 3 / 4, lag = 0, ...) {
if (!is.numeric(prop) | prop >= 1 | prop <= 0) {
rlang::abort("`prop` must be a number on (0, 1).")
if (!is.numeric(lag) | !(lag %% 1 == 0)) {
rlang::abort("`lag` must be a whole number.")
n_train <- floor(nrow(data) * prop)
if (lag > n_train) {
rlang::abort("`lag` must be less than or equal to the number of training observations.")
split <- rsplit(data, 1:n_train, (n_train + 1 - lag):nrow(data))
class(split) <- c("val_time_split", "val_split", "rsplit")
splits <- list(split)
val_att <- list(prop = prop, strata = FALSE)
splits = splits,
ids = "validation",
attrib = val_att,
subclass = c("validation_time_split", "validation_split", "rset")
#' @rdname validation_split
#' @inheritParams group_initial_split
#' @export
group_validation_split <- function(data, group, prop = 3 / 4, ..., strata = NULL, pool = 0.1) {
group <- validate_group({{ group }}, data)
if (!missing(strata)) {
strata <- check_grouped_strata({{ group }}, {{ strata }}, pool, data)
split_objs <-
data = data,
group = {{ group }},
prop = prop,
times = 1,
strata = {{ strata }},
pool = pool
## We remove the holdout indices since it will save space and we can
## derive them later when they are needed.
split_objs$splits <- map(split_objs$splits, rm_out)
class(split_objs$splits[[1]]) <- c("group_val_split", "val_split", "rsplit")
# This is needed for printing -- strata cannot be missing
if (is.null(strata)) strata <- FALSE
val_att <- list(
prop = prop,
group = group,
strata = strata,
pool = pool
splits = split_objs$splits,
ids = "validation",
attrib = val_att,
subclass = c("group_validation_split", "validation_split", "group_rset", "rset")
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